Ross-squirts live sex chats for YOU!


ross-squirts Public Chat Channel

Date: October 27, 2022

2 thoughts on “Ross-squirts live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Yes. Unfortunately I was married. The first time I left I actually said the following with a straight face.. I love you. I just really donโ€™t like living together. Iโ€™m sorry. But. We did get back together but fortunately we had a house. I made one room into a library/yoga studio/ me space. My space. Living apart for 6 months allowed me to address some things I needed to by myself while still very much being committed. When I moved back in, it was so much better. We did end up divorced but for completely different issues. You two have grown up together. Itโ€™s not a terrible idea to have some time apart but I would want the desired outcome to be very clear. Are we doing this together with the intent of coming back to a place where we can share a space? Are we still committed? Is anyone wanting to date? A lot to discuss. I hope it works out.

  2. First choice, second choice – you would never have known that you were on her list if the first choice happened.

    Order by preference matters not one bit. It feels like it does, but I'm pretty sure that Wendy's is not grinding an axe because you wanted In n Out first but the line was too long.

    The actual reality of what happened is: she asked first guy, it didn't work out, that thread ties itself off. She asks you, you say yes, and then you two discover you like each other enough to bind yourselves legally and matrimonially for a period of seven years which, I imagine was not all sunshine and rainbows but certainly nice enough to have gotten this far.

    She ask someone before she asked you, but you're the one she decided to marry and a build a life with

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