Paul the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Paul, 20 y.o.


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Paul on-line sex chat

Date: November 6, 2022

28 thoughts on “Paul the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Women are not a monolith, we all want something different. What matters is what the two people in the relationship want, and if those wants are mutually exclusive it’s best to move on.

  2. My partner and I can share a bed, but we have to keep separate blankets. Otherwise, my sleep self burritos up, and he's lucky to get a foot of the queen sized blanket.

  3. what happens is you get to insert yourself into someones life, who already ditched you, and watch them fuck other people..sounds fun doesn't it? now block them and move on

  4. You are quite young and one advice is to recheck who you are and your thoughts cuz people in their 20's are perfect but people change and once after kids and once in their 40's body change and things aren't the same. You need to stop focusing on body cuz man also changes and unless you chnage the way you look at people you will never be happy with a woman. I mean you aren't Leonardo to keep em changing once they hit “expiration date”.

  5. You're a cheating liar. “Your girl” deserves better and your WIFE sure as hell deserves better. You are no prize – you're a punishment.

  6. You're glossing over the fact that he “does not want other dudes to see you without him.”

    Please do not placate this pathetic excuse for a man's insecurity. You are an indepent, adult human, any behaviour in a relationship that is in conflict with this truth is unacceptable.

    Good luck!

  7. Yeah I suppose- but I can’t imagine telling my boo I’d be home at like midnight then NOT coming home and NOT updating him then gaslighting him as the cherry on top.

    Everytime I’ve been out without him and my plans changed – I’ve always always texted him.

  8. Tell her that the membership was contingent upon you two being a couple but since that is no longer a thing neither is the membership, screw her and her narcissist arse, not literally of course but she's not worth your time or money..You're lucky you were only with her for 8 mos. Geez, most NORMAL relationships are still in the honeymoon phase at this point, seems yours ended pretty quick.

  9. Probably a long distance relationship isn't the best thing for you. Why don't you re-think this and set yourself up for a nice strong day-to-day relationship with a future.

  10. you need to have a serious talk with him, and possibly couples therapy. it's okay for him to not like running, but his constant negativity is unhealthy.

  11. Lay down the law. If the dishes aren't done before you go to work in the morning then you aren't cooking and he can fend for himself. Do not lift a single finger to those dishes.

    Also highly recommend a dishwasher. I on-line alone and it has really lightened my mental load.

  12. This is a him issue that he's trying to make into a you issue.

    Do you really want a relationship like this?

  13. Or, he just really really sucks as a human being. Some people will break up over literally nothing. Because they're emotionally immature morons.

  14. This is actually great and a way I’ve never thought to approach it. Definitely using it in the future !!

  15. Poor guy came here for advice and everybody’s response is some variation of “nut up” or “get good” hahah

  16. He is manipulating you. Don’t fall for it. I dated a guy like this before … twice. Trying to get rid of one now. Not exactly the same but similar enough.

    You broke it off with him and he is telling you anything to get his way. He’s probably suffering more from a hit to the ego and the embarrassment of having to contend with his behavior.

    I’m 40 and I’m recently out of a 14 year relationship. Prior one was 4.5 years. No one changes unless they want to. This guy doesn’t respect you and he THINKS he loves you but what you’ve described is NOT love. If he DOES love you at all, it’s not enough to get past his immaturity and egotism.

    Please, do not stay with this guy, do not take him back. The stronger your stance against taking him back, the more you will see his true nature come out. When they think they can get you back, they will be nice, sweet, charming, and try to make you believe they’ve changed or seen the light and will work on all their issues! When they don’t get their way, you will see a mean side come out.

    PLEASE spare yourself the pain and suffering of being in a toxic relationship. And also, take some time out to identify what about this guy made you like him in the first place and if you go for his “type”. That is, are you subconsciously attracted to manipulative and selfish guys? If so, why?

    I’m learning, after 40 years what a healthy relationship should be like. Trust me, it’s not worth staying with a guy like this.

  17. It sounds like you’re in a really tough season of life, and trust me when I say it get easier. I would suggest discussing your very real concern with him when you can have cool and calm discussion. Tell him you need his help with the kids, and that you need him to be more present. Hopefully he can take it as what it is and not feel attacked, because you all are a team and you can work past this as long as he’s willing. Best of luck to you!

  18. Agreed. It might even be as simple as he sleeps better in his own bed or finds it easier not having to bring work stuff with him.

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