Ricky the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Ricky

Ricky online sex chat

Date: November 6, 2022

29 thoughts on “Ricky the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. See if he's willing to just help out, sometimes my gf just helps me or vice versa when one of us isn't up for full-on sex. My drive is higher so more her but you get the idea.

  2. Dude was never truly happy or as happy as you thought you both were. We was playing a game that a lot of sociopaths and narcissists play. He was feeding you what you wanted all while trying to keep you trapped (ie quitting your job and staying home). Once the facade was blown and you found out he was cheating (not his first time) he got violent as it’s the only other thing thing he knows.

    I hate this happened to you but I’m glad you’re ok and that no children were brought into it. You’ll get better and things will suck for a while but you are making all the right decisions.

  3. Well, I put up with it for years, but it just ended up escalating. No amount of reason worked and I finally left after 14 years together. It never got better and ending it was the best choice I could have made.

  4. Hello /u/Createing,

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  5. Ok you know the Nigerian Prince scams? You know how they always use broken English and obvious red flags?

    That's so people with common sense that recognize the flags and stay away. Only the most gullible people with no sense of self preservation would continue with the scam.

    Your 37 year old boyfriend is doing that. No one his age would put up with his obvious issues and red flags. They stay away. He's outright telling you he's a bad person with issues because if you stay he knows you're a sucker that he can continue to act cruel to.

    This is to see if you have any sense of self preservation or not. This is your Nigerian Prince scam. Do you stay to get caught in the scam?

  6. Do your own thing. You are 22, starting to become a nurse, and this guy is…doing what now in regards to his future? And at 33?

    Girl, you have so much ahead of you. Don't get bogged down with this dude.

  7. I know you expect this to read as a happy ending but don't expect this to be the end of your wife's manipulative behavior. She's a chess player. This was thought out and executed so we'll that you thought you were going crazy. When her stupid little game blew up in her face she freaked out and threw a massive tantrum. You have to wonder what else she's doing to control you and your child's behavior.

    I'm also married with children and I cannot imagine creating an elaborate setup like this just so I didn't have to say, “I feel like our son prefers you and it makes me insecure that we don't have something special just between us like you two do.”

    It's just not normal.

  8. Yeah she knows my schedule but was sincere with her invite. Not really sure where you’re going with this? Do you think there is someone from her friend group that she is interested in?

  9. She sounds like an asshole without any redeeming qualities. How is it that she talks about her ex all the time, compares his dick to yours AND she wouldn’t move in until you remodeled. Where is the ‘sweetheart’ part?

  10. Block him and enjoy life with your new partner

    He’s her problem now and I don’t know why you’d want to keep someone in your life who created so much hurt

  11. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    So I come from a very religious country. After I finished what you would call high school in America I applied for college in Europe and got in.

    During my time in college I met my future husband who is an atheist. We fell in love dated and got married when I was 26.

    Basically when I came here it was a shock everything was different, from how the men and women interacted to how people in general put religion on the backseat in everyday life if they were even religious. I slowly adapted or even embraced that sort of life. I loved this feeling of not being treated as an add on or a woman, but as an individual.

    On my third year of college I met my husband. My first boyfriend. I did have hookups but honestly it never developed and I learned that also in college it wasn’t that dependent on the connection between 2 people, a lot of the sex going on made it feel like it was less about the sex and more about the achievement of having sex.

    Anyway he was nice and loving but he had this bad boy side to him, not in a way where he did something to me. But he swore a lot, was aggressive again not towards me, and treated me with so much respect it made me feel uncomfortable.

    Now I remember when he brought me home it was different, where I am from usually everybody is focused on the son or the boyfriend more then the daughter or girlfriend, but his parents and brothers were not like that. I remember one time mom (I call his mom also mom)told us: “listen if you guys break up she is staying”. His father said she is the best thing that happened to you, don’t fuck it up.

    I love them so much. Anyway my parents were against me going abroad to study, but I managed to convince them. When they found out I was dating a boy who is an atheist they protested.

    I told them I was staying with him regardless. My husband seeing that the strain of them not accepting him was hard for me decided to recite the Shahadah so we could also be married in the Muslim way (The Nikah)

    My husband still didn’t believe in anything so in his words it’s just a piece of paper that will make you happy.

    Anyway we got married 2 times once in his country the other time with did The Nikah in my.

    I stopped practice Islam as much as I did when I lived in my country.

    So 4 years ago my parents came to visit with my 2 brothers (20,18) we all gathered in my in-laws house. So my 2 brothers father and mother, his mother and father , brother him and me. We were having a good time and then my father asked me how is it with practice our religion and I decided to be honest.

    I told him I don’t feel that connected anymore and that I am considering stopping. My father slapped me (where I am from it is not uncommon for parents to slap their adult children if they are displeased). My in-laws and my husband went silent. My husband got up from the chair and I heard his father say don’t kill him.

    He came over to me checked if I was ok. His mother came. Took me to the sofa and we sat down. At this point brother in law and father in law stand up and go to my brothers and say do not stand up. My husband looks at my father and smiles, now the next moment after I see my father on the floor with blood all over his face and my husband kneeling over him. My mother screaming and my brothers trying to get up, but being pushed back down by my father and brother in law. I remember this word for word. My father still in shock. My husband then delivers a slap and says “focus now I need you to be focused, I know you think you have the right to slap and educated her because that’s how you were raised and she is you daughter, but she is also my wife. Nobody not even god has the right to raise his hand against her. Now you are her father, I love her very much and I know how much she loves you, but I need to educate you so this doesn’t happen again.” He takes my fathers arm and breaks it. Now the rest is a blur to me .

    My husband took me home and cuddled me and said he was sorry, but he needed to make sure my father would never try to do that again, my in-laws took my father to the hospital and had a talk my brothers, my father and mother. My father had his arm broken in 2 different places and his nose as well.

    After that my parents left back for our country the next day. Our relationship since then has been strained. My father has since apologized and said he is sorry. But our relationship has changed. I want them to come visit and have since invited them back but they have refused and my husband is avoiding a trip back to my country, but at the same time he doesn’t want to let me go alone.

    I know what my father did was wrong, and I know what my husband did was wrong although it came from a good place but I miss my family and am hoping that I can find a way for all of us to reconnect again. Any advice how to make peace in where we can all be in one room as a loving family, I know it seems far fetched and I know my father messed up but he is still my father and I miss them.

    And before somebody says something about my husband or in-laws, they have never used or threatened violence verbal or physical against me. My husband was raised that only pieces of shit raise their hand against women and should not be treated as people.

    Last but not least I am sorry for the grammar, maybe you figured out already from the story but I am neither from an English speaking country nor do I on-line in one.

  12. You don’t have to justify who you’re attracted to.

    That said, don’t discount someone in future just because they don’t pass the ocular pat down. But you seem more sensible than that so you’re good.

  13. Im late but do NOT marry this guy. I was in similar situation and he couldn’t get over the fact he had been with only me and I had experiences prior. We were together 17 years and he cheated several times in several ways. Yes I have kids I adore but I had the same feelings you had in the beginning and I should have ran.

  14. Let her leave. Having a baby is taxing to the body, mind and pocket. I hate ultimatums.

    Does she work? What are her plans after having the baby? Would she a a sahm or go back to the workforce.

    You are young and deserve to plan your life how you want to run.

    Clearing your cc debt is the wisest decision you can make.

    It would hurt but she has to go

  15. How do I stop this infatuation ? it's interfering with my studies because I keep looking forward to his replies

  16. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    In previous posts I described an event where I walked in on my wife of 1.5 years with another man at a party. She claimed she was sexually assaulted and I have tried to have find a way to believe her.

    Since then, I have showed up in our relationship to support her. I have taken care of the house, our dog, surprised her with a birthday trip, and supported us financially (I am the primary breadwinner). Our intimacy and connection continued to suffer and we never seemed to find a way to find steady-state happiness again.

    As the holidays came and went, I started to get concerned after noticing some jewellery I hadn’t seen before and invaded her privacy (dressing room) where I found accessory gifts totalling $2000+. I didn’t bring this up as I felt guilty for stooping to this level. But my anxiety and concern increased.

    A few weeks later I left the country for a family trip and installed a security camera on the front of the house. I was trying to convince myself that nothing weird was going on without having things blow up in my face. I just wanted confirmation that she was telling me the truth and I was imagining things.

    When I had asked for more answers about what had happened at the party, she became the victim. She didn’t feel that I believed her and I wanted to avoid creating a further rift between us. I know this was wrong but I was desperate for answers and clarity.

    She lied about her whereabouts while I was away and didn’t sleep at our house. When I confronted her about it when I returned she lied again. I went through her things again a day or 2 later and found:

    sex toys (just purchased) 6 items of lingerie (well hidden with 1 item worn) emergency contraception more gifts from the alleged abuser from the party (with his name on invoice) receipts for locations that don’t make sense

    I confronted her about all this and once again I was the attacker. I had invaded her privacy to a level that threatened our relationship. She declined to tell me where she was and claimed the toys and lingerie were for me.

    Since then we have pushed all this below the surface to a degree:

    gone to counselling individually and together she got on antidepressants we are focusing on tasks around the house and day-day life

    We aren’t talking about what happened. The marriage counsellor wants me to “take a risk” and trust her. She is very fragile. She is depressed. But continuing to move in this direction feels disingenuous to how I’m feeling.

    Should this be a hard line for me?


    Is now a time to practice patience and care for my partner and what she is going through?

  17. well yea, i know i cant do this myself. But i want to be there and help all i can while she gets through this. Like people were telling me that she needs to talk to her therapist about this stuff, so im really going to encurage her to open up with one now. I know i cant change her thinking, but i know she wants to get through this and i want to be there all i can to help.

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