Ibanna-Anders live webcams for YOU!


Hello love I am a new girl I hope you love everything I can do??? [1495 tokens remaining]

Date: October 30, 2022

2 thoughts on “Ibanna-Anders live webcams for YOU!

  1. You can be whatever type of Grandparent you want. Your daughter can not dictate how much help you give. That she wants to go away on weekend or week long trips without her child and expect you to sacrifice your free time for her to so is insane. Providing childcare is her responsibility, and she shouldn't expect you to carry her burden.

    I am your age and finally have an empty nest. It is lovely, I can finally be my own person without cleaning up after someone, or putting their needs above my own. For the first time in many years my life is my own. The freedom to do what I want, when I want is such a welcome change. I can't imagine having to give it up now.

    A couple of months ago when speaking to my adult daughter about having children (she says she wants to remain childfree) I told her that I have seen too many parents expecting relatives to provide childcare for their children, and that I would not do this. I said a visit of a couple hours on occasion is ok, but no way was I going to watch children for long periods or often. That visiting with children is a whole different thing than providing childcare.

    Now that I am older I don't have the patience I had when she was young, My nerves can't take noise as well, I am not in great shape physically, nor do I have the energy. She seemed to understand and agree.

    You need to set boundaries with your daughter. She has no right to expect you to sacrifice the remainder of your life so that her needs are met. People shouldn't have children if they are unable or unwilling to take care of them. A village is great if you can get one. The people in the village have to be willing to be part of the village though. The villagers are not unpaid servants expected to do whatever you want them to either.

  2. “A teenager nonetheless”

    Why does everyone in this sub have such a hot on when someone is LEGALLY AN ADULT and having sex with people?

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