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I'd bring it up and just say
Pass me your phone.. if he asks why simply say:
I noticed you starting following this women since you been to work event and not once have you mentioned her, considering you would of had to have got along pretty well to both then start following each other, and that don't sit right with me.
Don't let him get defensive and say no he won't give you his phone yada yada.
Say.. well you got nothing to hide you won't mind me looking will ya.
Just don't let him have a hissy fit then come back later and hand you phone once he had chance to delete it, has to be handed over then and there.
If he adamantly refuses say OK that makes me doubt you, I'll just message her and ask myself.
So those are he two choices hands it over or you ask her yourself.
It could be completely innocent I don't know your husband. But to not tell you and be actively commenting on her stuff ?
I'd bring it up and just say
Pass me your phone.. if he asks why simply say:
I noticed you starting following this women since you been to work event and not once have you mentioned her, considering you would of had to have got along pretty well to both then start following each other, and that don't sit right with me.
Don't let him get defensive and say no he won't give you his phone yada yada.
Say.. well you got nothing to hide you won't mind me looking will ya.
Just don't let him have a hissy fit then come back later and hand you phone once he had chance to delete it, has to be handed over then and there.
If he adamantly refuses say OK that makes me doubt you, I'll just message her and ask myself.
So those are he two choices hands it over or you ask her yourself.
It could be completely innocent I don't know your husband. But to not tell you and be actively commenting on her stuff ?