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_neesha_414_live sex stripping with hd cam


4 thoughts on “_neesha_414_live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Dude, that's some next level guilt she's dealing with. I've never been in your exact shoes, but did have a SO who thought she wasn't good enough for me, and was convinced I would cheat or dump her. Finally she told me after we started fighting over why she was so protective. In the heat of the moment I gently grabbed her in an embrace and looking into her eyes and said “but none of those other people matter to me, I only want you. I only want to be with you.”. We later married.

    Sounds like words will have a tough time sticking for your wife, have you tried other methods? I've just started reading about love languages and maybe theres a way to communicate how you feel while not using words. A casual gentle embrace, a secret note you leave out for her to find after you go out to do something, letting her know how you feel with “I'm so lucky to have you in my life”, “you do so much for our family, we are very lucky”, “I love you, and I'm so happy we're together”, “I love you, and I'm so lucky to have such a beautiful wife.”, etc. And it goes without saying you should show zero interest in the neighbor.

  2. For me what would kill the relationship wouldn't be the fact that he wanted to revisit the idea of giving/getting blowjobs, but it would be the fact that he walked in the door and, right off the rip, started demanding them. It shows an incredible lack of respect for your opinion and boundary, as well as a sense of entitlement. That would seriously kill (or at least heavily injure) and feelings I had for him.

    Personally I would text back with this:

    “You are 32 years old and you are capable of making your own decisions; whether your friends convinced you that you should be getting them or not is irrelevant, YOU chose to come home demanding that I 'get over it' and give you BJ's despite the fact that you know damn well why I don't like giving them. You didn't even try to have a civil discussion about it with me, you came home demanding that I get over it and give you blowjobs as if you were entitled to them – as if I owed them to you just for the sake that we were dating.

    And yes, I did mean 'were' dating because, honestly, at this point I am more interested in finding someone who respects my boundaries and it is clear that you aren't capable of doing that if anyone so much as expresses a difference of opinion on whether they are or aren't needed, or disbelief at the fact that we're doing fine without them.

    So yeah, go ahead and find someone that is willing to give you a BJ so that you can satisfy your friends by getting them because I'm done.”

  3. I don’t know the whole story, maybe add more to it? Like how long have you been seeing each other, do you hang out a lot, have you communicated about this to him? Things like that. Because based on your post I can just say he’s a dick ??‍♀️

  4. I’m not waiting around for him or anything. I’m not the type to block someone unless they’re threatening me or making me uncomfortable. So far, he has not been inappropriate with the interactions, such as flirting or making any sexual comments. It has been casual and polite. Which stumps me because we had gone NC for 2 weeks and he believes this is all harmless which yes, it is. But he wanted to set boundaries for his relationship, since we previously had sex and I was in agreement with that

    I don’t mind that he reaches out but he does need some growing up to do. Because after 2 weeks of NC since he got into a relationship, he just randomly sends me reels on instagram with no words, as if nothing ever happened and is totally normal.

    He did tell me earlier on when we were talking (when he brought up exclusivity), that vulnerability and communication is so important to him. I told him it’s important to me too and that I am transparent and honest. So for him to ask of that but not reciprocate that when I asked him if everything is okay, why he lost interest, and so forth … stumps me

    The last time I had asked if everything is okay, was my third try. Third times the charm right? I let him know, “I’m easy to talk to. I’m okay with having uncomfortable conversations and I’m not going to retaliate or react.” That’s when he finally opened up about “losing his spark”

    That’s another topic .. “spark.” I mean, what even is that? People define it in many different ways.

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