Addison Velour the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD


Addison Velour, 24 y.o.


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Live Live Sex Chat rooms Addison Velour

Addison Velour on-line sex chat

Date: November 24, 2022

5 thoughts on “Addison Velour the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. I have BPD so I feel like I can say this. Stop dating untreated people with BPD. It is going to feel entirely impossible, because it will be.

    Look, if she’s going to get that upset about something like an honest mistake and never let you online it down, you need to stop dating and she needs to go seek therapy. That’s literally all.

    I know that this sucks and it would bother me as well, but come on. It’s ridiculous to be that untrusting, and trying to date people!!! WITH BPD!!! If she cannot realize that, YOU need to save YOURSELF. We all deserve understanding and kindness. We all also deserve the realization that ppl will not fix us in relationships, or heal our triggers for us. ? we have to do that on our own so we can create healthy relationships. It’s one thing to split here and there but it’s another thing to use your untreated bpd as a scapegoat for trust issues. What’s gonna happen when she dates somebody new and they also had intimate partners before, pictures, videos, all that (because guess what, that’s normal, and normal to forget ab). Go figure.

  2. Every person who has EVER helped me when a man has harassed me has been another woman and not a man. Men always just watch and never step in because of how they be perceived or this whole “violence and physical injury” will occur.

    Yet, WOMEN will risk their lives for each other to help by saying “Hey, stop she said she isn't interested.” OR by pretending we are friends and trying to get us away OR doing something to get us away physically. THEY will get in between us and men.

    But men are too afraid of what will happen to themselves rather than help us. They are fine with us being SA'd or killed vs being uncomfortable or a possibility of violence which if you cannot de-escalate a situation without violence, that says more about your problem solving skills than anything.

  3. I should’ve clarified that she didn’t make these drawings, they were posted on Twitter by other accounts, the artists themselves I suppose. I don’t think she’d get in trouble considering they were posted by others, but still doesn’t change the fact that they were liked. I don’t know her intentions, especially considering nothing beforehand was even hinted at with any of this. I think it’s unlikely she was trying to recruit me, but who knows. I don’t think I’ll continue the relationship though. There are no excuses for this type of behavior, something they admitted themself.

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