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22 thoughts on “tokyopetitexxlive sex stripping with Live HD

  1. Your GF sounds like she needs to chill the fuck out and look into a sense of humour. I think the cum in her backpack is the least of her issues.

  2. “Cracks knuckles and neck” I advise you do not do a TLDR thing on this.

    Okay…….lets do this. First of all you were not wrong in doing something to help her out with the physical needs. Nor are you completely at fault for any of this honestly. Your first mistake right now is beating yourself down as you stepped up. What did she do during all of this? Did she even lift a finger to help out? Did she communicate anything with you of how she was feeling? Did she do any work at all? In a relationship, even a marriage it takes two people. It's a team effort, not a solo mission. She is not completely to blame for this as well. As I said it takes two. You BOTH are half to blame for this, the other half…….actually a BIG half who is at fault for this is the people who pushed you two to get married. Marriage does NOT make ones life easier, it does however if you put in the effort on all fronts and from both sides make life and love even better. But a lot goes into that. Compatibility, compassion, intimacy, communication, understanding, small efforts and believe it or not……differences. Differences are a good thing, gives a chance to try things you never have before and it shows strength and character when both of you do something that the other likes even though the other doesn't but is still willing to do it because it's something together. I was married before and my ex wife and I were together for 9 years. We had a lot of ups and downs but the thing is, she thought I was a bad husband. I really wasn't and she realized that after she cheated on me and we split up. Two weeks after we split up she called me to tell me she realized I wasn't bad at all after observing the relationship her friend and her boyfriend were in. And it was a BAD one. The guy was physically abusive, verbally abusive, controlling mentally and financially towards his gf. I never did any of that with my ex wife. She wanted to work it out, but I don't ever forgive infidelity. Ever. What I am saying is that your wife should have realized all the sacrifices you were making while supporting her and your daughter as best as you could. If she couldn't see that and step up her game while also communicating what was bothering her in the emotional department, then she is at fault too and really isn't worth it. Do NOT beat yourself up over this anymore. My advice, get a divorce, get custody of your daughter and be done with your ex. If she wants to live with her boyfriend then he can support her. She is not your responsibility anymore. And my god…….if ANY woman ever treated me like that EVER. I would be gone.

    One question though……..what is or was your plane when you come to America as far as a job goes? Do you happen to have a college degree by any chance? Because if you don't have a plan at all or something set up…… will not do so well. Unless you come to America as a student then you have a shot.

  3. I'm no pro. I definitely don't have the means to fully help you especially when medication is involved because I've yet to experience it (and don't wanna talk like I'm a medical professional).

    The best I can tell you is to just continue talking. If I'm being honest, it took 5 conversations in total about sex with my girlfriend for her to fully understand. All 5 of them ended up in an argument because we failed to understand each other. I always remained calm and although you and I aren't in the same situation for the lack of sex (medication vs. Trauma from exes), I told myself that if I loved her this much, I'm willing to try. Our relationship is always amazing and I'd never trade it for the world, but before then, our sex life was just so subpar; it was never for quality either, just quantity.

    I say just continue bringing up the discussion. If you feel that there is no improvement, the best I can tell you that a sexless relationship is not worth it. After the fifth and final argument we had about sex (I suggested that we begin scheduling sex twice a week and that if she disagreed, it would be completely fine and that we would find other solutions) changed everything because as much as I hate to say it, I said something along the lines of it being unfair that when she wanted to have sex, everything was fine, but when I wanted to, it begins an argument. It was a long discussion and although I'm not interested in reliving it, I'm glad it happened because we came out of it with a full understanding that we have needs and although they are different, we have to try to fill them as best as we can. I'm not saying that if she's tired, she HAS to have sex with me, because we can easily do it the next morning or whatever, but it's unfair that I meet all her love languages everyday and she refuses to meet mine 2-3 max a week for 20-30 minutes.

    Stay calm. Don't make it personal or personally attack each other and i think there will be a better understanding. I was close to ending my relationship honestly, but I'm glad I waited because it's vastly improved and I know she may be acting/faking it sometimes, but she has been 10000% enthusiastic every time for the past few months.

  4. First thing first, your father should not be leaving a business in your brother's hands. All that money invested in that business will be lost.

  5. No communication is a baddddddd red flag. If he is willing to work on it then it doesnt have to be a deal breaker. I naturally want to bottle up my anger, but my wife is a great communicator and i want to be better for her. We talk it out and it always ends up with me realizing i wasnt really angry about what i thought i was.

  6. Big time. Am I the only person who thinks getting back with her would be insane? She’ll do the exact man same thing in the future OP. Rewarding someone for shitty behaviour sends the wrong signal OP. Come on man you know what to do

  7. Just do it. You do not owe it to her to wait until she’s in a better place at all. The moment you’re done tell her a be done. Don’t wait just tell her and leave

  8. “You’re abusive, insecure, and immature I’m breaking up with you.” That’s how you should respond to the situation now before he takes it further.

  9. I think you’re handling this very well. My husband downplayed his “number” to me with good reason! When we talked about it years later, I had lots of questions and although he doesn’t love talking about it, he knows I need to. You need to settle this in your mind and it’s not to do with being judgemental, just fitting that piece of the puzzle into the person you know.

  10. Helping someone through difficult times in their life is a reason to be considered fondly by them. It’s not necessarily a reason to be regularly brought up in conversation years later when it’s unrelated. Unless she helped in recently? In which case, why was she the support and not you?

  11. Yeah putting it that way it just made me feel like a pussy. I just changed my whole view on this I’m just gonna ignore this shir and go from here lmfaooo

  12. Sorry, I don't have the energy to read through everything, but, please, this is not a situation you are comfortable with. I believe you genuinely love her, but it is time to move on from the situationship with her and become truly happy.

  13. The best light/spin I can put on the situation is this:

    Maybe your husband has fallen prey to a certain aspect of machoism/toxic masculinity. He thinks that his role and duty is to work as very hot as he can to provide as much financial support as he can. That is his position in life, and if he doesn't fulfill this duty, then he is a failure as a man and a person.

    This certainly fits with his refusal of strong painkillers.

    IF this scenario is close to correct, then you really need to haul him off to a counselor to get his head screwed on right, because he's entirely failing on the actual parenting responsibilities, and hot.

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