You should go to therapy about your social anxiety. Anxiety is 10000% something you can definitely overcome, it's not a mental illness that's necessarily caused by chemical imbalances. So please, you owe it to yourself to on-line a normal life, especially at your age. You need both occupational therapy, it's great for anxiety-ridden people.
Don't treat the symptoms, treat the cause. I'm type 1 bipolar, was diagnosed at 10. With that said, I've had 2 decades worth of figuring it out. Anxiety comes with that territory. But I no longer allow it to control my everyday life. It's not fair to suppress your partner's lifestyle and disable her from a fulfilling life just because you hate people, which is 10000% treatable. Take accountability and control over your life. Or let your partner be with someone who can match her energy.
And honestly, her getting you out of your comfort zone is one of the best ways to overcome your disability. Ask yourself why does being around large crowds give you anxiety? Once you've figured it out, fix it. This isn't healthy.
Shoulda coulda woulda over a man from 10 years ago. But honestly, the fact you are even entertaining calling off an engagement for this friend means you’re not committed to the concept of marrying your fiancé. I advise doing some serious reflecting to see if this cold feet. If you already have wondering eyes and a wondering heart, meaning you’re contemplating what a future could look like with someone else, then there’s your answer. You’re still on the hunt for your guy. Which means you don’t feel like he’s right in front of you.
Curious, genuine question. How do you feel about this if the situation were reversed? She was the one with the black eye?
You should go to therapy about your social anxiety. Anxiety is 10000% something you can definitely overcome, it's not a mental illness that's necessarily caused by chemical imbalances. So please, you owe it to yourself to on-line a normal life, especially at your age. You need both occupational therapy, it's great for anxiety-ridden people.
Don't treat the symptoms, treat the cause. I'm type 1 bipolar, was diagnosed at 10. With that said, I've had 2 decades worth of figuring it out. Anxiety comes with that territory. But I no longer allow it to control my everyday life. It's not fair to suppress your partner's lifestyle and disable her from a fulfilling life just because you hate people, which is 10000% treatable. Take accountability and control over your life. Or let your partner be with someone who can match her energy.
And honestly, her getting you out of your comfort zone is one of the best ways to overcome your disability. Ask yourself why does being around large crowds give you anxiety? Once you've figured it out, fix it. This isn't healthy.
Shoulda coulda woulda over a man from 10 years ago. But honestly, the fact you are even entertaining calling off an engagement for this friend means you’re not committed to the concept of marrying your fiancé. I advise doing some serious reflecting to see if this cold feet. If you already have wondering eyes and a wondering heart, meaning you’re contemplating what a future could look like with someone else, then there’s your answer. You’re still on the hunt for your guy. Which means you don’t feel like he’s right in front of you.