Burningchocolate live! sex cams for YOU!


3 fingers in ass [274 tokens remaining]

Date: March 24, 2023

28 thoughts on “Burningchocolate live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. It is better, thank you for the correction! You're still incorrect but I appreciate the acknowledgment of your error.

  2. Cannot unsee.

    “use this as a lesson. In your next relationship, let her know your kinks and explore together.

    I feel violated at the lengths you went through to steal from me and lie to me and I’m not going to let you try to make me the bad guy here.

    This is embarrassing for the both of us, so let’s call it quits and we can both try to move on from here”

  3. He's 30 and lives with his parents.

    Do you think he's a big time go getter that is going to make you his priority?

    Your instincts are not wrong. He is a lazy partner and is likely lazy in every other facet of his life.

    “He text me midday when he woke up.”

    The kind of men you want to build a relationship with don't wake up midday living with their parents.

  4. You put a stop to it. Leading them on would make you an AH. Trying something for fun doesn’t. Don’t feel obligated. Be honest. It sounds as if you have integrity. Be honest.

  5. You need to talk to him before you leave.


    “I've seen your messages with (hername) and I find them highly inappropriate, you may think it's harmless or you just don't care, but to me there very inappropriate, and I'm not comfortable with your relationship with her outside of work and I don't want you seeing her outside of work at all. If you do go while I'm away I will take that as you have chosen her over our relationship. Boundaries need to be set with her. So the constant texting stops now, no more unless it is strictly about work, I also find it extremely disrespectful that in none of these chats have you mention me or your son as if your hiding us”..

    He probably hasn't told her about you and is forming a relationship with her or already has, just because the messages ain't sexual doesn't mean they ain't in person.

    Once you told him if he get confrontational then you have your answer an innocent person has nothing to worry about.

    If it was me and my partner said hey I don't like your relationship with your Co worker I find it inappropriate and would like you not to meet them while I'm away, I'd be like ok no problem I won't meet them and stop texting unless it's for work.

    Another thing is have they met outside of work before???

    Because I find it oddly suspicious he doing it while you are away as if he going to bring her back to your place as if he single which could be why he hasn't mentioned you or your son

  6. Why would you offer up a promise you realistically knew you wouldn't be able to keep?

    Saying that, Sam's mad because you slept with Tim, in turn choosing Tim over Sam. He wouldn't be mad if you had broken a promise to only drink water for a week.

  7. A year ago, I was talking to a guy that I wanted to meet on a dating app. Out of the blue, he told me that I could never expect to be more than fwb with him. I asked why and he told me that due my weight, he could only have sex with me when he was in a certain mood, so ofc, this can't lead to a relationship.

    I told him that I was not looking for a relationship but that his comment made me feel too self aware and I lost interest on him. He tried to take it back but I thanked for his time and blocked him.

    People are entitled to like what they like, but they are not entitled to use you and put conditions to love you. Your bf is totally entitled to like skinny girls, but after eight years of relationship and the express of wanting to have a family with you, he put conditions to officialize what you guys already have is shallow and selfish. You guys already live! together,.you guys already have a house together..he using this that you really want as a way to control you and mold you in to the person he wishes you to be, emotional or physical, tells me that your relationship will always have this dynamic where he punishes or rewards you for your behavior.

    Even if you lose weight in months,.you can gain it again, and what will happen? He will resent you because life got in the way? Because you got pregnant, got sick, got older? When you will be good enough for him?

    I would think deeply if this is the guy you really want to be on sickness and poverty. Is easy to be happy in health and happiness, but the wedding vows go way beyound that.

  8. Dump her.

    Yes her past is her past, but it is your current, as you said you have to interact with these people on a regular basis until you graduate, and depending on where you live!, possibly for years afterwards.

    Are you going to be happy when you and your gf (or wife by then if it gets that far) go to a party and have to interact with some of them?

    What happens if one of them becomes your boss? Or worse her boss.

    The number of people isn’t the issue, it’s the small pond she has chosen them from which shows her lack of judgement and probably self respect.

  9. I absolutely agree. I feel like we see more women sharing these types of issues here and the last 10 posts I saw were women, so I just started there. Really though, everyone should respect themselves enough to not tolerate poor behavior from their partners

  10. I will VERY much consider it a bullet dodged if someone breaks up with me for sleeping with other people before them. I would never ever fuck or date anyone with such close minded views. I don’t care if that limits my options. I don’t WANT those options to begin with

  11. He started dating you saying you’re so mature for your age and now he’s saying you’re an immature idiot. Which is it? He never thought you were mature. He knew. Now he’s got you. You need to get out, yesterday. This man screams pedo vibes….

  12. Only issue is this weekend she was talking to me about how I could maybe take a few days off and go with them on the drive then fly back or vice versa. Like she seemed like she wanted me there.

  13. Just from the way you write I'd be willing to bet all the money in the world your friends aren't too far off.

  14. Be honest with yourself, you wouldn't be posting that if it would not be able to see the red flags already.

  15. This sounds awful, my dude. Good luck. I wouldn't do this at all. This is coming from someone who's planning to live! on acres, connected to his in-laws.

  16. I’m on probation now, will be off in July. All I have are a couple of disorderly conducts and a couple criminal mischief charges.

  17. Men flirting with women is expected, but women being flirtatious with a man is rare, he knows he can easily get a womans sexual attention. And this will sound assholish, but you are a 38yo mother of 2 who is aiming to what seems to be a HVM (who I asume, doesnt have kids).

    Sorry to tell you this, but you are no longer the most atractive option at his reach. Being fit at 38 is not the same that being fit at 28, specially after two preagnacies. To some men, the fact that you have children is a hot pass, even if you are the only single woman in town. You being a successfull business owner is not something that men find sexually appealing, it doesnt add value because at your age you are expected to be fully independent (AKA a functional adult).

    As you can see, I wont pamper your ego like other commenters did. If you dont want to date ever again, do it, but if you want to keep trying, understand than options for a LTR will be far more scarse (in quantity and quality) than years ago.

  18. I wouldn’t marry someone who is out sucking some other bloke’s dick. If your mate asked you what he should do, what would you tell him?

    Sorry, mate. But better you know now than in 5 years time.

  19. Then he’s A LOT more abusive than your post let’s on. Men who strangle are far more likely to eventually murder their partner, studies show. But not only that, you said the therapist was making it worse, when in reality it was never good. Someone constantly telling you to leave, serves to make you feel unsafe about the relationship and unstable. I think you realize that you are pretty much emotionally checked out.

  20. I agree with this.

    I don’t think it’s evidence of him cheating, but he’s definitely gas lighting you.

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