Casey-keller on-line sex chats for YOU!


16 thoughts on “Casey-keller on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Please end this relationship. While I get what he did was wrong, expecting to just have him endure the fallout of it by you being needy and not actually processing and working through the cheating together and separately means you built up an unhealthy approach to the relationship post cheating.

    Get into therapy to talk about the cheating and how to handle and work through something like that in the future. While he is absolutely at fault here, you also need to take charge on how you process and deal with something like this while in a relationship.

  2. So someone makes bad choices, overcomes them, turns there life around and you interpret it as immaturity? I found it interesting that he hit such a low in his life and didn't let it keep him down.

    I understand that there are some people in this world who simply don't believe in second chances. Fine. But would never condemn someone making such strong efforts to be a different person than who they were. This man clearly wasn't ready to date again after his divorce, and I found out in the most unfortunate way. But immaturity would be to hold someone's past against them and that is not me.

    Btw I asked for kind words regarding reentering the dating world, and all you've been is unkind and judgemental. Look at yourself before you judge someone else.

  3. Tell her you'll drive her (them) there and she can give your hair a quick trim too. See how she reacts whether she's happy you're coming or unhappy.

  4. What I mean is, she’s going to do it when she’s ready. So I would stop thinking about it as an issue to be solved then and understand she has to be ready, and may never be. So you have to want the person she is, not the person you want to make her.

  5. There’s no “fix” that gets you everything you want. And that’s life.

    You can either stay and do what you are doing, or do everything in your power to get back to your kids.

    It’s just a tough decision you need to make.

  6. Oh jeez I’ve tried that but he just says “where are all my clothes ?” and yes I am. Think I know what I need to do ?

  7. This just sounds like so much miscommunication. You should have asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday before booking it off work. He should have communicated he wanted a day to himself.

    You can tell him you are feeling hurt because he avoided you instead of being direct. It also sounds like your core issue is that you want more quality with your husband. I would just communicate that you need that in your relationship.

  8. Do you by chance have ADHD or are you on the spectrum?

    I ask because my partner does this to me and it drives me bananas but I think it’s due to his unmanaged ADHD. It’s like he can’t help but interrupt me when I’m in the middle of something. Listening to an audio book, taking a shower, cleaning, on the phone…

    When she has her earbuds in and is listening to a book, leave her alone! It’s really no different than walking in when someone is watching a show and interrupting them with a non-urgent convo. It’s rude on your part.

    I don’t think you’re trying to be rude but sometimes people just need to have their “me” time and while we may be walking around or cooking or cleaning while listening to a book, it doesn’t mean we are available for a conversation.

  9. “The more you ignore me, the more time I have to myself to do as a wish, and the longer you wait for me to reply back.”

  10. Statistically it is. The average is between 4 and 8 for a lifetime.

    It’s not really a subjective thing

  11. Nobody is trying to diagnose anything with comments like that. You need to realize that this is a way of getting other people to empathize with mental health issues that are written off as people being inherently evil.

    What do you think caused the woman in the post to have that breakdown? Should it be ignored and not receive any investigation? It's sensible to consider that this could be a health issue rather than her suddenly deciding to be a horrible person or something.

    It would be stupid to suddenly ditch your partner just because you don't want to take them to a doctor over one incident – provided you don't have health issues yourself that make this situation risky or traumatic for you.

    I'm sure your bedside manner is lovely.

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