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Room for live sex video chat EtherealSweden
Model from: se
Languages: en,es,sv
Birth Date: 2000-12-17
Body Type: bodyTypeThin
Ethnicity: ethnicityLatino
Hair color: hairColorBlack
Eyes color: eyeColorBrown
Subculture: subcultureStudent
Date: December 20, 2022
If you think that scenario is going to be less stressful than a baby…hoo boy.
Do you really think God wants you to be in an emotionally abusive, loveless marriage? Do you think God wants you to show your daughter that it’s better to stay in a toxic home then leave?
As someone who gets pretty competitive here’s what I think would be best: instead of playing a serious destroy them game or baby let them win game, play non-serious games where you teach your date strategies. Basically, be a tutor.
This way, even if they get destroyed, they learn. And if they’re learning, they’ll be way more likely to enjoy chess as well as the date. Plus, you’ll get to more meaningfully show off your chess skills and knowledge.
Can’t help you with the pilk memes. Coke milk memes are superior.
This might not be salvagable.
It's a huge red flag not only that he waited until you two were about to get intimate to drop that on you but also that he got mad that you turned him down after that. I don't know that I would continue after that, either. At the very least, have a very serious discussion with him.
I think you need to go no-contact and pretend they aren’t in your life anymore. Don’t keep reaching out, or you’ll look crazy to them. No matter what happens, there will be someone else out there that makes you feel special, and you deserve to be with someone who wants to be with you. Your partner doesn’t seem to want to put in the work to make things work.
When I read this, I initially think your mother is selfish.
But then I read that your friends don’t like him either and how he has had a drinking problem to the point of throwing up blood— and that it’s only been good for two months.
I think probably he might not be good for you and you may deserve more than taking care of an abusive boyfriend who is probably going to drink again, hurt you, and then end up promising a future of you becoming his caretaker as he slowly dies of alcoholic cirrhosis.
I don’t know you, but I think your loyalty and empathy is being wasted on someone who may have already taken you for granted.
Although I don’t particularly like the way your mother is handling this and finding it to be pretty weak and childish at what she is telling you, if you are asking me to tell you what to do, my recommendation is to ditch this guy and heal whatever is within you that feels risking your wellbeing and future on someone who perceived your qualities as being so cheap. I would recommend healing to address your own life and finding someone you can have a clean slate with who makes you comfortable instead of sitting around waiting for the hammer to drop when this new honeymoon period wares off is probably more worth your time.
I also think you should give your mom the tough love treatment and tell her if she ever threatens to hold her own life hostage to control you, then that will be the last time you will deal with her because you are done putting up with abuse in your life so she will be next.
I think as far as your friends go, after the first two items are dealt with, you should ask your friends to be supportive of the new changes you need to make in your own life. And then when those three items are done, you may need to attend therapy and learn how to develop the skill of establishing boundaries.
What I can tell you, is if this person was right for you, none of this would be happening in the first place. I understand wanting to pour all you are in to your relationship but it seems highly unstable, and you as a person at 24 has a lot of life ahead of you where this will probably not be worth it when it ends.
Sorry if this is not what you want to hear, but I think you deserve to do more with your life than committing to the lifestyle of saving an alcoholic from himself while everything else you are is put on hold because the fact is- you can’t have a future with him; he’s 27 with cirrhosis so he’s probably going to drink when the honeymoon period ends and life goes back to normal, and you’re going to end up bankrupt by 35 with no hope for a future because of his medical bills. You won’t be able to have kids, but if you do end up having kids, you’re not going to be able to trust leaving them alone with him, and you are undoubtably going to end up being abused by 40. By 42 your self esteem will be destroyed, whatever children you have are going to be miserable. You’re going to be over worked because your entire lifestyle will be carried on your back, and you won’t love yourself because he will be shitting on you on the regular. By 45, he’s probably going to die of acute liver failure from all that drinking, your kids will probably be taken away from you because of the living conditions and abuse at home, and you will probably broke again because all assets will be seized to cover the bills he has left behind, and you will be alone with nothing but regret for burning your own life for someone who couldn’t value it in the first place.
The truth is, your boyfriend needs therapy, needs alcoholic anonymous, needs medication, and likely a liver transplant before he can online normally and that massive amount of change takes exponentially more than a two month commitment.
If you’re lucky you are going to get four really good months, and that will keep you going for about two years before you hate your own life because you gave up everything for him and got nothing back.
This is a bad idea. Do not commit yourself to this kind of future with him. He is a bomb waiting to go off and you are about to commit to the worst relationship of your entire life. Do not do this.
That is a very cold way to think of things quite frankly. That doesn't take into account other people's feelings, and how their actions could effect others in the moment. There is such thing as a bro code. He could've picked anyone else in the entire world, but he chose to go for the one person who hurt me in more ways than one. It hurts. That's just not the right thing to do, and is not justified in anyway shape or form. You don't have sex with your friends ex, unless for some reason that boundary was discussed prior and all parties were chill with it.