Amelia <3 i'm back! next show january 18th <3, 20 y.o.
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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms Amelia <3 i'm back! next show january 18th <3
Date: January 18, 2023
Being grumpy isn't a personality trait, it's a mood. If it's not a passing thing for you, you should have been working to improve it for a while now. I've not seen a single healthy relationship where one person wonders if their partner even likes them. It might be too late but give it your all and cross your fingers it works, because it sounds like she doesn't feel your love at all.
How do you end it with someone who is determined to fight for you til you go back?
How do you call a woman who was lied to a bitch, but still hold so much respect for the known manipulator? You walk away, you block them, and you tell them that if they persist, you'll get police involved for harassment
fair response..I would never overstay my welcome, have always been a respectful houseguest when I'm over, and respect her space and privacy. I'm unmotivated because I am living with my parents and it is a stressful and depressing environment even more so for me…I know it will help me with motivation I.E. waking up together, being fueled by 'city life' as maybe cliche as it sounds…which is why this is frustrating.
I think she truly cares for me, but have always viewed her relationship with me as a 'fun diversion' and this only really solidifies it for me i suppose. She say's I'm her best friend and hasn't felt this way about many people, but her actions tell me otherwise.
The throwing up part I agree with, the walking thing, no. That isnt what an ER is for. Plenty of ppl that cant walk that on-line in houses, etc.