Our gf (30F) won’t workout and it’s making myself (31M) not want to marry her.


We have been with each other for a decade. She is my best friend and I love her. Through the years, I have stayed active plus regularly go to the gym and he or she has chosen not to and has gained a lot of weight. As you go along, I have encouraged her to join me at the gym, encouraged the girl to join gyms that better suit what she loves to do, and have tried my best to positively reinforce her taking the gym and diet seriously. She keeps producing excuses to not go but acknowledges that’s she has to lose weight in a healthy method so I thought we were on the same page, then 4 years passed and nothing is promoting. What usually happens is definitely she’ll get excited and hit the gym really good for two weeks then something happens and she won’t go for a 30 days. How can I help her modify this? She is expecting me personally to propose this year and I know life long love is approximately more than just looks but maintaining a decent figure is important to me and I’ve lost a lot of my sexual appeal to her… not a quite comforting feeling when you are about to propose. I’m not really asking her to be design thin but I don’t wish to marry someone who is to the cusp of obesity if they are 30. I want all of us to be active, I want our own future kids to be energetic, I want us to on-line long healthy lives, and am want my wife to be sexy (why does this feel wrong to say? It shouldn’t). At a certain point it is about off as her not really caring about me since I have tried so naked to get her to invest in fitness like she was once and she knows how important it really is in my life and she nevertheless chooses not to. It’s getting to the point where I can feel my resentment building every time the girl makes an excuse to neglect the gym and I know that is not going to lead anywhere healthy. How do I bring this as much as her respectfully so she can sense the emergency but without ruining the relationship and making her really feel horrible? I want her to feel encouraged.

Basically break up with her for this it might surprise her mainly because I’ve always been passive and walked around the issue mainly because I don’t want to sound therefore vain but babe, you’re losing me and I therefore desperately want you to change that!

submitted by /u/ThrowRA_rsfeeder92
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Date: February 10, 2023

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