Saashaaa on-line webcams for YOU!


dont want to go school today, lets have fun! @3 NUDE @7 FINGER PUSSY @12 DILDO SHOW [22 tokens remaining]

Date: October 21, 2022

30 thoughts on “Saashaaa on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. We are also unsure what to do. We have a daughter, we definitely think to have another one. I always wanted to have 3 but just like you said it’s physically and economically not possible for us. I think 2 is very ideal and I do not think you will regret it.

  2. Why on earth would you want to? Why are you crying? He is a monster, a selfish prick. Where is your rage? Where is your anger at this piece of shit who clearly has lied and manipulated you into a relationship? Run.

  3. The quickest way to get someone’s attention is to remove yours. You can’t force this on her man. It sucks, but you gotta remove yourself from her.

  4. Any idea what he did with this 17k? Because this goes beyond the usual realms of irresponsibility. This is a real problem, and you're basically paying for everything and he's doing who know what with his money. I get it if he's spending some money here or there, but this is a lot of money to have just vamoosed in the span of a year.

    I think you need to find out where the money actually went and insist on him being better about this. Is there no way his check can be auto-deposited? If there is, and he refuses, that's bad news because it shows he has no intention of stopping.

  5. He was 21 when they met, that's certainly young enough to be highly manipulated and have very little life experience to have taught you anything. And without the age gap, it'd be easier for them to find a better compromise on the kid situation than her basically making him have one when he's explicitly said he isn't ready because she's concerned about her fertility.

  6. The difference is that this is the dad asking so they don't have the “must support women” benefit of the doubt and there's a lot more “signs” that the woman may have cheated.

    If he put this question and the kid was a baby he'd get the usual hate. If the mom asked saying she feels hurt she would get all the support and he'd get dragged through the mud for even thinking such a thing.

  7. “I appreciate the support ive gotten from her and therefore wont tell her im asexual and not interested with her romantically, it doesnt matter to me she will find out after wasting years and years with someone who doesnt actually want all of her because you need the support of this person”

    Let her go. She will likely feel bamboozled and mad but if you dont wait too long you may actuallyvbe able to salvage the FRIENDSHIP that this was supposed to stay as after some cooling off period

  8. You are very judgmental, so it is not at all surprising she lied to conceal this from you, given your attitude. Break up with her, so she can find a guy who isn't judgmental, who can accept her as is.

  9. Hey hey it's only fair to call his dick out for a sugary breakfast. What would a apt breakfast for penis be tho.

  10. I get a very sanctimonious vibe from you OP. When truthfully what you’re doing is weak and shitty.

    Staying in love with someone is ultimately a choice and it is work.

    Don’t get someone pregnant. Don’t propose. If you’re not willing to put in that work.

  11. She’s testing the waters here. It doesn’t sound as if it is for you and she wants her own relationship with a woman, probs not being part of your fantasy. So either monogamous or you both mess around with others. It will end in a mess of emotions for all involved.

  12. “Who you are” isn’t Tijuana Mexico, right? Did they ask you to come, or is it something being put on by a church organization you’re a part of? Find a different, safer, way to help closer to home that makes your partner feel comfy. There’s so much to do. It’s common sense to discuss stuff like that with a partner. It’s not about permission, it’s about respect as partners, honestly. I think some people get hung up on selfishness & don’t even realize it

  13. You forgot option 3:

    She’s going to find someone who appreciates her, and he’s going to find that women aren’t lining up to date him. Cue pouty baby act once again.

  14. And they haven’t even met the kid yet!! Everyone is assuming Damien from the Omen is going to show up on their doorstep with the baby mama from hell and decimate their precious family. They haven’t even met him!

    He could thrive in a stable environment and be very happy with his new siblings. The idea he’s too broken to even attempt to fix is beyond disturbing.

    Not to mention now those four kids will absolutely be traumatized after she rips them away from their dad to go online with her religious wackjob parents.

    The lack of empathy here is fucking astounding.

  15. It hurts me the first time, but I was also pretty young. Most of my friends in high school as well. How is it misogynistic that it often hurts the first time? It obviously hurts her or she wouldn't stop.

  16. 2 to 3 times a night?? Farrrkkkk that. Roll over tell him to quit it or head to the bathroom. If he needs to get one off. But stop waking you up. Tell him you are sleeping on the couch if he is going to keep going at it. But just be blunt. If you are uncomfortable talking about sexual acts you shouldn't be sleeping together.

  17. To you it was “immediate”, to her it's the culmination of a “work in progress”.

    Just tell your group of friends that you are as shocked as they are that you find out she had been cheating on you and how much of a surprise you have found the whole thing.

    Leave it up to them to come to their own conclusions.

  18. Let’s shelve the other stuff for a second:

    Are you in love with her? Do you want to be in this relationship? Are you happy? If nothing changed, do you think you’d be happy in ten years?

    Unless you answered, with no hesitation, a big fat YES then I would break up. The fundamental dynamics of the relationship aren’t working, it’s not tenable.

  19. It doesn't really matter if you don't care about your young ages, it is clearly relevant. You did not how this person for long enough to assess if you'd be together for life, and you still left everything you knew to be with them.

    You gotta reassess how you are using dating to learn about the other person.

  20. You took on the role of parent and carer when you invited her to online with you.

    You’re going to have to be tough now if you want that dynamic to change.

    Is she seeing a therapist for her mental health? She should do that as a minimum as you can’t be her emotional support animal as well as her mother/maid.

    If you don’t do something now, it will destroy your relationship. She’s an adult. She needs to behave like one.

  21. That's because phones have an option to randomize their MAC address for security purposes. The address identifies the who made the chip along with other pertinent info to identify that particular device . So they randomize it so that you hide his identifier (it's not something cheaters are smart enough to make sure the option is enabled it likely was just enabled by default on his particular phone)

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