luuuh011live sex stripping with Live HD


7 thoughts on “luuuh011live sex stripping with Live HD

  1. that's how you entice the gullible, give it a thin-layer of self-awareness while still presenting the least self-aware case you could make.

    like i said, this troll knows how to construct quality bait.

  2. I completely understand why you would want that closure. It helps us grow as people and makes it a bit easier to let something go. Unfortunately, you can't make someone tell you what they're not willing to disclose. Also, when it comes to people and relationships, sometimes they themselves don't understand why they do what they do. His explanation may have actually been the real reason for behaving the way he did, or the reasons he believes it went the way it did. There will be many times you'll never know why.

    What you can do to make it a more positive experience, though, is use this situation as an opportunity to grow as a person and get to know yourself better. It may help to take some time to do some introspection and evaluate what you may want to do differently in future relationships and/or what you want (or don't want) in a partner. Also, maybe you can evaluate why getting that closure is so important to you. What difference would an alternate explanation make? Are you wanting him to confirm any assumptions you may have? Are you looking for him to tell you why he didn't value you or what his criticisms about you are? There will be many, many times you'll never know why people do what they do, but you can always try to understand why you do what you do, which is way more valuable anyway.

  3. I'd say that she wanted a hook up, you wanted something more. So she bailed out.

    Not polite nor kind, she could just sit with you and express this, like an adul, but you both are young. She's taking the easy way just by getting distance between you two.

    You did the right thing offering her to talk, now the ball its on her court. Id leave it there, if she does not reach out, go on with your life and “forget” her.

  4. She won't remarry but will divorce you in the blink of an eye for nonsense reasons? That doesn't seem to mesh

  5. Well, I was kind of hoping it was an overflowing trash can. That one's easy, just offer to take it out for her.

    This one… Yeah, that's tricky. There's not really a delicate way to tell someone they smell like fish down there.

    A couple of ideas.

    Make sure your own “manscaping” is impeccable. You don't get to complain about her hygiene if your own isn't on point. Can you make a shower part of your foreplay routine? How bad is it really? I mean, healthy people all have a bit of a smell. That's just the way our bodies work. Sex isn't always the sanitized experience we imagine. Sometimes it's sloppy, smelly, etc… Failing all else, you can just tell her, but do so as gently as possible.

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