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savage_x live! sex chat

Date: January 9, 2023

26 thoughts on “savage_x the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Your fiancé posted in her journal about the ring to work through her feelings. That is a healthy thing to do.

    You reading her journal is not healthy. And I would not tell her that I did it.

    If she really has an issue with the ring today she would talk to you in her own time and her own way. And you need to make a clear decision with yourself to not read her private journal without permission again.

  2. I'm invisible to most people (in my 60s) so my pronouns are “Who?/Where?” ?

    The first thing I would do is consult a lawyer.

    Explore contract law dissolving the partnership (IE: Separation of assets as in the mortgage).

    Inform family, friends of what you are doing. Extremists are unpredictable and you need coverage while getting clear of this living situation, and maybe beyond that. Check in REGULARLY.

    Lock down bank accounts, credit cards, credit, change passwords on everything including live accounts (eBay, Amazon, social media, etc.)

    You have been together long enough your passwords, bank statements, etc… Assume you have been compromised on all things.

  3. No, you have every right to feel that way. This is a boundary for you, and she has no intention of respecting it. Now it’s up to you what the next steps are.

  4. If the roles were reversed, I would have 150 upvotes from all the womenzs on here, lol.

    So you feel creepy dirty after sex with her. You were too sober.

  5. It’s a fancy justification word invented by crappy posh types that hide being bad people behind pretty words

  6. You suuure have the best taste in womans arent you??? She sound soooo lovely… sarcasm

    You are so Lucky that she is showing you her true colors now… her dog kills a kitten and instead of feeling bad about it she blame you for giving up the rest of the kittens so they can be safe… you need to be blind to not see the RED FLAGS

  7. You have more emotional intelligence than 95% of people here. I hope that I am able to gain this type of wisdom by the time I am your age.

  8. I already wrote a comment but also wanted to say this. Most likely part of why your fiance wants you to reconcile is due to the fact that she doesn't want to believe your love is conditional. Love, especially love with a partner, is supposed to be unconditional. And the situation with your parents shows a very conditional style of love from you. Take time to really understand that

  9. Yep. My mom had a PO against my dad and custody courts didn’t give a single shit. I was 17 and left out of custody BS, but the younger sibs were essentially forced to have unsupervised weekends with the man who beat their mother. Chilling af stuff.

  10. What everyone else thinks is cheating is irrelevant. She said she considered it cheating and you agreed with her.

    16 days man. Come on 16 days and you couldn’t do that? She just had 2 babies, her body is all out of sorts and you choose now to break a boundary she made very clear?

  11. Guys know that most “guy best friends” want to date the girl unless they're gay. Is he gay? Have you asked him if he would date you if you were both single? Like, rule this shit out first.

    Clearly your delivery is too strong, and too soon.

  12. Maybe those girls are trying to ruin her life because she ruined their 2 week vacation by complaining. That's wild, but who knows, i mean, given what they invented for the scenario, they clearly are deranged.

    I don't believe one second any of what your sister said. Not that she lied to you necessarily. But for your sister to even believe anything that wild, she is either into some strange things herself, like this could even happen to her, or thinks very low of your gf in the first place. Either way, just because she is your sister doesn't mean she is always right. She didn't witness your gf do these things, so not believing her is just not believing the person that told her about it.

    Plus, if they actually have footage of what happened and they are showing it around, that is revenge porn and they could be sued and fined heavily, and even sent to jail. So either they are at fault of a crime, or they are at fault of making up a story. I'd threaten legal actions, just to see them squirm

  13. Everyone is just (rightly) outraged at this gross pedo dude and that’s why you’re getting downvoted, I think. But I absolutely agree with you about the algorithm taking creative liberties to try to tell you what you should like based on things you also like. Def not the case here, OP’s husband is cultivating this crap but I get what you were saying.

  14. yes, for sure you now have to decide what you want to do going forward where he and your relationship are concerned. it's hanging over you.

  15. Yes I’ve tried to plan things. I like to hike and go for walks but he’s been flaking on me. I asked for us to get tennis rackets cause there’s a court nearby, so we can have an activity together but no push on his end. I’m trying here and have been for 3 months.

  16. So I have ADHD & ASD and as a child I didn’t do well in school. My parents and teachers assumed I was lazy and dumb and that was that. Now I have my diagnosis it makes a lot of sense why later in life I could read something in memorize it and ace a test.

    My boyfriend has ADHD, but his parents supported him through school. He succeeded in school and is now an arts teacher.

    Every time he messages me, there are spelling errors in his texts. Sometimes I’ll talk about something which he just doesn’t understand. I’ll make a joke “haha like The Odyssey” and he’ll just not know what this is. At first I was shocked. Didn’t he do exams at a much higher level than I did?

    It doesn’t matter. It shouldn’t matter. We have the best time together. We have fun. He teaches me things and I teach him things. I don’t look down on him and neither does he to me. Neither of us are insecure. We build each other up. To us our diplomas aren’t important.

    I think what you are going through is very sad, and I think you need some therapy for your insecurities. Don’t let this good guy get away due to your insecurities! X

  17. If I had the means to leave I would. I have no family, we own a house together. I lost my job during covid then had a baby so between daycare costs, housing costs I feel stuck.

  18. I had a different experience with hiding my SM from a partner. He used charged language like op and had a similar “eye for an eye” mentality. It was easier to block him than risk liking the wrong post and having a 3am talk about feelings and trust.

  19. Like you, my boyfriend and I had been together for about 2 years when we broke up. We were apart for about 3 months. When we first broke up I wanted to get back together after a few days and he didn’t. Fast forward 6ish weeks and he wanted me back but I said no. Long story short, we’ve been together 13 years now. We got married 5 months after we got back together. It all depends on your circumstances but it does work out sometimes.

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