Aberach-Mackay live! webcams for YOU!


5 thoughts on “Aberach-Mackay live! webcams for YOU!

  1. You should also report this person to her bosses. I think border patrol are employed by US government? Don't they have adultery laws like for US soldiers. Report her to her superiors. It may be a fireable offense if she has a security clearance.

  2. I havent see this anywhere but honestly, i understand how you feel. I constantly beg my SO for sex but after asking once, I always ask him “Am i pressuring you in any way? Am i making you uncomfortable? Tell me if me constantly asking for sex is affecting you negatively, i will stop and wont take it in a bad way!!”

    Maybe this can help in your current and future rs

  3. It could be she just wants to show off her accomplishments to him to prove him wrong. She probably has a montage of memories of insults and hateful comments he has hurled at her during their relationship that are resurfacing in her mind. PTSD and anxiety disorders has a way of doing that (I'm not saying she has any. It's just one of many symptoms to potentially watch out for).

    It's an issue that she needs some time to process. Be patient with her op. Sometimes bad memories creep up at the worst times, esp when stressful changes occur in life.

  4. My mother made it clear, that she would NOT be keeping our children for more 2 hours visits and not every day, we still love her and our kids love her grandma.

    It is very inconsiderate of her to ask for this as routine, specially knowing that it took 15 years longer to get her brother set up in life. Do as many do and show her this post.

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