Celine the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD


Celine, 18 y.o.


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Celine live! sex chat

Date: March 23, 2023

19 thoughts on “Celine the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Be sad. Be very very sad. For as long as you need. You can’t escape it, so just go through it

  2. You've been together for 5 months, not having sex for 3. 5 months is just an audition, and you're finding out your aren't compatible. She gets mad and doesn't want to talk about it if you bring it up, which means that you have no avenue here except to let her go if you want to have a sexual relationship with someone.

  3. I need to be more respectful, affectionate and attentive to his needs. I agree with all of that and I am willing. But convincing him that is the problem because the incidents happened so close together.

  4. Yep. I'd scratch, bite, punch, grab ears and twist, try to poke eyes out. Real life is not jiu-jitsu/wrestling.

  5. Girl what you still fighting eveyone ? this screams “ I’m not jealous but I’m sure he will choose me over her ??‍♀️” ?

  6. This is pretty much the answer. Reddit as usual grossly misreads a situation. It was over in the first paragraph.

    OP was invited to go, implying literally nothing nefarious was planned it's just a trip with friends. OP declined because she values work over life experiences. OP decides her BF cannot be happy without her and demands he not have fun because she chose not to.

    The friend sounds like a bitch but it literally has nothing to do with any part of this story lol since the only substance in the story is that OP didn't wanna go on a trip and is giving her bf an ultimatum to “decide” the same.

  7. Your roommate tried to help you while you acted like a child and had a meltdown.

    Your GF tried to help while you acted like a child and wouldn’t even speak to her.

    The continued helping you and you’re throwing yet another tantrum because they are food together.

    Get a grip and grow up. You don’t deserve either of them if this is how you treat people. You owe them both a huge apology for absolutely every single thing you did that day.

  8. Realest response. So far it's been a bunch of women talking about how her forced her to do something and how he didn't listen to what she wanted.

    A woman legit said she wouldn't get married to someone if they wanted to do more than just elope. So you're not gonna get married to someone who doesn't wanna do exactly what you say? The entitlement is crazy.

    Marriages are two people, trying to make two decisions. They spoke about it and she didn't speak up then. Only chose to speak up when OP was half dead lmfao.

    He ain't missing out on whatever bullshit she had in store for the future. They'll find people who are more willing to accommodate their life.

  9. Back up – who says you have to love any one person more than another person? You don’t because love doesn’t have to be weighed and measured out. Love is nuanced and comes in a variety of kinds. A life well lived is a life full of love.

    Talk to your brother. Tell him how you feel. Tell him about your pride in him and how you see your relationship evolving. I read once where our siblings are our best friends because there’s no one else who gets to be along our life’s journey like they do. Not everyone has great relationship with their siblings so seize your opportunity and let him know.

  10. He literally could’ve just changed it but instead got so mad he dropped a bottle of juice in the store and stormed out . He said I needed help because I was crazy and all this shit simply because I was upset about the name .

    he's not mad about you telling him to change the name necessarily but rather the principle of you constantly questioning their friendship.

    It might be to him that you seem to look for any reason to voice your displeasure of his friendship with her and that's what riles him up, not really the request to change name on his phone.

    It's that he feels if he so much as gets a funny text from her and laughs out loud in your presence you'll again voice your displeasure with it and that can get annoying.

    Worse off he seems to naturally have a very short fuse. I'd be annoyed but I'm not going to literally storm off.

    I have nick names in my phone for my sisters and that’s about it . I have close male friends and we had nick names for each other but I’m not saving them as that in my phone because I feel like it’s weird idk ??‍♀️

    No that's okay. We are all raised somewhat differently and that combined with our different personalities means we have different principles and expectations when dealing with others .

    In fact most people would act like you, it just so happens that his probably a rare case and unfortunately he's also short tempered.

    Btw does he also go off in anger about other things or this issue in particular? That could be key in you deciding how to deal with this.

    From my own experience with having friendships with women it's that when said women could evoke exclusive reactions from me is when I knew things were getting to deep.

    In that if his personality is naturally short fused, then yeah, not so bad. If it comes specifically when you question their relationship, then that's an orange flag and you should be concerned.

  11. Ok that’s even more reason why your focus should be on zero exposure rather than how to appear innocent and chill. It’s a toxic shitshow from both sides. Honestly, just unfollow/block her on everything and move on. It’ll be nude because it’s not dissimilar to an addiction at this point but this sounds like it’s consuming a lot of your time and energy for no positive result.

  12. Because it sounds like you don’t want to have a confrontation, my suggestion is that you do things gradually.

    I’m not discussing my weight today. I’m going to hang up now. I need to get going. I’m really proud of myself.

    You can try to talk with her, but it seems that won’t get you very far.

    Keep in mind that you don’t have to engage with her on everything. If she’s hyper-critical, she doesn’t get as much information from you as she would if she was more supportive.

    Keep conversations more surface level. ‘What did you have for lunch?’

    Good luck.

  13. You are responsible for managing your own feelings. Full stop.

    She is not yours to offload your negative feelings on.

    It is not her job to soothe your temper.

    She is not meant to absorb the impact of the negative emotions you feel around others, but only let out in her presence.

    She is not your dumping ground.

    “Grumpy” sure sounds like you’re underplaying your role in this. Also, if she’s making bids to improve the situation and you’re not meeting her ready to work on it UNTIL she’s halfway out the door, you’ve probably sealed your fate.

    Signed, a woman who was the emotional punching bag for an abusive man for 12 years.

  14. Exactly why is it a big deal to him to share? If he truly wanted her to feel secure why not share locations? Id gladly share mine because I don’t care if my BF or the FBI tracks me…I’m not going anywhere interesting enough for anyone to care.

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