Kira the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams


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Kira online sex chat

Date: December 24, 2022

22 thoughts on “Kira the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. u/Apprehensive-Fix3959, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. Hello /u/annabell-237,

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  3. Get a job, OP. The inheritance is gonna run out and then what? Safe that money and go to work like everyone else. No wonder your boyfriend is pissed.

  4. If you're not comfortable telling him “hey your dad keeps making passes at me and it's not okay can you talk to him” because you're afraid of his reaction, he is not the one for you.

  5. Interesting how she had a low sex drive with you yet she has several sexual suitors. Perhaps she’s gotten everything she could out of YOU. Perhaps there’s a correlation here.. these men are actively pursuing her and treating her well. Romancing her if you will. I’d bet her sex drive is low and she’s not meeting your needs bc while you are down tf anytime, you are not meeting hers. Hence why she said she can only sleep with people she feels a connection too. I’m guessing you have neglected to actually connect with her emotionally, have not shown your love or appreciation for her outside of the bedroom. Cause and affect. You want more sex from her, she wants a connection. You’re not connecting with her, therefore no sex. The solution is within the problem yet your brilliant idea, ignoring the various solutions that could have strengthened your marriage and not broken your wife’s heart, was to look elsewhere.

    You don’t get to break down your wife into doing something she never wanted, and then try to back step once you’ve realized other people actually want her and she’s receptive. Her being bi has nothing to do with it and the fact that you are trying to tell her she needs to be sleeping with woman, further solidifies the fact that this was meant to have been beneficial solely for you and your pleasure. What a surprise.

  6. if that's how you wanna online then be prepared to be devastated every day. you care about him but it's clear he doesn't care about you. if you want to stay log off and go on-line your miserable life with him. is that harsh? of course. are you choosing to do this to yourself by staying? yep.

  7. Kids don’t really make that stuff up.. not at 8 years old fkr sure ..

    Add ur husbands reaction…. What’s the question? You have your answer you just don’t like it .

    I’m sorry op. Also, this isn’t about your daughter so maybe try and leave her out if it as much as you can.

  8. I really feel for you. Having a boundary broken is just horrible. Then to have the lying as well is a real kick. I’m sorry you are dealing with this especially while on maternity leave.

    As far as your question did he spend enough to have a lap dance and is he lying about that? Honestly at this point does it matter? He has broken a boundary and then lied a lot about it. Anything else at this point is irrelevant. What’s important now is how are you going to move forward. Do you go for therapy together? Do you break up with him? I think this is going to take some time for you to really think about how you want your future to be. Building back trust after lies is so difficult, so you want to deal with that right now?

    I feel like I’ve given you a lot more questions than answers here. Don’t let what he says influence your decisions. The outcome of this has to be something you are comfortable with. If you decide on trying to work it out and it doesn’t work you can always leave him down the line. Give it a deadline (3months or 6 months) if it’s not better at that point it never will be.

  9. Either way it's still doesn't make it ok for him to yell at you like that when you were already going through so much, please reconsider your relationship with him, if he blows up like this over you wanting to speak to him in person especially for a pregnancy I can't even begin to imagine how much worse he can get when another situation like this happens.

  10. You don’t online together and you’re long distance, you didn’t need his permission to get a puppy.

    He hates your dog? He refuses to on-line with your dog? But, he’s thinking of getting his own puppy? OP, this sounds like someone just looking to punish you because they’ve decided they don’t like what you did.

    I highly doubt he’ll speak to his therapist about this.

    But, the answer would be to choose the dog. He’s already showing he doesn’t care if he hurts you. Getting your dog wasn’t a mistake and his grieving process isn’t your responsibility, but clearly if he’s now at the point of getting a puppy that’s not what this is about.

  11. I would tell your fiance that he will trek you what happened and he will term you right now or the wedding is off.

    I would also demand your friend Tell you wtf happened.

    It's probably related to one of them having inappropriately feelings, did this happen after the bucks party?

    It could be something happened there and there was threats made either to tell you what happened or expose one of them

  12. He wasn’t like this at first, and if I could leave I would. Why did you even comment if you have nothing constructive to say?

  13. So you’ve been married to him for 10 years and we’re never attracted to him?

    So you basically robbed the man of 10 years he could have been with someone who loved him and actually liked/appreciated the way he looked… jeez talk about selfish.

    If you’re not attracted to him please get a divorce and let him spend the rest of his life with someone who is attracted to him the same way he’s attracted to you.

  14. maybe its your partner that created the fake account to see if he could bust you, thinking something was going on with you working late hours and his paranoia got the best of him? Sounds crazy, but im sure its happened before!

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