KGoddess on-line sex chats for YOU!


kgoddess chat

Date: April 25, 2023

8 thoughts on “KGoddess on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. It’s only been a few months, he’s twice your age, he wants to not only have an open relationship but show you off to his old swinger friends?

    I’d say no for now bc that is seriously a lot and see how he reacts. Way too many flags, way too soon here.

  2. Drunk and stupid is no way to go thru life. If you are a little drunk, how do you know it and how do you control it? And fix the headline to match the issue.

  3. I have ADD and it causes me to have a slow processing speed, so I can absolutely see OPs perspective. It's funny how things affect people in different ways, because I do understand what you're saying about the forgetting part too

  4. Be mad at your girlfriend… not her ex, your girlfriend is the one still allowing her to seduce her & give her that attention. It seems as if your gf still has feelings for her, let her go

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