TinWoodman on-line webcams for YOU!


Ahegao [Multi Goal]

Date: January 22, 2023

57 thoughts on “TinWoodman on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. The proof that you need to calm down is the fact that you're 26 and getting hysterical over the idea of being too old to date.

    You're too old when you're dead. I'd give you proof, but the morgue won't let me in.

  2. Obviously you have a say in the arrangements. Then don’t live with him. You don’t seem to know what’s good for you.

  3. It sounds like her coworker is angry that she has a new boyfriend, and she misses how he was nice to her several months ago when she was single.

  4. No I don’t think it’s constructive feedback.

    Constructive feedback is “you know what, I like raw animalistic sex that’s spontaneous, I think it’d be super nude if you just….” Which should have come up in 9 months of conversations about sex before this incident.

    Destructive commentary is saying “my ex fucked me better than you ever have because they did things you haven’t” even though you’ve had 9 months worth of opportunities to communicate what you like.

    I know what kind of sex she’s talking about, and I’m also aware that there are tons of ways to communicate to your partner about it without making them feel like they’re being negatively compared to someone else about a sensitive and intimate subject. But that’s because I expect to have actual consideration for my partner’s feelings when I communicate with them about intimate subjects.

  5. This was also an issue before the pregnancy?

    I'm being a real dude here and fishing for it this is totally hormone related or not.

  6. Live your life as the single woman you are. Serve him divorce papers. Stop making him dinners, stop allowing him to dictate how and when you will spend time together, stop allowing him to come and go freely. Arrange visitation via lawyers or organise through text/email. For the time being, Only answer the calls in the event of an emergency and set times he wants to talk to his child. His behaviour is disgusting and regardless of the reasons why – it’s abusive. He’s getting a enjoyment out of hurting you. That’s not love and it’s not healthy. Do your self and your child a favour and stop allowing yourself to be treated like this. Your son will be absorbing all of this as well. I don’t mean this to be harsh, I’m saying this because I care – and I speaking from experience.

    You will also probably find that if this really is a game to him, he’ll be completely shocked when you begin to stand up for yourself and stop allowing this behaviour. You’ll surprise yourself too when you start to realises your worth – because you are worth so much more than this.

  7. Don't go back more than likely now he's gone back to Britt to pour out his woe is me I phucked up emotions he heard you loud and clear he just chose not to do anything about it

  8. And you are with her WHY???? Get out of this toxic merry-go-round and abusive relationship for your own well-being and for your animals. She seems extremely unhinged and mentally ill… but I'm no doctor but her behavior is not normal.

  9. Find a new place to live ASAP and value yourself more than you are right now. You deserve to be treated well by the people who are supposed to care about you!

  10. Just go fuck the gym bro and tell the not yet bf you “really like” it’s not gonna work out. He doesn’t wanna be plan b to this guy anyways if he knew. If you stay with the nit yet bf and you’re still thinking about sexy gym guy you wanna bang that’s a recipe for a true disaster down the line. Right now you’re being mean and kind of inappropriate. If you stay with the guy you’re seeing and cheat with gym guy(which is 95% going to happen) then you’re a pos and a cheater.

  11. No, it’s not okay and not normal. A grown-up would know that living somewhere costs rent, and you are not even charging her half of everything.

    If she wants enough space for ALL her things, she will need to rent a place twice your size and pay 3000 or more. Whatever space you are giving her is more than enough for the price you are charging.

    Either she starts paying, and soon, or you need to decide if you want to be used like this or rather break up. She doesn’t seem to be mature enough to be in a relationship if she won’t even accept that she needs to pay her share in any living situation.

  12. No, it’s not okay and not normal. A grown-up would know that living somewhere costs rent, and you are not even charging her half of everything.

    If she wants enough space for ALL her things, she will need to rent a place twice your size and pay 3000 or more. Whatever space you are giving her is more than enough for the price you are charging.

    Either she starts paying, and soon, or you need to decide if you want to be used like this or rather break up. She doesn’t seem to be mature enough to be in a relationship if she won’t even accept that she needs to pay her share in any living situation.

  13. Well obviously I don't get to decide whether she deletes them or not, but it isn't about that. If she respects me enough she would do that no?

  14. Info: How long are these conversations? How many minutes does your phone say? Do you still call her when you’re out with your wife? Do you also call her if you’re at an event?

  15. My wife once told me I was putting my WoW friends ahead of her and that she was jealous of all the time I spent in the game helping guild members. I immediately scaled back to put more effort into my marriage. I need to feel helpful, but not at the cost of her happiness.

  16. Are you 100% sure it's the engagement that led to the decline in her sex drive? Is she on any relatively new medications? Is there a lot of stress in her life? Does she struggle with her appearance? Did she endure any trauma? How is her mental health?

    Are there a lot of marriages in her family that were dysfunctional or unhealthy?

  17. Just remember this men are mandatory forced to pay child support EVEN when discovered the newborn is not his. This is the equivalent to paternity tests and with equality and all that, there should be no backlash as that would make women seem untrustworthy and display double standards with full hypocrisy sprinkled on.

    Mandatory testing is literally the only way to stop women cheating or at the very least destroy an innocent man’s life because he was the most responsible in her mind to take care of her and the baby. Cheating is the highest form of betrayal so please spare me your double standards masqueraded as disapproval of giving your man the respect and evidence that you can be trusted.

  18. Why can't he stay home for a couple of days ( and make a big fuss of them) and then go visit HIS parents. That way both lots of parents get quality one on one time with their child.

    My daughter comes home at least once a month ,at the same time her partner stays with his parents ( they live near us) and it works great. We see him briefly too and she visits him parents but doesn't sleep there. Most parents even if they love their kids partners don't 'need' to see them. It might be the reason we DO get along lol.

  19. Yeah it’s too quick, it’s understandable though when you’ve come from a bad place. It’s not too late to put the brakes on though, you don’t have to break it off or undo anything, just stay as you are for a while and get to know each other.

    But no living together (keep yourself a safe space of your own), no rings, nothing that would further commit you to things until it’s settled down.

    Love and infatuation are nude to distinguish from each other sometimes, so stepping back and seeing which it is over time is always a good move IMO.

  20. Not a lawyer. But without a prenup, any assets you bring into the marriage are yours when you exit the marriage. That's my understanding, at least.

    It works both ways. My ex-wife brought a ton of student loan debt into the marriage and I had absolutely no responsibility for it during or after the marriage.

  21. Your girlfriend is letting her friend and her experience interfere with y’all’s relationship and that ain’t cool, y’all been together for five years

  22. Yeah I don’t think I do like them if I’m honest, I think it’s because as you say they don’t speak my language. I’m never gonna be a people person, it’s just not me.

  23. It's sad but sometimes we need a wake up call that kinda shake things up.

    Whatever you guys end up deciding can make you stronger and more mature, together or not.

  24. Ok, but right now you are being treated like shit. You giving him divorce papers and not following up is a grade school yard failure. Boy had no reason to take anything you say seriously.

    While I am not a catholic, I am pretty sure treating a wife as a sex slave isn't exactly kosher

  25. if quality time is your love language and he's not willing to give you the amount you need, then it's not going to get any better because you'll cause resentment if he gives in.

    I am personally more like your partner where I prefer the short bursts with my wife.

  26. You should call the cops and have them follow you over to get your precious boy! Make sure to do it now while you’re still sauced. I bet they’d love to look at your sweet, aging, pathetic tits. ??? You’re not even a good troll!

  27. The inside jokes thing is uuuuuge. You are so attentive and truly empathetic. Never heard this mentioned but for me it’s the biggest sign of a connection

  28. As far as I understand, he doesn’t consume a lot of porn. Maybe he did watch a lot of it before we were together but I wouldn’t know now.

  29. He understands the differences perfectly well, he's just using this as a stick to beat you with. He's got you questioning your own intelligence already, so how long until you're letting him make all the decisions?

  30. Thank you I appreciate this I am starting to feel that he is controlling. I told him I need space from him, I need to truly think about everything.

  31. Seconding this. Sometimes STDs wouldn't show up on a test immediately so still worth re-testing if they did the right thing and tested before they started having sex.

  32. But he was a child too and didn’t know any better, and he told me that it started by her showing him a video of people kissing.

  33. Ignore them, I know plenty of men who go hunting one weekend or more per month, leaving their kids with their wives. No one gives them shit.

  34. If you live together then it's reasonable to expect to be told that he's leaving the house, and an estimate of return time.

    If you don't live together then no there's no reasonable expectation of knowing if he's at home or elsewhere.

  35. Unless this country is Vatican City or the Principality of Sealand I'm pretty sure you can move there without having to worry about running in to this controlling weirdo.

    Your ex's preferences should not even remotely be a factor in your decision making process here. What he wants or expects from you doesn't matter, at all. it sounds like you've done your research and are excited about the move, so go for it! Odds are 99.999% you'll never see this guy and even if you did, so what? People share countries with their exes all the time. All but one of the exes I've ever had lives in the same country I currently do, it's not a big deal. It's the norm.

  36. Are your cats adopted from a rescue?

    When I left my abusive ex I took my two cats and put them in foster care with the rescue I adopted them from.

    I reached out to the woman who runs the rescue and told her I was fleeing abuse, I was still in school for another 6 months, I didn't have secure housing (staying with friends), but that once I graduated I would do everything in my power to get an apartment and a job and take them back.

    She told me that too many women stay in bad situations because of pets. They took my cats, let me see them every day for as long as I wanted, I didn't have to pay for anything, and I was able to pick them up a week after I moved into my apartment which was 2 weeks after I graduated, I was hired right out of school into my field. It was so much work to get to that point but so worth being able to leave.

    If you can get help from a local rescue to foster your cats for a while that's a great chance to just get out and stay in a shelter if necessary.

  37. | It would be incredibly invalidating to him to say having a toddler is the easiest stage. It’s literally called “the terrible twos” and toddlers are chaotic as fuck.

    I agree with u/tiredandshort; anyone who says a toddler is easy has been graced with an easy toddler. My first son was-my second was not easy at all and definitely gets easier with age. He also never slept well which is not uncommon.

  38. But honestly it's not worth losing him, if I lose someone on the long run due to life I don't mind but if I did it myself I won't accept it

  39. He has the girl saved as a business in his contacts for plausible deniability.

    Why would McDonald's be texting a guy at 2am to come eat a big mac?

    Therapist friend is an idiot too.

  40. He’s just waiting for the perfect moment, you can have a good relationship and respectful one with someone younger than you where that person can seek for advice and if you see them on the streets you can say hello, but to start hanging out and telling that person who’s 15 years younger than you to have a relationship is not a good sign because he already told you he can wait for you to turn 17-18 to finally start asking for nudes and taking a more “aggressive “ approach on how to convince into having a relationship

  41. He still sees me nude every day and we have a very active love life. The way I feel about myself doesn’t stop me from showing him how attracted I am to him

  42. You admitted you gravitate to the wrong type of women. Break up with your fiance, get some therapy, and work on yourself so your next relationship can be a healthy one.

  43. You can't continue on with someone like this OP, they're nothing but manipulative and daunting best to get away from him and go live a happy life, this person doesn't know how to be happy so he certainly can't make others around him happy.

  44. Marriage counseling is for two normal married people to work through differences and normal life problems. This is for both people to try and compromise.

    What I just read was 100% outright BETRAYAL in the worst possible ways and there is no “working on things” or “therapy” or “meeting in the middle” possible here!

    Get STD tested asap. In depth study and analize bank records, phone records, gps history, if you wish. But don't waste your time, he has wasted enough. Your mental and physical health was sacrificed for his gd damnned penis. This is one of the lowest form of life is what he is. There is no need for a conversation here. Just block and walk away. Let him rot in his own filth.

  45. This is likely not the first time he did this and he likely backed out because of the woman involved or the location he went to made him uncomfortable not because he was noble and had a change of heart. You should probably just divorce him because you will never trust him again.

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