Sabrina Haze live sex cams for YOU!



Date: March 23, 2023

16 thoughts on “Sabrina Haze live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Her's my cynical advice first. If there's time, and you're comfortable with it, order a camera or two to hide around your place. Assuming that you two online together.

    But you sound like you're already prepared to catch him. Are you planning on coming back early on Saturday or something?

    Now here's my optimistic advice. He could legit not be friends with this woman (which would be why she's not saved in his phone) and not be planning to meetup with her. I hope things go well for you.

  2. He is a cheat. I have zero doubt he will ditch his fidelity for dick every time.

    Your friend is a cheat and will ditch your friendship for dick every time.

  3. It's the coolest thing when someone gets us for exactly who we are and vice verse. It's like winning the lottery.

    So it's completely understandable you're feeling the way you do, when someone impacts us deeply we miss them for a long while.

    They see, hear and understand us, there's trust and an exchange of respect and closeness. They show us what we're capable of and allow us to shine a light on what type of person we are.

    Don't try and forget her, rather celebrate that you two got to have the great friendship you had and most of all, realise that there are other people out there who will get you too.

  4. So they conspired to rape you. You were raped. No. Do not have a child with this person and leave immediately.

  5. Trust your gut.

    Just curious, did y’all oust the girl he had an affair with from the group too?

  6. You are probably having a crush on him because your fiance is not available. Is there any chance your fiance could make time for the 2 of you?

  7. Whatever is going on with this girl is one thing, lying about it is another and for me at least is a deal breaker. I think you'd be justified in taking whatever steps you feel are appropriate for you. You said you're “just about done here” – that could mean you're ready to try to have an honest conversation or you're ready to leave, I don't know. But your feelings are valid and the reality – untainted by any bluster or bullshit of his – would justify you taking whatever action you feel you need to.

  8. No. Nope. Nada. You are his dirty little secret. Occasionally he listens to your problems. The bar can’t be that low. Don’t settle for this.

  9. Relateable. I am the boyfriend with dog in this scenario and it’s frustrating AF. My dog is so jealous and territorial and it literally was the primary reason a guy I was talking to stopped seeing me. He would get drunk weeks and months after and tell me how great I was and “if it wasn’t for that damn dog!”- (anytime I say that phrase in my head it sounds like a Scooby Doo villain line lol. You meddlin kids! *shakes fist) I don’t have much wisdom to impart just wanted to say your frustration is definitely at least somewhat warranted and I feel ya. For my dogs behavioral issues, I asked for a training collar with a buzzer and beeps from my folks for Christmas and it was very effective- but it also only worked in conjunction with a remote I had to bring with me everywhere if I wanted to use it and charge the remote and collar regularly and that maintenance deterred me from staying consistent. But then by chance I found something far far cheaper and, in some ways, better. For Christmas as a gift for many family members, I’d purchased several electric lighters- which are also pretty handy in their own rite. The ones I got had the long, snaky, bendable neck so they could be used for candles and grills etc and is rechargeable and the charge lasts a really long time. By chance my friend and I found that the click and frequency of the lighter is a VERY effective dog deterrent and it’s just a bonus that you don’t have to directly intercede physically with the dog. And upon googling, it seems to be pretty universal in effectiveness for dogs. Maybe using that or something else when the dog is presenting problematic behavior can help stop the behavior itself and get the dog to respect your space a little more in general. I found that with the lighter and the collar my dogs behavior would improve for a good while following actually using it- just knowing the threat of discipline is there made put him on better behavior. I know that doesn’t solve all your issues by a long shot, just thought hopefully it might help some. Good luck!

  10. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My boyfriend says that he absolutely needs sex in order to feel loved, and nothing else I do for him matters (which I think is BS). No matter what I do or how much I kiss and cuddle him, he’s said to me multiple times now that there’s no point in just kissing or cuddling unless sex is going to come after. I’ll be completely happy kissing him but the second he tries to move things further and I say no, his attitude completely changes and he barely wants to continue. He says he respects my boundaries and the fact that I don’t have to but uses his excuse that he only feels loved by having sex as a way to guilt me into it, which is the reason I don’t want to (i feel like I have to). There’s no compromise to this situation. Either I have sex to keep him happy, and I’m hurt, or I don’t have sex to keep myself happy, and he’s hurt.

    This has been an argument point for years now in our relationship (almost 6 years now) and I’m tired of it and want to leave. I need advice on how to go about it. Last time I tried to have a conversation about it, he threatened to kill himself, so I need a gentle way of saying it I guess

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