Rick, Maria and Lisa, y.o.
Location: Canada
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Rick, Maria and Lisa
Date: November 6, 2022
Rick, Maria and Lisa, y.o.
Location: Canada
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
Sorry but after that description why the fuck are YOU with him? Gurl.
Best case scenario, you need couples counseling. That way you can uncover what his reasons are for feeling this way using healthy communication skills and a neutral third party. You can also talk about your reasons for wanting to get married with someone who will help me really listen to you.
Whether he changes his mind or not, you will have your answer, and you can move on with or without him, and not be in this in-between place.
Do you know what subreddit you're in? Who is “us”? Do you know what the word 'if' means? Generally, wtf are you on about?
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Just curious what is there to bring up? You watch porn and understand it’s a fantasy and means to get yourself off. I watch a range of races, same sex and scenarios I’d never partake in, that’s the beauty of porn. My husband watches whatever he watches but is married to me and obviously attracted to me, so I’m just curious exactly what you want to question here? Given that you watch porn, enjoy it and I assume have a good sex life?
Man I would be piiiiiiiisssed off and would have called him out immediately
Well then he needs to start focusing more on foreplay and less on his dick.
Dude, you can love somebody and still leave them if they don't treat you right. I get that you love her, but you are also deserving of love and respect and should treat yourself as well as you treat her, at the very least. Leave her bro, you deserve better than being manipulated and cheated on.
Thank you don’t know why I’m trying to be bullied into being a parent to a child that ain’t mine
“You ate my sandwich?”
Why would he keep his old number and just have it off?
In case anybody important calls his old number, he can check the voicemails once in a while and then turn it back off.
I didn't go around saying that sex is not for me and that I don't need men!!! If you see him you are not going to say the word settle again ???????
There were a few other threads where the roles were reversed. The men were told to suck it up, and that their girlfriends are choosing autonomy. If the guy had a problem with things like this, it was a his problem, and he should leave.
Now, I'm going to give the same advice that was given to that guy: it's a you problem, and you can choose whether to leave or not. He has a right to his autonomy, and he isn't choosing anyone over you.
Lol I love this. Short sweet and to the point.
Yep, this is what I think too. But lying for years is just unacceptable.
I was very confused when he said his friends said to talk to me. I think I got hung up on that, like they approved of the idea, but I was just so in shock I didn’t ask him exactly what he said to them. I’m very torn, but knowing my instinct to say no was not selfish helpful. Thanks for responding.
You need to set clear boundaries. I know you want her to stop texting this guy, but have you actually verbally expressed that TO her? If not, you should. Tell her I am not okay with you having any contact with that man and I would like it to stop immediately. Block and delete the contact right now. If she’s 100% into your relationship, she will do it in front of you. If you’d like, you can take it up a notch and say you want an open phone policy because you don’t feel comfortable in your relationship at the moment. If she refuses to cut contact, if I were you I would set an ultimatum, it’s me or him. No sense in wasting more time on some that does not respect you or your relationship.
I dated a guy like that. We were supposed to go on a group trip and meet at my place first. His excuse was that when he saw he had 20 minutes to get there and it was only a 10 minute drive, he laid down to take a nap.
Ooffft. There is ALOT to unpack here. I'll try to be quick.
You say that what she described made you insecure. The fact that your GF enjoys sex, or specific acts, shouldn't make you feel insecure. And your reasoning makes no sense, “it was degrading”. But you haven't explained how it is degrading.
Women need mental stimulation to get turned on. Her describing what she wanted you to do was helping her get in the mood. And you made her feel bad for it. You shamed her for being sexual.
It wasn't the other men that got her turned on. It was the thought of doing the act with YOU. And how did you react? You walked away from her, you told her that her sexual desires made you insecure and that it was degrading.
How would YOU feel if you expressed a fantasy to your partner, and her response was “Oh, that's really degrading & it makes me feel really insecure that you have done that before with someone else”?
The entire implication in how you reacted & what you said was “You are not allowed to have sexual fantasies, and when you express those, it is gross & degrading. You are not allowed to speak like that. You exist for my pleasure, you don't matter beyond what I get from you. When you express any sexual desire in explicit detail, it makes me think less of you”.
THAT is why she is upset with you. There is a double standard in society when it comes to how men & women are allowed to enjoy sex, which is fundamentally misogynistic & sexist. And you just displayed that side of yourself to her.
Do some research & educate yourself. I'm not going to spell it out for you.
I hope OP reads this response. The whole time I was reading his post, I couldn't understand why the internal debate over an obvious case of each person goes to their own friends event. Is there some reason your gf is unable to attend her event alone?
Does it even matter is some unforeseen life event causes you and your friend to lose touch with each other in a few years? Should that be a reason you don't go? You never know what life has in store, but this is clearly important to you, and sounds like you will have regrets if you miss out.
Literally! I was a complete dickhead at 20 haha
If you want to be single, be single.
But keep in mind that the relationship opens both ways and it’ll be a lot easier for her to find partners than for you. How will you feel when she’s dating other men?
You acted like they were dumb.
Tell her. As someone who was cheating on, I would have wanted to know.
Do it anyway.
Even an action done out of spite can be good thing.
She deserves to know.