Alanah BIG BOOBS online sex chats for YOU!


Cum and Squirt show + Ride toy // let’s have some fun, see how much you can get out of torturing me with my lush. ?? [1875 tokens remaining]

Date: October 17, 2022

22 thoughts on “Alanah BIG BOOBS online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Well I appreciate that approach. Sometimes it’s tough to see any emotional advice more nuanced than, “Divorce now!” on the sub.

  2. I think you’re gf was being thoughtful and got you a gift that everyone should have because it’s useful.

    Stop being the grinch and chill.

  3. May i ask how old you both are? It seems like you both have handled it in a mature manner. Glad you're ok now. These things are naked!

  4. Don’t listen to the haters this is a totally valid fear. People stopping taking care of themselves once they have someone locked down is common, and it’s (in my opinion) much more unethical than politely asking someone to manage their weight better.

    I’d ask her before proposing, if nothing else it will give you a good test to the relationship, and you’re way better off treading on toes now than later when there’s a ring on it. Just be super sensitive, let her know that you love her no matter what. Raw attraction and love are sometimes different, and that’s okay.

    This goes without saying but you should lead by example too. If you’re living with her start doing the shopping, start buying healthier food, start working out and invite her to come with you. If you’re asking her to lose weight than you better be taking good care of yourself too…

  5. Then leave. The room. The house. The marriage. Whatever. You’re bigger than a five year old. Walk away and do t allow yourself to be hit or bit. Good grief.

  6. Either it’s truly nothing or he thinks he’s got you fooled. I know that doesn’t help but I will say I don’t like that the special bottle got opened, that’s giving me bad vibes. Like what was the special occasion?

  7. Absolutely. Don’t let this pathetic, flighty mummy’s boy treat you like a sex object – to be taken out and used and then thrown back in the drawer at his convenience!

    Text him that he’s a pig and should fuck off. Then block him on everything, and get out there and show the world what a catch you are!

    I don’t mean you need a new bf right away… just that you can meet people and be happy because you’re so far above that scumbag that you’re floating.

  8. I honestly doubt they will end if she's upset that I like her friend, I wouldn't betray her like that and date her friend without her involved

  9. INFO: Does she take care of kids? Do a lot of chores? Juggle home/work balance? Do you initiate non-sexual intimate encounters often? Is there a lot of emotional intimacy between you? All of these things can effect desire.

  10. Been with my wife for 17 years now, since we were in HS. Imma just tell you straight up tracking your partners location or asking for pics to show who you're with is weirdo behavior and you're right to call it weird.

    I've never heard of a healthy couple that does this, its super toxic controlling behavior.

  11. … you don't want to pay for it? Usually it is covered by family or friends. You sound both cheap and not. And hypocritical about you don't want others contributing to things but don't want to pay for others. And it's okay for you to give gifts, you like to, but how dare others want to give you a gift. I think you need to just deal with your feelings and figure out why you are getting so upset over a normal thing. People give gifts to each other. It's literally a love language. And you're trying to tell people they can't show their love for you how they want.

  12. Friend, you are right. You can not just turn it off. BUT, you can get yourself into therapy and learn to value yourself, learn self respect and learn to set healthy boundaries.

    He is not going to be faithful to you. If he has not by now, he will not.

    You can not change him.

  13. OP I'm sorry you are going through this but jesus…

    Your post history is a mess even before yall got engaged or married.

    You had 5 abortions because this man didn't want to use proper protection? You guys just had sex and that was the backup instead of proper birth control? That post was a few months ago.

    You speak about how he disrespects you how much u wanted to leave that was 2 years ago.

    Why would u marry this man that has shown u time and time again he has zero regard for u at all? And then you continue to doubt yourself?

    You continue to ask if u can make it work and if the relationship can be saved? If he's trustworthy?


    You posted about this man not wanting the kids because he didn't feel ready or stable but constantly complained about not having enough sex after set abortions because you weren't ready… and having to wear a condom?

    How you both have bad tempers and the relationship was just toxic.

    How you two can't work through conflict properly.

    How he told u multiple times that he wasnt ready for marriage because he felt he still had a market out there… and ur asking us why he disrespected u by DEFINITELY fucking a coworker who he purposely slept in a room with and hid from u because he didn't give a shit.

    The man is not just a walking red flag but your whole relationship is a dumpster fire.

    How much longer are u gonna subject yourself to this? Its been 7 years!

    Im sorry if im being harsh here if this was a singular offence and this was the first post u ever made that maybe indicated any issues. I might suggest you guys try counseling but that he still definitely slept with this chick.

    Just for fuck sakes come on… why are u so surprised at the lack of respect and pain you are getting when that's been your daily bread?

    And when will u wake up and get some self respect to not allow yourself to be in a relationship like this?

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