Agataruiz online sex cams for YOU!



Date: November 24, 2022

44 thoughts on “Agataruiz online sex cams for YOU!

  1. We have been dating for four months and I don’t know if I could tell him because this was around the beginning when we started talking. A little part of me wants to say something but I know deep down it isn’t a good idea and it can cause a big issue.

  2. There are some things you can't come back from and this is one of them. A year and a half. That was no mistake the only reason he says he feels bad is because that relationship ended and he doesn't want to be alone and you just happen to still be here. He doesn't love you or he wouldn't have been messing around on you especially not for that long that's over half your relationship. Why would you stick around for more misery you don't deserve that no matter what he says don't believe him.

  3. I feel like you want us to side with you but your overthinking and need for constant updates is suffocating. It borders on controlling. If you don't trust us as women, then don't be with that woman… that being said, if she valued you, you wouldn’t have to ask for updates. She would give them to ease your mind. I think you need to step back.

  4. You cannot fix a drunk. I recommend you go to a AA meeting and ask what to do or a sober subreddit and ask.

    Dating is about finding someone compatible to make a life-long commitment. Choose wisely.

  5. Hello /u/ThrowRA-whytry,

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  6. I mean, relationships change over the course of time. I started out monogamous and then things had husband and I considering and eventually becoming open. However that was something we came up with together, went the therapy for a third opinion, and took years of discussion before we even got close to other partners.

    It sounds like your girlfriend had someone else she was already emotionally at least connecting with and wanted to see if she could have both. This is sadly how most people come at open relationships and is completely wrong. Now she’s regretting it and crying trying to get you back. That’s of course not taking in the possibility of physical cheating (sounds she was at least emotionally doing so already).

    You have every right to end the relationship whenever you feel like it for any reason. You found her behavior and request suspect (as honestly anyone would) and that damage the trust you had in her. No relationship will survive without trust so better to just cut it off and move on. People can think what they want but it’s your feelings and self in the end and you don’t feel you can trust her. You don’t need anymore reason then that to dump her.

  7. Also just an FYI for all the “But think of the child” responses: A child in an unhappy home will know that something is wrong and will therefore also grow up unhappy. Better to remove the child from the inactive partner (that would be the one that ignored the ultimatum) and move to a single parent home than to force a one and a half parent home environment where someone is unhappy.

  8. Your X and U need to go to family counseling and figure out how you're going to coparent your children and have new relationships moving forward You owe this to your children and any new relationships either one of you have

  9. We only have the background information that you've provided here. But it sounds like she checked out a while ago, and likely just stuck around until other situations in her life were accommodating for her to finally leave. Once she made the arrangements to leave and had a safe place to leave, then she was able to drop the facade. Hence, you're now seeing this “crazy vindictive hostile” side of her.

  10. I had a step mother who considered me as much of her own as the children she gave birth to. When she spoke of my she said “my daughter” She was put on hospice sadly with end stage COPD. When we stayed with her she told me I was her rock and strength. When she passed, so many of her friends came up to me telling me how much she bragged about me to them. Most did not even realize I was a step daughter and her sister who still considers herself my aunt, said that there was times when some one else would call me “step”, and my stepmother would correct them and say I am her daughter.

    The moral of this story? It takes very special women to truly be step mothers. Most I know love their step children just as much as their own and do not allow anyone to treat them like lesser children. They would view your words in horror and disgust. Then you have a certain other type who really have no business being a step mother, much less seeking out men with children. This type includes you.

    Fortunately, for the actual children in the OP, the post is not about her looking down or thinking less of them; for all we know she may be cut out to be a step mother at least in respect of loving the children. Love how people show their ass by bringing up situations that actually have nothing to do with the OP.

  11. A few people have suggested therapy and I plan to book sessions as soon as businesses open again.

    You’re right, I did pop off on her in an insanely abusive way, and I am going to make sure she never has to deal with that rubbish ever again. I’ve learnt a huge lesson and want to do everything I can to make it up to her. She hasn’t left me yet, and I don’t know if she will, but she won’t ever see that behaviour from me ever again.

    Thank you for replying to my post.

  12. This could have been written by my mom in the 90s.

    My dad did this exact thing to my mom. She stayed and they ultimately divorced because he had his ‘quirks’ and she didn’t want to deal anymore.

    And then when he died, he did it AGAIN and left my siblings and I to deal with it. It’s been 3 years and we still don’t have definitive answers on what he owes for his business and we may have to pay out of our own inheritance to get it settled.

    divorce him and make sure he doesn’t have your name on everything. i’m serious. it ruined my moms life. we had to pay 1800$ every month to the fed growing up because he didn’t deal with it even after telling and marrying my mom. We went instantly from comfortable 90s middle class to poor as shit, and it stayed that way.

    please leave

  13. these comments are cracking me up suggesting we aren’t mature. keep going down this road – what road? wanting to be married. ?

  14. If she blocked you- She wants zero communication with you. Let her on-line her life and you move on too.

    When someone blocks you it’s because they no longer want to talk to you or have you communicate with them. It’s not because they want you to write them a letter instead… ?

  15. I'm finding the people saying it's no big deal on here terrifying. It's a potentially life threatening disease. She should've told you so you could've made an informed decision when consented to sex. I'm sorry you went through this. It's absolutely not okay.

  16. This all seems like he’s setting the stage to be abusive and then tell her that it’s her fault for “‘making him angry”.

  17. u want us to tell you how to persuade her to ‘let you’ show emotion, but you’re also saying you have spoken to her about this already and she won’t change.

    What do you think we could say that you can’t or haven’t already??

    Saying “I don’t see anything wrong with crying when I am remembering my dear friend ” ONCE should be enough for her to never behave like this again.

    People are sometimes raised with different values, or strange ideas, but the brutal truth is if she respected you or loved you, she would have questioned her behaviour, if not her opinion, right away.

    If she won’t listen you you – her partner, who is hurting – nothing we say can get her to listen either.

    We CAN say you should get out of the relationship because it’s no way to on-line, unless you want to feel like you do know for the rest of your life. You are only 24. You have a world of opportunity and time to meet someone who doesn’t verbally and psychically assault you. This is a bad relationship. It will not get better, it will only get worse. Get out, because you deserve love and respect.

    Losing someone, feeling pain, sorrow, sadness and loss are part of life – and I’m sorry to say they will all happen to you, many times. Can you seriously stand to spend the rest of your life with someone who will not be there for you through all of that? Or for their child?! And expect them to hide their emotions? Who lashes out when they don’t like a perfectly normal emotion? Who does not let someone react to even a sad movie?

    This is a recipe for disaster, and statistically why many young men suffer mental health issues and resort to suicide. Nobody can contain their emotions indefinitely.

    Humans – including men – cry for a reason. We evolved to cry because the act of crying is a mental reboot and a physical release. Ever heard of “crying yourself to sleep”, or wonder why you yawn when you cry?? It’s because it is soothing. Humans are designed to cry. If men were not supposed to cry, millions of years of evolution would have stopped them.

    Seriously. Get out of this relationship. And run, don’t walk.

  18. Ouch. That is nude.

    I hope that they are getting help with their trauma so that they do not have a repeating patern of this type of experience.

    You are doing what you can in giving them space if that is what they've requested of you. But it is not your fault that they tripped over a “land mine” left by a previously abusive relationship. Their friend was way out of line going off on you. But just because you did not intend harm, does not mean that harm may not have been experienced. Which sucks.

    Those of us who have trauma must be responsible for addressing it. We must communicate with our partners as we discover what brings up our trauma responses. No one's a mind reader. Sometimes, sadly , we find out what our trauma responses are by tripping over them. And that sucks so much.

    But when we do find them ,we need to communicate with our partners about what is happening and what it looks like, if we know beforehand, when we're in distress. For instance, I'll get quiet and go fetal when in distress. I let my partners known this.

    We should not place blame on our current partners for our previous experiences. Especially if we shut down and are incapable of voicing our needs in the moment. If shutdown is a response we experience, it's a really good idea to negotiate with our partners before sex of any sort takes place. This is not foreplay either – a clear non-charged discussion of our needs is important. Because you have a history of being sexually assaulted – that will give you a reason to do this yourself on your own behalf. Doing so may make an opportunity for them to share with you as well.

    It is not your fault that this happened. You did not abuse them – you did not assault them. They did not communicate with you that there was anything wrong until after the fact. At which point it is incredibly difficult for you to do anything to help them, except to be supportive of them and follow their lead on what they need.

    There are so many people with sexual and relationship trauma- as a survivor yourself, I'd advise that you let your partners know that you do have a history of having been sexually assaulted, and disclose to partners if you know what may cause you to experince difficulties.

    As an example, I tell partners that I've a history of sexual as a asault, rape and incest. I've done a lot of work to get to a place where i am not overly burdened by these experiences.. but to please do a few things for me:

    No oscillating fans. 2. I do not tuck in sheets at the bottom of the bed. If this is a must for them, we will need to arrange to sleep separately. 3. Say my name if I seem slow to respond or appear to be less than fully present. 3. If I flinch, please check in with me verbally. 4. I am always happy to give verbal or hand signals. 5. My favorite word is yes. If a partner says yes to me, I will endavourto continue doing whatever I'm doing, the same way I'm doing it, for as long as I am told yes. If i say yes- then all is well. Please keep doing that! 6. If I am in distress of any sort- and i am having difficulty being verbal for whatever reason. I will tap rapidly with my hands or feet on them, or any available surface (the bed, wall, or whatever) Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap! This means I need to check in. Now.

    I don't need to do a deep dive into my previous trauma- in fact I really don't want to as a lead up to interacting sexually. But I find feeling safe and cared for by my partners and making sure they know how to show care for me is very freeing.

    You may want to consider finding a therapist who can help you make decisions on how to address the circumstances you find yourself in, your feelings of guilt, and to help you find a path forward, so that you can at least attempt to have some sort of resolution so that you can both engage socially with your mutual support network. They may also be able to help you navigate moving forward as far as how to address this socially amongst your friend group as well. Hope some of this helps.

  19. In general, we don’t let our SOs sleep in the same room as other men. Multiply this by 10 if they’ve already had a sexual relationship. Someone could call it jealousy, others will call it common sense.

  20. I assume he becomes more confident when he has a few drinks, and he has held your hand which tells me that he wants the physical aspect.

    If you're keen on exploring more, just ask him out in a date. Make sure you use that word too, so he doesn't get mixed signals.

    Enjoy and have fun 🙂

  21. This is textbook definition of being gaslit. He is invalidating your feelings and trying to make you seem crazy. Please leave this man

  22. The great news here is that it seems you're all in a position to have a mature and pragmatic discussion to figure out what's appropriate for the situation.

    To answer the question, it can't be answered as a blanket statement. Let's start by focusing on the property; what kind of place is it? What's private? What's shared? With no context, if we're to assume something like a 2BR apartment, while I'd tend to lean your way, the fact that they're sharing a bedroom (as opposed to having two even if both aren't used) means that they individually get less private space. However, all common areas would logically be used equally. As such, maybe something like 60/40 would be more appropriate, but we also have to consider the size of the bedrooms.

    Utilities are where it's a bit more black and white. You all use electric. You all use wifi. You all use water. That should be 2/3.

  23. You say sex is important, but you are together for a year without sex? I don’t get it. Very obviously, sex is not important to you. If it was, you would have left 11 months ago.

  24. I mean at some point he’d probably start enjoying himself like he used to. If not well then no ofc.

  25. Man that’s just awful and it looks like you are just being used. My bf is a neat freak. When he knows we plan on being intimate, he’ll put a thin disposable pad down on the bed (used for older people who are bed ridden and have leaks, we always laugh when he puts it down but it’s better than cleaning sheets after every sexual encounter and saves the bed and lets us be messy lol). Anyways we have sex, there will be lots of eye contact after, we say we love eachother and how amazing that was, he’ll jump up first to go grab some toilet paper for ME. Always. He comes back and hands it to me to help clean myself up and then we lock arms and he helps pull me and the cum soaked pad off the bed and holds my hand to the bathroom together. This is love. He cares about me cleaning myself up before himself and he sticks around. I can’t imagine him just leaving and going to be on his phone after being intimate. This guy doesn’t deeply love you.

  26. But whats the cost of living difference in both places? Thinking the higher income is in a higher cost of living area.

  27. 1) If she doesn’t reply right away and you get all anxious and upset? You’re not ready. 2) The only true chance you have of ever having a good friend relationship is to truly step away and give yourself real time to heal from the breakup.

    Damn… okay, this makes lots of sense. It was 5 months. She was kinda a mess ye, hah.

  28. It sounds miserable and exhausting.

    When he raises the prospect of divorce, just agree, but be prepared for that to piss him off and flip the script.

    Quietly gather your personal papers and anything especially precious to you or irreplaceable, and get them out of the house – tucked away with a friend, or a safe deposit box in your name only. Even better if you can squirrel away some money, but the point is, stay under the radar with your prep. His behavior suggests he could become dangerous if you call his bluff and try to leave.

    Above all, be safe. Prepared is great, but hey, if you gotta leave with nothing but the clothes on your back, it’s better to deal with the hassle than to be dead.

  29. Just tell her to trash the stuff or donate it all to a charity. Or ignore her completely. Giving your stuff back is so juvenile (junior high move). You could also respond with “LOL we aren’t in middle school, just trash it”.

  30. Oh okay. So there are more days left. Ig you should wait cuz from what you’ve told about her she seems like a nice girl and I think she wont really just disappear. So just wait without sending her any texts?

  31. I’ll echo everyone else. I remember being 20. I was a dumbass as almost all 20 year olds are.

    When you were graduating high school he was in 5th grade.

    There’s just too much of a life experience and maturity gap here.

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