Alyaconnelly online sex cams for YOU!


My nipples are eager for you, I’ll pinch them till I moan your name * REDHEAD HOT* [GOAL MET]

Date: October 25, 2022

34 thoughts on “Alyaconnelly online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Like she was so worried about me giving up on her, not being interested in her… she even liked me first and told me she loved me first… BUT IM THE ONE WHO GETS HURT???? I can't do this

  2. Be polite but clear, end it. You shouldn't have to continue a relationship because you are afraid of them. You know what you have to do. Hopefully you can find a safe way. Hopefully you can find some support with friends or family. Good luck.

  3. Don't tell her it's about her job, because she might leave her job and it's not the solution, it's about her core values don't align with yours and that's not bad at all, you're just incompatible.

    In your first date she told you she was a stripper but you thought your relationship was not serious so that's why you agreed to sleep with her, but now you don't want a relationship because you don't share the same values.

  4. You should probably confirm if she actually lied. You haven’t actually tied the provocative snap to her lying. So far you’ve only setup a reason to be suspicious. Maybe you left out some info that would connect the facts and your belief she lied.

    As someone who practices non-monogamy hanging with exes can truly be platonic (sometimes not depends on the individuals and the situation) but unless you ask her you won’t know and will just be throwing around accusations with no proof.

    Either way you should talk to her cause this situation is clearly making you feel insecure and if you don’t want it to manifest in a toxic way you should address it.

  5. That is a subjective matter. Only she and her friends know her true intentions. Since you can't mind read, you either go with the flow or ask her.

  6. So a man lied to his wife… and lied to you…

    that still doesn't make you right to blackmail him.

    I stand by my, basically, YTA verdict. Don't complain that others are immoral cheaters when you do that. Don't throw stones in glass houses.

    He's wrong? Definitely. You? no better.

  7. **What follows does not condone your mothers behavior, merely gives you something to keep in mind about her, but she is 100% not responsible for protecting her children, because living in violence is still abuse, even if it is not physical abuse.**

    She is an abused woman, and she is too weak/beaten down/scared (it is likely a combination of the above) to protect herself, or more importantly her children. If you are in school, and this dates back to when you were a toddler, just get away as fast as you can, and draw boundaries keeping BOTH of your parents, your abuser and his enabler, away from you and your life.

    Also find a good therapist, they can help immensely in the process of healing from growing up in that kind of home.

  8. So tell me what should I have done in this situation. I always be the biggest person in our fights and allow her to continue getting away with it?? This is the fourth time in the last 8 months she has hit me. Today I finally had enough. Am I suppose to harm her, because I'll never hit her

  9. sounds to me like she showed them willingly and then he wanted to ask to have them and she was put on the spot. if she wanted him to just have them she would have sent them instead of showing them. to me that's a huge distinction. if she showed them willingly without him asking, your theory makes absolutely no sense. her showing them was a big deal but he wasn't satisfied with that gesture. which is what would change the dynamic.

  10. OP, everyone is focusing on your wife here but I would like to ask: How are you doing? You were assaulted, and now your wife is not supporting you in that trauma but making everything even harder on you. I am so sorry that happened to you.

    I just want to say that it would be okay for you to tell your wife „I get that this affected you, but I was just sexually assaulted by your sister and I need your emotional support to process that.“

  11. I'm staying with my partner who has some mental health issues that he's working on, but I understand that I can't work on his mental health issues for him. I can only provide some support while he works on his issues with assistance from his doctors.

    OP's husband isn't only not working on his own problems, he's been having an emotional affair and would have left OP if he didn't think it was going to be too expensive and complicated. He seems to think his problem is his wife, not the fact that he's spent 20 years obsessed with another woman while he strings his wife along.

  12. So did she ever apologize for hurting you? Or did she go straight to her spiral and make this about herself?

    Has she proactively told you how she’d prefer you to communicate hurt or discomfort? Or do you just get to try again and hope you guessed right?

  13. hey hey, let's not jump to conclusions yet

    – why have you been kinda off? Is this something that can be helped/fixed?

  14. Because you come off needy and insecure when you constantly communicate with him. It’s what kills most relationships.

  15. The reason I posted here was to get this reply. I needed to hear it from somebody else. Particularly the part about how she knows she can lie without consequence, it's very nude to admit something like that by yourself.

    Thank you.

  16. I suspect it's literally just that it makes her feel like, for some reason, she wasn't good enough

    I sincerely doubt it has anything to do with you, and even more doubtful that she still is hung up on the ex

  17. If you're unhappy and cant seem to find a solution dont waste another 10 years putting all the effort in for no return.

    I'm a single mum and it's difficult to read this but at the end of the day you are unhappy. You have to put yourself first now, you've spent so long putting everyone else first.

  18. So based on your responses to other commenters, yes and no.

    So yes let her go, but no to dinner.

    They’ve only known each other for 4 months. Coffee or lunch, but not dinner.

    This isn’t some good friend that has been around for ages, this is someone who has literally just arrived on the scene.

    But also at the end of the day you can’t do more than tell her that to you it seems weird, and makes you a little uncomfortable.

    So she will go regardless of what you think, and probably regardless of what you say.

    So your only option is to watch her for any behaviour changes afterwards.

    And if there are any dump her. Do not give her any discussion on it, just end it.

    So trust her, let her do what she wants to, if you suspect anything afterwards then she faces the consequences, and the relationship ends, and she gets marked as a cheater.

  19. She’s emotionally immature. Unless this is the kind of relationship drama you enjoy, I would leave it be.

  20. Would split finances protect you in any way in the event of actual divorce? I know that in many jurisdictions pre-marital assets that aren't co-mingled are protected (like say a rental property you own, or an inheritance kept in a separate account and not used for marital expenses), but is that what you're talking about? Or like, your salaries? Not sure if those would be protected just being put in his and hers accounts.

  21. You should be honest with him and tell him how you feel, but you should also forgive and move on. You can't hold things over his head because he made some mistakes and it sounds like he is trying. I would say try and forgive and move on and see how it goes.

  22. I am someone who likes to spend time alone. I believe your needs would make me feel suffocated. You need to be able to manage your needs independently. I don't know how you do that.

    You say you have been receiving treatment for years. You must have a diagnosis. Find someone who specializes in it. Perhaps see a psychiatrist to see if you have more going on than anxiety alone. Get books or watch videos from experts. Learn as much as you can so that you understand what treatment is available.

  23. The only reason that would sound logical to me for writing such a text would be if he helped out a friend to come up with a pickup line like that. But since he didn’t say that… logically I would come to the conclusion that he if he can keep himself sharp, you can also keep yourself sharp

  24. Find someone to take your dog and move back home. It’s the only solution. And going forward maybe heed your parents warnings since they seemed to know this guy wasn’t good for you

  25. If they aren't sexually attracted to you (a key component for you in relationships), then how is it any different from a friendship already?

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