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10 thoughts on “ladykatja01live sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. This is grounds for a break up,

    Disrespect by either getting to drunk or not caring

    Not giving you any heads up

    Ignoring you

    Are you sure he’s not with another woman?

    Any of the above scenarios.

  2. Why would you wait for someone that may never want you? I guess he just had a rush of affection in the start and threw words at you like that.

    And now it early comes to show, that's all they were. Words.

  3. We have both read and taken on all the feedback below.

    Good, all too often I read of people who ignore the advice of others, and it blows up in their face unsurprisingly.


    She has deleted him on all platforms

    Good, that is the bare minimum she could do tbh.


    and said the reason why she wanted to talk is because she felt lonely. I have read their conversations and they were non-sexual other than when I joined in at the beginning.

    It's understandable that if she was lonely she would reach out for frienship, not to be railed by another guy… wtf.


    In some ways this hurt me more because she was confiding in someone who wasn’t me

    The thing is, that is normal to confide in other people, that's what got you in this situation in the first place. She should have other people to confide into other than yourself.


    We have both agreed to communicate more going forwards

    Good, communication is key to a happy life (or an amicable part).


    She has stated she feels stuck in the past mentally and wants to feel like she’s 18 again when she first met me. She said the feeling she had talking to someone new brought her back to that time and feels incredibly lonely. She doesn’t have many friends and we are together pretty much all of the time (both wfh so 24/7 practically)

    This sounds awfully like justification for cheating, or justification for future cheating. It doesn't sound like she did thankfully but at the same time being lonely is no excuse for cheating, if you're unhappy in your monogamous relationship then you either need to communicate effectively or hit the 'eject' button. It sounds like you weren't receptive to her needs, but equally she also did not communicate effectively. Understand the motivations but not excuse poor behaviour.


    I know I need to work harder to make her feel listened to and mixing fantasy with loneliness clearly wasn’t a good idea.

    And equally she needs to communicate better, this is not all on you my dude and that's what I get from your update. You both had an equal hand in this situation and how it happened. Luckily you got the heebie jeebies before anything happened because it doesn't sound like there would any going back if you had gone through with it.


    If it doesn’t work then so be it, but the fact that she has been so open after reading all of your messages is promising

    Good, I hope that your update is just painting a poor picture on how you are both taking this as your update makes it sound like you're shouldering all of the blame for her loneliness which I think is a bad take on what happened. If she had no communication how would you even know how she was feeling as you're not inside her head, and if she did communicate and you didn't listen then why did she focus on fucking another guy rather than just saying “hey man, I'm out”. It takes 2 to tango and you're both responsible for things working or not, equally.

    If you both focus on communication and honesty, you'll both be all right.

  4. He really doesn't sound like he's worth the effort of going to therapy. He doesn't want to change and knows that cheating is wrong but he knows he can get away with it. If you can't move back home soon look into saving up and finding an apartment. You don't owe him sex ever. Take this as an opportunity to change your life and decide what would make you really happy.

  5. This idea of sink cost is nonsense. A year is actually a decent amount of time for a relationship. Just break up and move on.

  6. “oh my god your eyes look so bad babe”

    This will be low level PTSD in 10 years when you will finally understand how abusive this is.

    This isn't like her not wanting to get rid of a cat.

  7. You are coming off like it is her responsibility to tell you what to do. My suggestion is that you come up with ideas on how you can express your love, that she is loved. And don't quiz her on whether your idea will make her feel loved. Just do it, show some effort. Oh, did you apologise and promise to not do what is on her list? That would be the first place to start.

  8. how the hell do you concider staying with him?

    If you want to know my honest opinion, the moment you tried grabbing the phone forcefully, it's showing you have deep issues yourself. In what relationship do you have to flight to steal your partner's phone? You are both indecent but maybe split you might be better

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