Let me give you advice ~ I’m going through a very similar situation. My fiancé left after 7.5 years recently, we are currently attempting to work it out but that’s a convo for a different day…. We struggled for about 8 months before splitting up officially.
Start by telling her you are aware of the cheating, use your evidence so she doesn’t think it’s an accusation, then leave her alone and stay somewhere else for a while. The space will still hurt but it will help both of you figure out what you need. Set a time period that you will put her through complete radio silence during with no contact. Focus on yourself while you are apart ~ do things that make you feel good. In my case, it was going to the gym, starting counciling, hanging out with my friends more, eating healthier, and writing poetry to express my emotions. Start loving YOURSELF, don’t worry about her in your time apart. When you feel as if you know what you want, reach out to her and talk about it. Whatever it may be… Ignore others opinions, keep the issue as close to your chest as you can. What you end up wanting is what you want, not others. Don’t beg, don’t linger, and more importantly want better for yourself! Whether that’s being single or you two reconciling if possible. Step out and figure out your situation dude!
PM me if you want to talk more, my situation is eerily similar and I’m on the back end of it now. I will talk about it more with you if you want
My strong suggestion is that you get into therapy. Your mental health has got to be in the toilet to put up with all of this… No, it will not get better. Even if one piece of it gets better, the rest will remain– and any one of these issues would be enough to make even an otherwise glorious marriage unliveable.
It's not your job to make your wife happy when she's heartbroken over some other dude. It's not your job to fund her high-end hoarding (even that clearly doesn't make her “happy.”) Keeping your son in this situation is NOT in his long-term mental health best interest. Nobody is happy here. Nobody is “winning” here. You aren't making sacrifices for some “greater good” outcome, because there is none.
This is beyond me, i have no idea why people put up with this. No one likes a person with bad hygiene. I have worked construction, i felt disgusting if i didn't showed after a workday. I don't understand how people can just accept being filthy. “women love it when a man is dirty” No, no they don't.
She works from home sadly. I used to have a bit of peace until she got home but now she’s everywhere
Let me give you advice ~ I’m going through a very similar situation. My fiancé left after 7.5 years recently, we are currently attempting to work it out but that’s a convo for a different day…. We struggled for about 8 months before splitting up officially.
Start by telling her you are aware of the cheating, use your evidence so she doesn’t think it’s an accusation, then leave her alone and stay somewhere else for a while. The space will still hurt but it will help both of you figure out what you need. Set a time period that you will put her through complete radio silence during with no contact. Focus on yourself while you are apart ~ do things that make you feel good. In my case, it was going to the gym, starting counciling, hanging out with my friends more, eating healthier, and writing poetry to express my emotions. Start loving YOURSELF, don’t worry about her in your time apart. When you feel as if you know what you want, reach out to her and talk about it. Whatever it may be… Ignore others opinions, keep the issue as close to your chest as you can. What you end up wanting is what you want, not others. Don’t beg, don’t linger, and more importantly want better for yourself! Whether that’s being single or you two reconciling if possible. Step out and figure out your situation dude!
PM me if you want to talk more, my situation is eerily similar and I’m on the back end of it now. I will talk about it more with you if you want
My strong suggestion is that you get into therapy. Your mental health has got to be in the toilet to put up with all of this… No, it will not get better. Even if one piece of it gets better, the rest will remain– and any one of these issues would be enough to make even an otherwise glorious marriage unliveable.
It's not your job to make your wife happy when she's heartbroken over some other dude. It's not your job to fund her high-end hoarding (even that clearly doesn't make her “happy.”) Keeping your son in this situation is NOT in his long-term mental health best interest. Nobody is happy here. Nobody is “winning” here. You aren't making sacrifices for some “greater good” outcome, because there is none.
This is beyond me, i have no idea why people put up with this. No one likes a person with bad hygiene. I have worked construction, i felt disgusting if i didn't showed after a workday. I don't understand how people can just accept being filthy. “women love it when a man is dirty” No, no they don't.