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Evelyn_Eeveelive sex stripping with LIVE Cams


10 thoughts on “Evelyn_Eeveelive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. Cough,BULLSHIT!!!,cough Why are you letting your GF hang out, party, and get stoned with other dudes or go out partying without you? Rest assured she is most likely more than willing to let Chad and Tyrone smash at will. She because she knows you wont do the right thing by dumping and throw her to the street. Rest assured when if you do dump her you will likely be falsely accused.

  2. I read the post…. OP states that she spent LAST CHRISTMAS with John and his WIFE…. did not say if it was a different person than jane…. so in the year from then and now Jane could become and ex-wife, right? Or am I out of pocket?

  3. FFS, what is going on these days that these are the kinds of relationships people actually want to accept? What sort of future do you even see with someone like this? Why can't you value yourself enough to stop love dumpster-diving?

  4. You guys have worked through a lot but it honestly reads like this has run it's course.

    Your girlfriend isn't exploring a kink, she's bored and unhappy in this relationship. It's led to her cheating on you in the past and now she's trying to dress up finding yet another potential cheating partner as an exploration of a sexual boundary.

    You also seem wildly unhappy. You're not getting what you want or need need and she's not listening or validating your feelings.

    I think your vision is blurred a bit since you've been in this a little too long, but zoom out and you guys are not happy or compatible anymore. I'm sorry to say.

  5. First off, you need to stop playing the role of jealous boyfriend. It’s what started this ball rolling. It’s also so old and overdone- Just stop it. You only look insecure when you act like this. She is a grown woman who is allowed to talk to whoever she wants, she is not your property. When she agreed to start a relationship with you, she did not sign a contract stating that from here on out, there will be no conversing with the opposite sex. People talk to each other, get over it.

    It was wrong to get physical and shove you but you now saying you feel anxiety around her like you’re a battered boyfriend who was attacked seems a little extreme. She apologized. She feels guilt for that. It was the heat of the moment but you holding onto being the victim for hours or days later in all of this is just you being manipulative by pouring the heat onto her. Your way of being angry and punishing her is by holding this over her head.

    Throughout all of this you continually ignore your jealousy towards her talking to a random person and that you deserve all the apologies now. You need to be correcting your behavior too. It’s never okay to regulate who your partner can and can’t talk to. Part of loving someone means trusting them to make good decisions about the company they keep. You can vocalize your concerns in a loving, honest way, but then you must trust your partner’s judgment. If one of you can’t trust the other, it may be time to move on.

  6. Who knows what her reasoning is. All you can do is dust yourself off and get out there again!

  7. he’s not responsible for his actions while drunk

    Hon, you need to get far away from this asshole, he is not even wanting to take responsibility for his actions let alone believing you, the next time you may not walk away from his actions because you could be dead from them. LEAVE.

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