Queenie and Liam, 21 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Queenie and Liam
Date: November 6, 2022
Queenie and Liam, 21 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
If I had a nickel for every time a guy told me that all his previous partners had no problem orgasming from penetration I’d be able to pay for an audience to show up at his house and sitcom laugh at that statement. Buddy, chances are most of them faked it.
You’re not broken. I find it extremely concerning that neither you or him have thought about alternative ways to bring you to orgasm. Like, girl you have a clit.
I wouldn’t be hurt by my wife sleeping with another person. I want her to be happy. She has a hall pass too. I trust her very much. I may never do it. But i just wanted advise on how to broach the subject with the other women. I do appreciate your advice though. Thanks
He absolutely can stop this. He just doesn't care enough about you. He is a bully. You are a punching bag. LEAVE HIM.