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RobbXl_Barbylive sex stripping with Live HD


5 thoughts on “RobbXl_Barbylive sex stripping with Live HD

  1. I'm sorry but it doesn't matter if she's the one for him or not. *He* isn't the one for *You*, and that's all you should be putting your energy toward. If someone repeatedly side lines you, disregards your feelings, boundaries and comfort, actively tells you that he has “a thing” for someone but not to worry all while you're in a monogamous relationship, and literally cheats on you, then they aren't the one for you.

    The person that would be the one for you is someone that doesn't make you an option. It would be someone that listens to and takes your feelings and concerns very seriously. It would be someone that cuts contact with someone else that is causing you discomfort. It would be someone that doesn't monkey branch from you to another person. It's clear that he does have a grass is greener attitude. He most definitely is immature, selfish, and was likely staying with you for comfort, familiarity, and sex while he found someone else. That's incredibly hurtful, but you dodged a bullet. I promise you, you can absolutely find someone that isn't like this.

    Block him, don't wait. Break all possible contact with him. You deserve better.

  2. He thinks our personal situation can be easily misunderstood as something wrong so I should think for myself and do what he thinks is right .

  3. Let it end. To smooth things over, the most Iā€™d do is send her a gift card for her favourite coffee place (enough for her usual order), and a card thanking her for her companionship while you found your footing in the new workplace, and just wish her the best. The last thing you (or she) want to deal with is workplace drama.

  4. Your pain is valid, of course! But what should give you even more pain is the fact that he is/was stupid enough to pay for nudes lol…I mean, there's nudity wherever you turn, and it's free! What kind of person throws their nude earned cash on that stuff these days?

  5. sometime people are just the way they seem. Its not often but maybe, just maybe you got someone who is just nice.

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