❀❀❀Lily❀❀❀ the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


❀❀❀Lily❀❀❀, 23 y.o.


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Live Live Sex Chat rooms ❀❀❀Lily❀❀❀

❀❀❀Lily❀❀❀ live sex chat

Date: September 19, 2022

12 thoughts on “❀❀❀Lily❀❀❀ the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. it's very hard for me to picture him as ill intended, he's very young and certainly made it clear that he does not want me to do stuff like this for him, i chose to

  2. Therapy isn't going to change him. Narcs very rarely improve with therapy. He's not special. He's going to manipulate the situation like he's manipulated you. He's a cheater, liar, and bad in bed. You need the therapy to see why you didn't immediately run.

  3. Oil and water. She’s not going to change for you and wants you to be the one that gives in and you asked in all the pain. Sorry but that just sucks ass and is no way to online. Get out before she messes with your head anymore.

  4. In a normal regular household, no father will give hickeys to his children, not even for jokes.

    How long did you let him suck on you to give that hickey mark that lasts for days?.

  5. Does he spend a lot of time in the bathroom? Because I would say he’s a drug addict. It’s not coming from his nose, the droplets are from IV drug use. You need to look for track marks and bruises in unusual places. Search your room and house when he is out for drugs and needles (wear thick gloves).

    Source: I’ve been around drug addicts my whole life

  6. You probably are paying more than him because you cover groceries, internet and cleaning supplies. Tell him you want to spilt all bills 50/50. I’m sure you will save money. He should also be helping with cooking and cleaning. You’re not a maid.

  7. . I’ve told him if the DNA test comes back and it is his that we need to end things

    Tbh, even if the kid isn't his…..this man has shown a VERY ugly side I wouldn't ignore.

  8. sigh

    Breaking News:

    Relationship between middle aged man and young woman leads to one sided power dynamic and sexual abuse.


  9. Sounds like someone is trying to screw with you or him. If they could offer any little bit of evidence, that would be one thing. But they can’t/won’t. They’re just stirring up drama.

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