No matter how hard it seems, you can do it! Those aren't jokes. He's just another abusive POS (just like all the rest) that is thinly disguising his abuse as jokes. All abusers do this exact same thing btw at some point. Just keep your eye on the prize…yes you will be single, BUT gifting yourself with being able to wake up everyday without concerns that sone assclown who is suppose to be your partner isn't calling you degrading names to tear you down. Have the last joke and laugh by telling him he is history.
I think you misunderstand me. You don't have to have wandering eyes. Attraction can be inevitable even if you are faithful. You don't get married and suddenly find every other person on the planet completely unattractive. Attraction doesn't care whether you are single or married.
You may find yourself liking a person more than any platonic relationship should. That you are thinking about crossing, or maybe have even crossed some small boundaries. When you get that awareness is when you have to change tact and do the what's necessary to not undermine your current relationship.
There is always the risk of an affair, its what you do to prevent it happening or deal with it when it occurs is what makes the difference.
That is violence. Good thing you don’t have a kid yet, get out while you can (unless you want to be treated that way for the rest of your life).
No matter how hard it seems, you can do it! Those aren't jokes. He's just another abusive POS (just like all the rest) that is thinly disguising his abuse as jokes. All abusers do this exact same thing btw at some point. Just keep your eye on the prize…yes you will be single, BUT gifting yourself with being able to wake up everyday without concerns that sone assclown who is suppose to be your partner isn't calling you degrading names to tear you down. Have the last joke and laugh by telling him he is history.
I think you misunderstand me. You don't have to have wandering eyes. Attraction can be inevitable even if you are faithful. You don't get married and suddenly find every other person on the planet completely unattractive. Attraction doesn't care whether you are single or married.
You may find yourself liking a person more than any platonic relationship should. That you are thinking about crossing, or maybe have even crossed some small boundaries. When you get that awareness is when you have to change tact and do the what's necessary to not undermine your current relationship.
There is always the risk of an affair, its what you do to prevent it happening or deal with it when it occurs is what makes the difference.