SweetLady69 live! sex chats for YOU!


BloWjob on knees [Multi Goal]

Date: October 16, 2022

50 thoughts on “SweetLady69 live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Your friends aren’t smart. It’s not “cool” to be dating someone 10 years older than you when you’re a minor. That’s messed up.

  2. Gifts, surprises, things my family and friends tell me in confidence. Okay, the occasional snack here and there lol. I also keep some embarrassing stories from my past. I think we should all have right to privacy but big and important things don't fall in that category (no matter how uncomfortable or hurtful something might be).

  3. he said “my gf is upset and jealous you’re here so you need to go”

    What a shithead. “my girlfriend is upset we acted like she caught us cheating, you should go.”

    Once trust is gone the relationship is just going to be a slow spiral downward.

  4. Would your opinion change if the father got a divorce once he realized he would rather be with someone else? Instead of having an affair that apparently ended up being the reason for divorce anyway.

    People split all the time, dad just found a more preferable partner, and if the first one was the kind that gives her children ultimatums about being allowed to have contact with just one of the parents, I'd assume it wasn't a tough thing to do

  5. I believe she’s lying and doing the trickle down truth. And there’s an affair going on there when somebody goes to all of that trouble there is something going on. I’m glad that you were kind to her, but I wouldn’t trust her either. Frankly, if not checked, a lot of times people will shoot again. I found a couple of great reconciliation stories on here. You however, in a difficult situation with her because she’s blamed it all on the bars and acted like a victim. So what is the stop her from opening her mouth going to HR if this happens again, you have a problem there. This is a 19 year old girl. This is a grown adult woman.

  6. It won’t feel like it tomorrow but this is a blessing in disguise. Cancel the wedding and walk away from this man. He’ll never put you before his brother and his brother will never leave him in peace. You are dodging a bullet for a lifetime of suffering. Enjoy the party. Go on vacation with your friends and forget about your ex-fiancé.

  7. She does have respect for my feelings which is why I’m not sure I want to say anything because I know it would affect her decision and since we’re not dating anymore I feel like it would be wrong for me to do

  8. Sounds like this relationship has run it’s course and this not the relationship you should be with as she is untrustworthy and wants children asap and will sabotage birth control to get what she wants.

  9. Wow, what a douchey mindset. If my ex is unhappy, I'm not allowed to be happy? What are you, a grade schooler? People who think like this are toxic in general.

  10. There’s not much you can do besides try out different medications and hope for better side effects (as far as not being able to orgasm goes). Your other option is to talk to a couples counselor, especially if you can find one focused on sex. Yes, it’s an important part of a relationship, but you’re not responsible for your partner’s past issues or his insecurities. Talking to him and letting him know you enjoy sex with him is great. You can’t do much else without professional intervention.

  11. If there's a ski resort near you they need a lot of seasonal workers and usually have worker lodging at a nominal price that they deduct from your wages.

  12. I “somewhat” believe you (because it’s really nude to have to believe the person who’s supposed to be closest to me would be like this) and have thought this myself because it’s perfectly logical. He used to believe in me and be a good partner for some periods of time, it’s hard to think the person I kept choosing is capable of this.

    Thank you for your advice and opinion 🙂

  13. This is called abuse and I'm curious when your relationship started, cause either you jumped into marriage way too quick and/or your mid 20's guy was dating a teenager.

    Leave this marriage before you end up on a milk carton.

  14. “Me me me me me me me” god everything in this post is about you and how it affects your life. Who fucking cares? Tell your husband like he deserves and deal with consequences like an adult. You wanna fuck around like a big girl then find out like one.

  15. It may be common, though even that is surprising and disturbing, but it is absolutely not “normal”.

    Alcohol issues are common. Doesn't make them ok.

  16. she fucked around and didn’t like it when you reciprocated the same energy. seems like she’s a bit of a hypocrite

  17. I’m amazed you are not mad at her after calling your dad a sicko and making such comments about your relationship with your sister. It’s disgusting that she even dared to say such things about family caring for each other. That’s a dealbreaker to me, but the least you should do is calling her out about offending your dad like that

  18. I am now realizing this. I’m hoping he’s not the crazy type to just show up to my house. I don’t think he is though.

  19. No offense but this is sadly a terrible way to look at it. It doesn't make the betrayal, pain, and anger go away. They were both suffering. He lost his children too and sadly will now have to look at this as 'well it's ok she didn't mean to get screwed by someone else it's just a coping mechanism.' We can use that about anything but it doesn't make it better. It's not his fault he screwed a woman at the bar his dad died so we should give him a pass.

    True depression, especially clinical depression, is horrendous but that does not excuse anyone's actions. To suggest otherwise is to put someone in the position of never truly knowing if they can trust their partner because pain in now a valid reason to cheat. I think the problem with cheating is that it erodes trust. You now find yourself asking if you should check your partners phone if they seem depressed or off and that the shows your partner you don't trust then and it becomes a circle that leads both parties to despise the other. If she puts up boundaries he has every right to see that as hiding since she's cheated before but these boundaries should exist leading to more resentment. Getting past cheating takes lots of open honest communication and therapy.

    Finally I do truly hope he can get past it because I'm sure she had horrible feelings that she was the problem. Often both parties will feel there is something wrong with them in this situation, so cheating was likely to push him away if not to feel something. So I wish them the best but it has to be viewed as a bad decision not just coping.

  20. Honestly, I'm worried about her if she's having unregulated emotional outbursts. She needs therapy and maybe screening if she has PTSD.

    As far as the 'she was pregnant before' 'concern', I don't know if you know this but women have abortions all the time – spontaneous abortions – a.k.a. miscarriage. A lot of women have them and didn't even know they were pregnant. For all you know anyone you want to marry and have kids with might have had an abortion.

  21. You’re only 23 and this dude cheated on you—is this relationship what you want for the rest of your life? Because it sounds pretty miserable. I know you’ve been together for eight years, but maybe the relationship has run its course.

  22. I wouldnt bother trying to save the relationship. At the end of the day he stole from you, and decided to not tell you about it. If he can lie and hide things like that then I would lose all trust in an instant. I would find it very difficult to carry on the relationship. If he can't handle difficult situations because of stress I would worry about future problems and him dealing with them in a rational and moral way, because he has proven he can't.

  23. ??? I feel guilty for having gotten into the fight with them last year which is when everything changed. I always feel insecure about not making them happy and they'd tell me that I shouldn't feel that way. I guess my constant questioning is pushing them away so much that they don't bother anymore…

  24. You didn't take the time to get to know her well enough to know how she'd respond to your “offer”. You just went up to her and asked for sex, not even considering how she'd feel about that. That and your inability to accept her response tells me that you do not view women as people.

    Look at allllllllll the people in this thread saying the same thing, and try to accept that maybe you have a worse view of women than you believe you do.

    Or don't, and continue losing friends and not having women respond well to you.

  25. It's a bit rude- but he's right in that there's nothing he'd be able to do besides give you comforting words but he can't give you words while you're on a plane.

    Flight trackers exist, you just need to give him your flight number and he can estimate when to pick you up on time. I don't believe his actions reflect him not caring about your safety, I just think he's not thinking of it as big of a deal as you are

    I think you need to flat out explain to him that flying making you nervous and while he wouldn't be able to physically do anything, knowing he's conscious of it would be helpful to you.

  26. That's more yikes than your comment.

    This is you, “I would have a problem with my wife wanting to take a trip with friends and you see we only have ever known or experienced each other so my judgment is valid. I have kept this wife for 13 years! We are superior, not inexperienced and narrow minded. We have the most open minds of our group of 2”

  27. She's a friend of a friend, he has ways to contact her. He just doesn't want to try.

    This baby is his child and he's decided not to care about them. This is his daughter's sibling and he's comfortable never being involved in their life or letting his daughter know them.

  28. Say no. And then nothing else except maybe “we can talk about purchasing a car when your credit card is zero”.

  29. There is zero reason to stay with this jerk. What I joy is he bringing to your life? Dump him and try to meet someone who treats you with the respect and love you deserve.

  30. She was dishonest with you. For years. Then when she got caught, she reacted poorly. Relationships need trust if they’re to have a fighting chance. I’d take marriage off the table until you’ve got the whole story. And you may never get it.

  31. Okay good haha. I hear what you're saying, it was not totally clear from your comment that you were speaking generally hence me asking (mainly in case OP mis-read what you wrote the same way I did).

    In the case of interesting discussion though… I see why people put value in it, though I personally don't. Maybe it's because I'm a woman, but from my perspective asking my father's permission invalidates my agency in a relationship. It's a tradition that IS a holdover from arranged marriage days where women were traded as social currency (sometimes with great love and care, sometimes without it depending on the individual father). The idea that my father needs to sign off on my partnership feels very patronizing. It's a tradition that simply icks me out. Even as a kid haha.

    That said, I see why it has persisted and why many men tend to value it. It definitively creates a bond between father-in-law and son-in-law over (hopefully) a shared love. In that sense it's really sweet, but I wish we would come up with a modern alternative that isn't so dismissive of a woman's agency in her own relationship or steeped in such gross history. Especially because most people who do NOT receive parental permission after asking tend to get married anyways? Which usually sets them up for even more soured family relations since now there's the whole 'you asked, I said no, you did it anyways' grudge. Sure would make the wedding awkward too lol.

    I'm really glad you and your friend had wonderful experiences with it btw! If both partners are into the concept there's obviously no issue, and I appreciate getting to hear another perspective on it. I'd be super fascinated to know your wife's thoughts on it and why she (I assume) was into this tradition too.

  32. OK I just hope that he hasn’t somehow convinced you that because of his autism that it’s OK for him to be friends with somebody younger because it is not. That 18 year old is extremely extremely vulnerable and easily manipulated and especially to be bonding over some thing that is pretty taboo not everybody is into role-playing writing stories it’s pretty much setting up for some type of bond between them to be formed. I think the best thing you could do other than breaking up with him if you’re not into that is making sure that he lets you have access to their messages so that you can really confirm and see that it is just a friendship and there really is nothing else. I’ve got a feeling that even if they are not romantic to each other in real life that their characters are and that’s the exact same thing as them flirting they are just using an alias to cover it up and say it’s role-play it doesn’t matter. But it does because it’s coming out of their mouth.

  33. I actually agree with you in general but the end stuff about owning his wife stuff is bullshit. If a woman wrote this stuff about her husband people would probably have the same reaction. Not everything is some misogynistic thing.

  34. Why do you care about their opinions? If you're honestly this shallow that the opinion of BULLIES makes you think twice about dating someone you like, you should do Jake a favour and steer clear. He deserves better.

  35. Is it still good even if you don't come? Oh, sorry, I bet you're a guy and you do come every time, you just don't particularly consider it a problem if the girl doesn't come ?

  36. I appreciate it. I’ve been in and out of therapy for most of my adult life. EMDR is a miracle and it really helped with a lot, but I am probably due for a tune up.

    I guess my question is, is going to therapy and doing the work going to help me with my parents? I feel like I do clean a lot of this funk out only for them to call and lay some other really whacked out thing like ‘I didn’t love you. Kay, bye!’ at my feet.

    How do I make it stop and still maintain a relationship with them?

  37. He's being ridiculous and i agree it is likely to escelate. He's jealous and insecure.

    So another man seeing u in ur pjs is potentially enough for u to cheat on him.. that's basically what he is saying.

    He doesn't trust u. And so what you are going with a friends brother. Do u just open your legs for every dude u meet. I doubt that.

    He's gonna definitely guilt u and try to manipulate u until you relent and stay at home.

  38. And don't stay in thinking you'll convert him, b/c he's staying in thinking he'll just eventually break you. There is no winning scenario for you, get out.

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