Roxanne the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD


Roxanne, 28 y.o.


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Roxanne live sex chat

Date: October 10, 2022

25 thoughts on “Roxanne the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. “Justifying her actions”?

    She was a 16 year old idiot like we all were, and the dude wasn't even his best friend at the time, that came AFTER THEY HOOKED UP.

  2. So he asked you first. You said you couldn’t do it so he asked someone who he thought would be able to help.

    What’s your problem? Would you have preferred he got a cab home and stayed on his own and possibly have a reaction to the anaesthetic on his own?

    Your reasoning is weird.

  3. Thank you for your comment.. I really struggle with being direct and asking for things, especially in relationships. It’s something I’m working on.

    I am in love with him and want to work through this but I fear you’re exactly right in that he can’t or won’t actually change. Or if he does it won’t last

  4. So, she gets pissed off at you when you masturbate and you never do it in the bed, but it's absolutely fine for her to be doing some late-night fiddling and diddling, while knowing full well you can hear and see it?

    Then she denies the fuck out of it and basically makes you think you're going crazy?

    Either this woman has some severe mental issues and/or shame, or she's just being an ass.

  5. Contact your old friends. Reach out to them if you still have their number. See what everyone is doing. If anyone is free, see about hanging out with them. Make plans. Just because you lost touch doesn’t mean they don’t still care about you and won’t be your friend again.

    I lost touch with people because of my ex, I reached out when we ended things and apologized for putting them on the back burner.

  6. Farts happen all the time. You’re fiancé is childish and misogynistic for being like “That’s not lady like”

  7. You’d be surprised how many people are actually into those kinks ? it’s not something you just openly discuss because they’re extremely taboo. I’d bring up the kink/bdsm test that people take live and see if that opens up any discussions.

  8. And then she will divorce you, get half of your money (maybe more) and what will you be left with? It’s hard to believe you can’t see what’s happening here.

  9. Yes you should, cause if you don't it will come out eventually anyway, but then it will be too late. Not telling her might destroy your relationship.

  10. Physically- keep banging, get really good at reading and knowing her body

    Emotionally- kissing cuddling, praising, Aftercare, just make sex more fulfilling for her, again pay attention

    Mentally- this is a hard one cause you aren't a mind reader, it also involves her likes and dislikes, kinks, and whatnot, knowing what makes her tick, and what makes her more attracted to you. The only thing you can do is pay attention to your actions and how she responds to them. You may have to push boundaries sometimes but never break them.

    At some point, you will be the best she ever had, but again never ask those questions, no one marries the person that gave them the best sex, they marry the person the makes them whole.

  11. seconding this! some stores have display toys you can test on the palm of your hands to check if its light or strong enough for you. store clerk shows you the different functions and models, answers every/any question you may have and there is no taboo. it's neat going and browsing the options! from the sounds of it she'd enjoy that kind of outing

  12. Thanks! Its true but the space part was just about the sex ahaha. I think the important part is to take the time step by step and Yes to talk about it and enjoy the moment!

  13. Thank you, that was very insightful and kind. I have had many of the same thoughts and ignored the same conclusion. And you are right about the fact that we are not even remotely the same people anymore. Honestly, I have no idea if she ever thought of me as more than just a good guy friend back in the day. I think she will always be someone I love, but right now, emotionally, I am treating her like the girl I had a crush on. Being in your mid-30s and having a crush is really fkin weird, logically, You know what you're thinking is dumb but you think it any way. I am going to leave the ball in her court, and if she does want to chat and be friends, awesome, but I am going to try not going to dwell on it anymore

  14. You could miss out if you don’t go. 2 hours isn’t too bad to see each other weekly. If you want to be long distance it can be done in my opinion with 2 hours difference

    I do get it’s sad you’re leaving as this means possibly the end of your relationship and that’s understandable. However if you and him are meant to be you will find a way back. Sounds corny but I believe in it. You may date new people but that life experience really grows on you. I feel like college years are the ones you truly find yourself. It’ll be hard being away from family and your bf. Yet you gain that true self reliance once you branch out from home. Could even be some of the best years you’ve ever had coming your way! You won’t lose your bf, if you two love each other you can always remain in contact even if no longer together

  15. You are not overreacting and nobody can tell you how you feel. If you feel uncomfortable and he loves you he needs to cut any relationship with her.

    Talk to him more assertively. Maybe ask him how he would react if you hang out with your ex.

  16. Differing political opinions used to be fine.

    Nowadays, Trump supporters are so extreme, brainwashed, hateful, and ignorant that that alone is a huge dealbreaker.

    Side note: Trump did not, in fact, “fix our economy.”

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