Sunshine143 live! webcams for YOU!


Secret Show [340 tokens remaining]

Date: December 6, 2022

5 thoughts on “Sunshine143 live! webcams for YOU!

  1. I love my boyfriend to absolute pieces. But, when I’m with my single friends, sometimes we’ll download tinder just to swipe through and gossip. It’s fun. Obviously I’d never talk to anyone, and I only download it for an hour or so once every few months just to see what’s up. Honestly, it’s harmless. If she’s actually telling the truth (which sounds like she is) then don’t worry too much, we’re all human beings, we get bored and curious sometimes. If it makes you uncomfortable, then ask her to delete it, if she’s happy to, then that’s pretty solid evidence she doesn’t care about it all that much.

  2. Don't jump to wanting to marry her after only a year.. so many people rush marriage and it almost never ends well. She sounds like she should see a therapist though and learn communication better and how to own up for her mistakes.

  3. You say he is your friend, so what if you dated one of his friends and he cheated on you and he didn't tell you? Wouldn't you want him to tell you? She isn't remorseful she is just scared to face the consequences of her actions, the guilt she had faded when she confessed to you. Please don't him marry this woman, she is only gonna hurt him more and then take his stuff in court. When the truth comes out and Andre finds out you knew, you will lose him as a friend and possibly a lot of your mutual friends in that group, heck It will likely impact your dating life, I dumped a girl once who covered for her friend cheating, a lot people see that as a red flag. Who would you rather have a friend an upstanding guy true to his morals? Or a selfish liar, who put you in a terrible position, because they are scared to face the consequences of their action?

  4. It's the kind of thing that's only justified if your suspicions are vindicated (and generally, those are the only times people post about it). Otherwise you'd be squarely in the wrong for sneaking around behind your partner's back to invade their privacy and the relationship is still on the rocks, but now because of the snooper's insecurities and lack of trust.

  5. This is a deal breaker. He escalated a fight into the physical. He will do it again, and it will get worse. His mum will be on tv blaming you when your body turns up in an oil drum.

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