Hanna-bourgue live! webcams for YOU!


hanna-bourgue Public Chat Channel

Date: February 19, 2023

5 thoughts on “Hanna-bourgue live! webcams for YOU!

  1. If I were in your shoes I wouldn't be able to ever trust him again and I'd initiate a divorce. As long as there are no consequences to his behavior it will keep doing it. You're busting your ass raising a 1 yr old child and hes off sexting a bond trading nudes? Nah, fuck him and not in the good way.

  2. Sounds like you two don’t have room for a relationship if you both don’t have room on your plates.

    Just toss up to wrong timing for you two and that it was inevitable not going to pan out long term.

    It happens, sometimes people have to make a judgement call and how he handled it was a bit immature granted, but I think he’s aware you two don’t have time for a relationship & not just with each other, but in general… or at least I hope he’s aware.

    Cause the outside looking in, I can clearly see this if you are both extremely busy.

    Take this as a learning lesson for now, which is normal in your 20’s to figure out to properly have a balance for yourself & a relationship.

    By your 30’s you eventually figure this out and those that don’t will always be scratching their heads why they can’t maje a relationship work when they have zero time to make really room for one.

  3. Just you bet you are going to be made fun of.

    That's how people are.

    But uf I were you I would go see a doctor first thing tomorrow.

    Your eye was swelling closed while cooled. I don't like that for you.

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