Ivannna online sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 16, 2022

29 thoughts on “Ivannna online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Oh my gosh, I just suggested the same things before reading your comment. WD-40 is a lifesaver! Squeaky doors wake up everyone…

  2. Dude, your comments on this… here is what’s going to happen: you will stay with her, because you are delusional. She will get pregnant very soon. And I hope you are smart enough to demand a paternity test. This woman is very likely already cheating on you.

  3. I don't know how people of today view it, but, from a 55m?

    I wanted the first date to be nice. Not super expensive (I wasn't rich), but nice. Whether it was a decent restaurant, a trip to the beach with a nice lunch at again a decent restaurant, etc, was based more on what she liked, but, have the first date come off as cheap, not putting forth any effort? No.

    First impressions are just that, and not based on one thing alone. Did you dress up at least a bit? Did you put effort into doing something she wanted to do? Did you go to at least a decent restaurant if it was a dinner/lunch date? Did you act like a gentleman?

  4. Tbh, I think it’s absurd for there to be boundaries about the gf going or not going to a gay bar. There’s no difference….

  5. You need to let someone that can help you know. Someone such as a teacher or a close friends parent(s). Also, let them know you told the other people that you've told. And you should do this quick. This could very quickly escalate. Stay away from him as much as possible. I wouldn't even call it “going too far” by just talking with a police officer and letting him know your worries. THIS IS NOT NORMAL by any means!! and from reading what you wrote, you know this already!

    Do not turn a blind eye to this, because one day you may wake up in a horrible situation and not be able to help yourself. Please Please Please talk to the nearest ADULT that you trust and ask them for help with this situation.

  6. . As I said in the post, it’s very unlikely I can have kids of my own.

    A 24F knowing this is how we know that this post is fiction.

  7. It’s ok if she want happy. I wouldn’t be either necessarily, but that doesn’t mean she’s angry or sad either. That can be an awkward thing to be surprised by. Perhaps locking the door next time will be an improvement. There’s nothing to do here otherwise.

  8. Why confront him when he repeatedly disrespects you and your relationship with this girl. Just file for divorce and stop putting up with it.

  9. Your title is “my mother doesn't want to see me anymore”

    But, you say within the body of your post that she DOES see you, just not as frequently as you like. You also indicate that she never has said she doesn't want to see you, it's just something you have inferred from her actions.

    I can understand being hurt because you feel your mother doesn't spend enough time with you, but in no way has your mother indicated she doesn't want to see you.

    Is it possible that the relationship between you and your mother is strained because of negative assumptions and inference, and the inability of you two to constructively discuss it?

    When you talk to her about it, is the conversation focused on being critical of her (i.e. you spend more time with others, it feels like you don't want to see me anymore, etc) or is it focused on how much you miss her and would love to have her more involved in her life?

  10. Wow, another one who's using mental health to excuse herself from taking accountability of her own actions. As someone who has been through a lot of stress, depression, panic attacks over years now, I can tell you that I suddenly didn't start doing things without being in control myself. Run to the hills as far as possible away from her!

  11. She wants the place y'all just bought to herself. Lol. She thinks she can icebox you out by doing this. Seek legal help on this, dude, not the relationship aspects but how to keep what you have invested in money wise.

  12. OP, have you ever had a cold sore? Have you ever made out with your girlfriend when she has a cold sore?

  13. Have you tried the humor route? He was sucking out venom because he thought you'd been bitten by a snake?

    Hickeys are no more sexual in the context you've described than if your dad planted a big kiss on your forehead… it really doesn't have to mean anything… maybe you could get her to back off by finding something similar in her life that COULD be interpreted sexually if someone looked at it the wrong way? Like, does she hug family members who kinda touch her boobs in the process? I mean, odds are those hugs are non sexual… but it is it 100% possible that someone wouldn't interpret it differently?

  14. OP, you did a neat chirurgical job of operating a second ah out of your life again.

    Keep it at that.

    You deserve better. You will do better.

    And if ever for training matters (that happens sometimes, because life every now and then checks if we understood the lesson) on-line confronts you with another douchebag of that kind:

    Be as precise and neat about it as with that one.

    He wanted to eff, but no relationship.

    And no way your breaking up changed that guy into someone wanting a relationship for having gotten his bumm booted.

    It's very likely that he will try to scam you into deeper feelings just to hurt you afterwards.

    If your friends are of the opinion you should take him back:

    tell them to get out and get him. He has loads of time now.

  15. Both my brother’s-in-laws, 2 of my cousins and my brother, plus my dad all want to kick his ass. I’ve got good men behind me who will protect me. But I’m not going to even be in the same city as him. He knows nothing about me moving. But when I move all my stuff out I do have to tell him so he knows how to pay the rent because that’s something I’ve been doing. And I need to tell him that the storage unit will only be paid for up to the end of this month because I’ve been paying for that too. So I do need to tell him I’ve left.

  16. You are saying that you are not his priority! Leave him to his first love. Find someone who appreciates being with you. Good luck!

  17. She went from living with her family to living with me. Her mum did all of their washing and the cooking.

  18. You said in your post you wouldn't put yourself in this situation again.

    Gotta stand by your convictions or they are worthless.

  19. Yeah this affects women too, so fucking frustrating to not be able to cum, especially when your partner is doing everything right.

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