Hey all,
Going through a situation here and looking for an outside perspective. My (36M) girlfriend (33F) has recently got her driver's license (late, I know). We've been dating on and off for about 18 months. She can't afford a car right now, and asked if she can start driving my company vehicle when I'm out of town. After asking my fleet manager and insurance contact, we need to be common-law with the same address on our drivers license to be insured.
Her solution was to lie to my fleet manager and boss to push this through. We don't live together with no plans to yet. I explained if she crashes (likely) we would be liable / uninsured and I would likely lose my job. Her solution was to just not crash or get pulled over.
I'm thinking this is an extremely selfish and childish solution. Instant turn-off to learn how comfortable she is with bullshiting people.
I was willing to loan her money for a car and 6 month of insurance, but she wouldn't be willing to pay back in any kind of structured way. Essentially, needs me to pay / risk everything so she can have a vehicle.
This incident has brought up some more issues (like a recent vacation that she was a nightmare on) so I have decided to give her some space and asked to come get my stuff. She has told me if I come over, she will call the police on me for trespassing.
I'm willing to leave my possessions at her place for a clean break, but perhaps I've overreacted? I enjoy our time together most nights, but I drew a line at police being called as I just don't need that in my life. Any advise out there for reengaging or getting my stuff without police involved?
submitted by /u/Jerdinbrates
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