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Alina and Leo (, 22 y.o.


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Alina and Leo ( live sex chat

Date: October 14, 2022

55 thoughts on “Alina and Leo ( the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Y’all are screwed. Let that girl break you guys up. He’s a jealous weeb who’s not capable of a relationship at this stage id even say he’s looking for someone very submissive that cannot talk back to him.

    Ps You’re still a teen.

  2. Sister: “Stop looking at me!”

    You: “There is not much to look at. GF's name could be wearing an inflatable sumo costume and would still be more exciting to look at. Bye bye!”.

  3. $200 for a lunchbox?? I get it’s self warming and that does sound really useful and it’s a clever idea but $200? That $200 could have bought something special. When gifts are personalised somehow it shows the thought that goes into it. The records are ok as music he specifically likes will make him feel like you’ve thought about him as a person outside of the job he does. Gifts that mean something to him and make him feel seen and wanted and special – as your husband. Not as a construction worker. Hopefully he’s taking a break from work so anything work related isn’t fun, he needs a distraction from work not a reminder.

  4. From not understanding boundaries I would have expected you to say he was flirting or worse…. From what you're saying is you simply have an issue with him having female friends.

    This is your issue and you need to work on that. If you specifically don't trust him, then ultimately your relationship has no future. If you always have issues with boyfriends having female friends, then you need to work on why you feel that way and get past it.

    Because dictating who he is friends with is controlling.

  5. He already tried though…. and the fact that she banned the conversation entirely doesn’t exactly open the floor for discussion.

  6. Hello /u/Any-Pace9230,

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  7. Sounds like your starter marriage is coming to an end. Amazing how frequent it is that people who get married in their early twenties are with new partners by their early 30s.

  8. Ah yes… As an eastern European myself this sounds familiar. I mean it happens everywhere in every culture but Eastern Europeans are really good at it.

    You have done waaaaaaay more than you should have for your “family”. They will never respect you and talk even more shit after you cut them off. But you must. Unfortunately they are just bad people. Nothing you can do about it. You did your part. Don't let the abuse of your guys' time and money continue.

    My family came to Canada in 1986 and got a small amount of money and some basic English lessons. They were terrified. Your extended family is acting infuriatingly entitled for the amazing help they have gotten. Sorry OP. I have family like that too back in Poland. They drive BMW's but talk shit about us and call us rich.

    Slava Ukraini ??????

  9. It's almost like people don't want to believe me when I say my child was and is an awful sleeper.

    He was still waking up at least 2x per night at 3, he's 6 now and still wakes up at least 3 times a week just to come ask if it's still nighttime(even though he can tell time and has a clock.)

  10. So you aren’t dating and you are acting like this? I’m not sure you are ready for a healthy relationship. Have you thought of going to therapy to work on yourself (not trying to be rude), because this is not a healthy way of communicating to someone whether it’s a friend, crush, or Family.

  11. I wouldn't try to explain anything to his family and just focus on going through with the divorce. You're unhappy with how he's behaving and if he wanted to change, he would have already.

  12. Well depends on his reasons. Living home with parents until 30, saving all the money I make sounds like reasonable prospect. On ther other most people can't really take it. You can have good relationship with your parents but usually at some point in your 20s you are ready and wanting to have you own space.

  13. As a dom this is our literal nightmare. You’re not wrong for being scared to disappoint him, but you’re very wrong to not tell him what you’re feeling! In your defense, pretty weird he hasn’t asked you if you’re into it, and never is gentle with you anymore.

    He will feel awful when you tell him. But he will feel SO relieved. This is going to be a learning moment for him, because he needs to realize he can always do more to make you feel safe to communicate your needs (both sexual and intimate).

    Also, you can have rough sex without actually traumatizing your partner via proper prep and foreplay and lube. Different people’s bodies can tolerate different levels of pain and intensity. Part of his job is learning your boundaries in those departments, but you gotta communicate them!

  14. As a dom this is our literal nightmare. You’re not wrong for being scared to disappoint him, but you’re very wrong to not tell him what you’re feeling! In your defense, pretty weird he hasn’t asked you if you’re into it, and never is gentle with you anymore.

    He will feel awful when you tell him. But he will feel SO relieved. This is going to be a learning moment for him, because he needs to realize he can always do more to make you feel safe to communicate your needs (both sexual and intimate).

    Also, you can have rough sex without actually traumatizing your partner via proper prep and foreplay and lube. Different people’s bodies can tolerate different levels of pain and intensity. Part of his job is learning your boundaries in those departments, but you gotta communicate them!

  15. As a dom this is our literal nightmare. You’re not wrong for being scared to disappoint him, but you’re very wrong to not tell him what you’re feeling! In your defense, pretty weird he hasn’t asked you if you’re into it, and never is gentle with you anymore.

    He will feel awful when you tell him. But he will feel SO relieved. This is going to be a learning moment for him, because he needs to realize he can always do more to make you feel safe to communicate your needs (both sexual and intimate).

    Also, you can have rough sex without actually traumatizing your partner via proper prep and foreplay and lube. Different people’s bodies can tolerate different levels of pain and intensity. Part of his job is learning your boundaries in those departments, but you gotta communicate them!

  16. Ok. Don’t bail cause some are telling you to. My spouse never did anything around his home. MIL picked up after him. He didn’t expect that when we married. He had 4 years at college that helped. I taught him to do laundry and some other things. It depends on the guy. Not gonna change his mom. Heck she would have done our laundry when we married and did his sister’s for 19 years after she married.

  17. You made the right choice. Enjoy your youth. Never ever settle. I settled once and it was the worst period of my life. Find yourself, focus on you. You have so much time to find someone. I am so happy you stood up for you. Best of luck and stay safe.

  18. Yeah, until she finds someone else. Even if we get back together, i will always have that feeling that once a man finds her interesting she will dump me at a heart beat. Thanks.

  19. It's not a 'dumb' reason to break up.

    You've compromised a lot and aren't getting anything in return. You've also got a third person in the relationship. His name is Mark.

    Now everyone is entitled to change their views in life, but your views are no longer compatible. You've tried therapy, and it's not working. You can't say you didn't try.

    Save up some money, get yourself organized, and leave.

  20. So you had a partner, she cheated on you, had a kid, you left, made something of yourself and achieved some great goals.

    Now she's running back to you after finding out the grass wasn't greener?

    I didn't talk to her until she started coming around closer to when they broke up.

    The timing speaks volumes…

    Put simply, she's trying to fall back onto “old reliable”

    Don't be that guy, you can do better, you deserve better.

  21. I suspect that you will delete your original post OP because I can guarantee the answers that you are looking for and expecting from other people will not be the ones that you want or assume that you will get, so I expect you to delete your post and username at some point when you realise this, but even so I am going to spend some of my personal time replying to you anyway.

    First off for a 24 year old and based on everything you’ve written in your post, you sound extremely immature to me as a person with no idea or clue about relationships and how they work. The other significant thing that jumps out from your post is that everything about this is all about you, you, you and nobody else not even your own partner. You also seem to say several times in your post that you understand that this and that isn’t your partners fault and you don’t blame him for any of this situation but your whole post absolutely blames him.

    Just some other points for you to consider. His birthday presents that you got him and you told him that you really spent some dough on him and that he has to do the same for you this week for Valentines is childish, materialistic and wrong. You shouldn’t be concerning yourself with what you spent on him on this day or that day, it also doesn’t mean that your partner has to go all out and spend the same in return. Also just because you got him presents for his birthday you shouldn’t be expecting something back in return.

    Valentine’s Day is no different to the other 364 days of the year, most partners would prefer doing romantic things here and there regularly than a specific monetised day of the year.

    He was tired and he told you and if you actually did understand this when he said he was too tired to go out when he picked you up from work then what made you think that when you got home and showered and dressed up in lingerie that he would no longer be tired and a bundle of energy then? If you truly understood that he was tired as you say you did when he picked you up then you would not have bothered getting dressed up when you got home, you need to listen more. You were just fixated on what you wanted to do and getting dressed up, so much so it’s still in your head that you even said in your post that you want to do it next week now, all about you

    As for you saying he should have caught a nap while you were at work he probably didn’t want to do he didn’t mess up his sleeping routine and became awake all through the night.

    Celebrating a 4 month anniversary of being together? What’s that all about, maybe after a year together but 4 months??

    Respectfully there is heaps more that I could say from your post as it’s an absolute mess but I have mentioned enough so far. You need to put a stop to this inane amount of pressure that you are putting on the whole relationship and think about each other equally and stop the I done this so he should do that for me and just appreciate each other

  22. He used to treat me lovingly but I trust my instincts more. I just needed some sort of affirmation to what my self respect asked me to do. Thank you ?

  23. OP is vastly overestimating their friendship level. I can't imagine any close friend, let alone a best friend doing this.

  24. yes. im extremely certain that this guy im talking to is who he says he is. ive been in touch with many of his friends and his family, and not only just that we are also super open w eachother and show and talk about very personal things about us and our background. hes also showed me things with his legal name in it/where he works etc. that isnt a concern for me but thank you for making me ask myself those questions!

    unfortunately i am not finacially well off enough to live on my own… but im planning on talking with them again once things settle down. im sure it wont end well but i can only hope. thank u for your comment!!

  25. I’m betting that if your bf is in a band, he looks way older than 36, and I also bet that you don’t look older. When people give you the side-eye, ask them how old they think you are. I bet they think you’re 18-20 & he’s 42.

    Anyway, a lot of people will say that your age gap is de facto creepy, but it’s not. You were an adult when you started dating. The problems that have a greater possibility of existing in this kind of age dap relationship are the older partner being controlling and using their age and experience as the reason that they are always right and why the younger partner should obey them or do things their way. Some men will rely on their age to create a power imbalance.

    This isn’t true of all age gap relationships, and you’re the one who knows if it’s true for you.

    In the US, it seems that people have gotten really squeamish re: age gap relationships over the past 10 years or so. People in this forum have expressed disgust over an 18yo dating a 21yo. People seem to think that any age gap relationship involving a woman under 30 involves “grooming” – even though that’s not what grooming means. And people think that an age gap relationship involving women over 30 mean that she’s a gold digger. In short, people go for the easiest stereotypes & stop thinking there.

    Yes, a 15 year gap is unusual. Is it wrong? No. Is it bad for YOU? You’re the only one who knows what your relationship is like.

  26. This is not from ADHD! He is just selfish and lazy and doesn’t care about your enjoyment at all. Stop having sex with him, immediately. In future relationships don’t settle for treatment like this and definitely don’t feel like you have to just endure something.

  27. I think this is a question about values. Do you two share basic values?

    In the US, I’d have a difficult time befriending a Republican. Our values are just so different.

  28. if you are putting money into an account you cannot access, then that confirms my suspicion of financial abuse. This is not a safe or healthy situation, OP. You have absolutely 100% right to spend every dollar you earn, in the way you see fit.

  29. This wasn‘t a hyperbole but a comparison, wise guy. Plus you got downvoted and it has a reason.

  30. Tell him a 22 yrold man getting in to fist fights is immature and you're not going to coddle his feelings about it. He needs to grow up. He sounds manipulative and immature. Why are you dating someone who continues to get physically violent?? Red flags all over this loser.

  31. Okay, so you’re projecting here. Not every woman who goes on a girls trip cheats. You chose the wrong person, unfortunately. There’s no way to know that and it’s not your fault. But by telling your spouse that they can’t go somewhere without you, that’s controlling behaviour. You need to check yourself.

  32. You created this hypothetical and you still didn’t manage to make the person saying “no” the bad guy. Seriously, reread what you wrote, the person constantly pestering and nagging their partner after being told no is the one being bizarre and irritating. Try again.

  33. You've known him for 15 years, he's “like a little brother,” to you… and then you fucked him?

    You've got a weird take on sibling relationships

  34. Still overusing a buzzword.

    But just for the sake of your relationship. Why not try and have a serious discussion without being high?

    If you can't do that then you aren't doing your part either.

  35. I don't know what financial advice she would give me. My grandfather lives off social security and his pension. From what my mother has told me, my grandparents did not make the most responsible decisions ?. So no, I would not ask for financial advice.

  36. Basically… yes. Most of the times, if we both get the same mark, then it's fine.

    I am currently working on that, I know I don't do him any good with my reaction, buf if I don't tell him anything, it seems that I don't care. That's why I end up giving in and taking my anger out on him. Anyway, I realize it's not a healthy thing to do, so I have tried comforting him not with words, but with only being there with him.

    Thank you for your advice, I will try to bring it up.

  37. you are overthinking, there are certain times when i want to wind down alone after an exhausting day but that doesn't mean i love my boyfriend less , everyone has different methods to relax after an exhausting day

  38. I had a double mastectomy and had really full on bruising from the lipo and scars that looked pretty brutal for a long ass time. My partner told me I looked good and fine and not to worry. That’s what someone who loves you does, even when things are a little grizzly, they shouldn’t care. Dump his ass!

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