Girlfriend (24F) is mad at me (32M) for not paying for her and her friends’ dinner


She’s being melodramatic and ridiculous.

The other night we’ve agreed that I’ll be picking her up from a restaurant she was hanging around in with her friends. It’s a pricey, new naked spot in the city and they were there to celebrate one of her friend’s engagement, apparently she took it upon herself to offer paying the check since “everyone paid for something except for me and I felt embarrassed for not contributing!”.

While I was outside waiting for her, she gave me a call, her voice was a dead giveaway of her freaking out, she started telling me that she’s in the bathroom panicking because when she just attempted to pay her card got declined and she felt even more humiliated infront of her friends cause of it. She started begging me to come into the restaurant and pay for their dinner. The bill was above a 1000 damn dollars which is no surprise because they’re six, it’s an expensive place and they clearly went crazy at it. I refused and told her to just ask her friends to split the bill. She started crying, hung up on me, refused to get in the car or come back to my place.

It’s been a week and she’s still pissy, how do I solve this?

submitted by /u/ThrowRAnooomood
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Date: March 21, 2023

One thought on “Girlfriend (24F) is mad at me (32M) for not paying for her and her friends’ dinner

  1. Just to warn you, her bad rep could rub off onto you as well. I am not being judgemental here. I would ignore the rumors just as you are. But Your friends are distancing themselves from you because of her? That's one sign of that starting. What you might think of is moving to somewhere where nobody knows you two and starting over.

    Again, not judging, just being practical about your situation.

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