AliceWils online sex chats for YOU!



Date: December 6, 2022

82 thoughts on “AliceWils online sex chats for YOU!

  1. If we are at the club and the table is 2509 and bottle are $350-1000 and we had 5… do the math when 20% is guaranteed for the waitress.

  2. This doesn’t sound accidental. Does he also “accidentally” bump into and injure other people, or is it only you? Barring a neurological disorder, it seems unlikely he would have this many “accidents”, and if he did, he would also be injuring himself often.

  3. You might as well put your balls in those bottles to. What is wrong with you? You need to man up and take a piss whenever you want in your own house. Your literally peeing in bottles so as not to tick off some mini tyrant that’s probably half your size. Kick her to the curb ASAP. Do not marry this person under any circumstance.

  4. Then you just don't go on a second date. Stop getting so hung up on women. If you are a single man you should be working on your fitness getting your money right getting your life together and dating multiple women. And all the first few dates should be low cost. Never spend a lot of money on a woman until she has proven that she has a genuine interest in you.

  5. What absolutely awful advice lmao. Don't give relationship advice if you're going to tell people to play dumbass games instead of just asking for the truth. This take is like a childish high school approach.

  6. yeah we have thought about relocating just seems that it never happens money mainly, we both work full time not in school. going back to Ohio i would immediately have a place to stay a job etc

  7. I'm sorry, has he said out loud in words that he wants to have sex with other people?

    This sounds like he wants to keep talking to someone who hit on him. That's a conversation worth having, but it's different from being in an open relationship.

  8. Dude she is going to slowly tear down your confidence more and more to control you—normal people don’t say this. Put a hot boundary there (“if you find this relationship boring you are free to leave it”) and enforce it or leave—those are your only two options.

  9. personally, a break to me means its over. if somethins bad enough it cant be fixed together, it aint gettin fixed alone either

  10. I agree with u/fjordgard

    I personally wouldn’t care about the camping or the ride sharing or calls outside of work. I work in a male dominated field and am often the only woman. Some of the wives of my colleagues have really flipped out that I’m at a dinner or lunch or out for drinks with their husbands. Or sharing a rental car on a business trip, or staying in the same hotel even!

    Interestingly, this seems to be mostly the case with Americans. My European/Scandinavian colleagues’ wives don’t seem to have any issue and opposite sex colleagues and friendships are even closer than with my American colleagues.

    So I dunno. I think asking him to be no contact is pretty extreme. But he agreed to do it. And then lied.

    Seems to me he had no intention of ratcheting things back with her. He just said he would to get you to come and now figures you won’t leave and he can do whatever he wants.

  11. “Aside from prescribed antidepressants”

    is what I wrote, not sure how you got “combining” them from that but thanks anyway for the psa in case there was any ambiguity.

  12. If he doesn't make you feel good, then why be with him? The whole point of being in a relationship is to be with someone who you enjoy spending time with, who makes you feel happy and give each other support. If you're not getting that, then you are better off being alone.

  13. Don’t engage. You broke up with her once already. There’s no answer that will be enough. If you can’t stop yourself from replying, do not try to answer her question. Instead, urge her to get help. Something like “I’m surprised to hear from you. The fact that you are still thinking about our few dates more than six months later is not good. Please talk to someone you trust about getting some mental health support. I am not the right person to help you.”

  14. It’s definitely not messed up at all. Grandparents aren’t obligated to be babysitters. Guilting people into taking care of your kid is ridiculous. I would never ever assume someone else would watch my kid for any reason, not even my own family. None of my siblings or my mom have babysat my kid and I wouldn’t hold it against them like they don’t care for them. They are my responsibility at the end of the day.

  15. I see. Except that I actually had the full intention to stay. I’ve always thought that people would fight for what they want, make a move, make an attempt, or have a back-up plan if their current plan fail. I didn’t see any of those, so I really thought that he just didn’t care at all about me as a person, but rather just wanna find someone who has all the labels and tags that he’s looking for. Am I misunderstanding the situation?

  16. Did she tell you that she was spending all her free time with you, or did you just believe this was the case?

    If the latter, then you need to understand that what you ‘think’ is not always true.

    It’s a long time ago. She stopped seeing him once you started dating for real, so I don’t think it’s a big issue to be honest.

  17. Ask her out….Lol

    Seriously though….feelings of envy are normal in cases like this. It's what you do with them that matters. We'd all love to have the same amounts of money that celebrities make and we look at their lifestyles and daydream a bit. It's not something to obsess about but accept it as part of life. And pls get away from the “I've always worked hot all my life and other people get stuff handed to them” mentality. It helps no one and it doesn't justify your feelings of anger or envy. People like this girl shouldn't have to apologize or prove anything to the world to justify their fortunes. Good luck

  18. My biggest regret in life was getting married at 18 to a 28 year old man…it destroyed my life…my dreams and goals and my career…my advice to young ladies is to wait to get married…focus on your studies and your career.. travel…live your life…meet people…date…have fun…enjoy your hobbies…develop as a woman…make your money…become self efficient and independent…wait until 30 for marriage and children… have you ever asked yourself a question…what does a 26 year old man want with an 18 year old girl? Listen to your intuition….

  19. Thank you….I am not a screamer at all….i grew up in a household with one and thats part of the reason i shut down when things start to get overwhelming (not an excuse for how i treated him, I shouldnt have done that, Im just explaining why I am this way).

    I didn’t see any signs of him texting or talking to her, nor was he following her IG, but he had searched her up cause her name was in his search history. I know I shouldn’t be looking through his phone also, but he has had prior instances of flirting with women that made it so we share passcodes. He said he was fine with me doing that but he wanted me to talk to him about it first before snooping…I failed at that, I guess in part because i didn’t want to look stupid to him if it was just my anxiety. But also cause i felt like he would try to hide things off i asked him, but i could just be overthinking that. I really want to trust him, but trust has to be earned after he mess up a few months back…its not something that can just magically heal, especially when he continued to do sus behavior…

  20. I agree OP is contradictory as well.

    Have you discussed this plan in detail with your bf OP? About being a housewife?

    Being a PA part time is difficult to find.

  21. Well I think you swapped the 2 worries- the fact that he’s cheated in the past got a mere sentence in 2 paragraphs about his friend cheating and rubbing off on him. The latter is much more worrisome

  22. This 30+ year old man preyed upon you when you were 21, maybe barely 22; if he can’t legally own a gun himself right now, there’s a reason for that and he certainly shouldn’t be given access to one. He’s sulking and trying to guilt-trip you because you don’t want to be responsible for a lethal weapon for his sake; he’s emotionally immature and manipulative. He’s a clown, OP, get rid of him before he hurts you.

  23. Except he didn't change he kept sleeping with multiple women. Personally I don't think I could forgive someone who would give head to someone else then kiss me with that same mouth but hey you do you I guess. Just get checked for STDs and STIs at least. You don't know what kind of women your community d!ck 'boyfriend' has been sleeping with.

  24. You really can fix her internal problem. It's something she has to work on.

    But you can do a lot by consistently affirming your love for her and your perception of her as beautiful. I struggle the way she does at times. It helps a lot that my partner frequently and without prompting verbalizes that he finds me desirable and lovely. He will tell me that he wishes I could see myself through his eyes. He touches and admires parts of me that I'm less than pleased with, and that helps a lot too.

    When you catch her looking critically at herself in the mirror, stand behind her, put your arms around her, look in the mirror with her, and tell her she's beautiful.

  25. If the wife asks: “is she pretty, am i ugly, do you like her, or do you watch porn?” The answer is always “no, you're all I could have ever wanted”. Then you give her a kiss or a hug or both then go about your day.

  26. Do not take her back.

    Tell your mutual friends to keep their noses out of it, that she has done this shit multiple times before, and that this time was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

    She will never be able to rebuild the trust and respect that she destroyed.

    And yes she destroyed it, not her friends, herself.

  27. Sounds more like they’re telling you that they’re going to fuck each other regardless and just wanted your approval to make it okay.

  28. This is what young people can do these days? Jesus. Yeah, sounds like a dangerous person to have in your life. You don't need fake porn of yourself ending up on the Internet.

    For the sake of self preservation, I would recommend phasing him out of your life rather than attacking him, considering you know what he can do.

  29. Ask him about pegging. He has to say yes basically in this situation. So either new bedroom fun, or punishment.

  30. I told her how it makes me feel. One guy she told him she’s dating me and he’s still sending messages to her all the time and she from time to time responses to him. Another guy she haven’t responded to him yet and one guy she ignored and never talked to him but he sometimes text her.

    If they are on reserve then I don’t feel good being in such a relationship where my partner hesitates in telling them that she’s taken and not interested if she doesn’t want to block

  31. Why would he be afraid when she’s the one who pressed the subject it’s not some information he volunteered to her.

  32. Run. I don’t know how long you’ve been together, but that is nuts considering your supposedly mutual, and clearly communicated, desire to to be childfree. Unless the conversation was awhile ago and he somehow thought you meant “I don’t want kids now/yet.” Honestly, that reaction is nuts anyway unless you were explicitly trying for awhile. Either way, he clearly doesn’t share your desire to not have kids

    Also, I’m trying to wrap my head around someone who wants to be childfree but isn’t on birth control? Please, please make sure you go to those classes you mentioned and make sure you’re taking your BC as prescribed. Preferably get on a longer acting BC too.

  33. Or he stands up to his parents and even temporarily cuts them off until they respect his choices in life.

    My brother did that so did my cousin and I know another guy who did that as well. However all 3 of them were raised in the west.

  34. Establish up front whether one of you, both of you, or neither of you want this long distance relationship to be open or not.

    Long distance is not inherently impossible. Speaking personally, I did it twice in college.

    One went fine. We were happy when we were toegether, and sad when when we were apart, but we still spoke on the phone all the time about how we couldn't wait to see each other again, and then had fantastic weekends when we did.

    The other one did not go fine, because she wanted to fuck other guys, but never told me either that or that she expected me to fuck other women, and therefore, be fine with it. Clearly, distance wasn't the problem here. Lack of expectations was.

    That said, everyone's different, so my experiences won't necessarily be yours, or anyone else's, but definitely establish terms up front. If you two disagree on terms, don't bother trying. It'll only lead to heartache later instead of now, but heartache either way, so might as well move on sooner. If you two agree on terms, long distance relationships are entirely possible, and you can find plenty of people who've made them work.

  35. My point is that these arguments for these absurd boundaries(You can't be alone with someone you have the potential to be attracted to) falls apart immediately once queer people enter the picture. As another commenter said, they and their partner are bi- so if they followed such silly ideas then they would be left with no one to hang out with.

    The idea that you can't trust your partner with someone of the opposite sex is insane. To me it is indicative that either A: You don't trust them and thus shouldn't be with them or B: You are not ready for a relationship with such insecurities.

  36. Talk to her about it, not us. Seriously just tell her exactly what you've told us. “Hey you used to have very strict boundaries but this change is confusing to me and is messing with my head” then go from there.

  37. It doesn't matter if there is something there or not. He chose to marry someone else. I personally think you're reading too much into his interactions and staring into your eyes could be him simply being interested enough in the conversation to make good eye contact. Some people are like that.

    Just think of and treat him like a co-worker and keep it moving forward. What else can you do? It's like you're gonna poach another woman's husband, right?

  38. I just wish that I had gotten all the wild fantasies out of my system before I met my current partner. I feel like I'll always be wondering what if, and as a result I worry that my resentment will grow. I understand all the good that comes from a whole hearted relationship. I understand what it's like to have someone who loves me, and is willing to spend the rest of their life with me. I trust my partner and I know if I were to have a family with her she would be a phenomenal mother. What I don't understand is what it's like to be with different women, and all the pleasures in making that happen. I don't understand what it's like to be totally on my own and still content with life. I don't know if I've ever fully developed my independence. I'm afraid that I'm not living up to my greatest potential. I feel like at this time my life is predictable, and it's not much different then the typical American dream. It just feels like it's a trap in a way; but If I'm wrong and I make a poor choice I fear I won't get a second chance. What I have is gold in some people's eyes, but in my own I feel like I'm lacking. Life feels incredibly unfair at times.

  39. Yeah that's what is getting me. This isn't a good thing to be so hot and cold.

    This is like the last guy I went out with who told me he was falling for me 4 days in, I backed out real fucking quick. I know how that shit ends (stalking).

  40. I think you're half-right: You should accept that your marriage and your partner are probably not going to change. It sounds like you've shared your issues and concerns with her and her reaction hasn't given you any reason to think that she will change.

    So my advice is to consider how you feel about the prospect of spending the rest of your life feeling the way your relationship makes you feel, when the alternative under consideration is not changing the relationship, but leaving it. Perhaps imagine thirty or forty years from now, looking back: Do you think you would be glad you spent your life with her, or would you wish that you sought something else? Only you can guess at the answer.

    Good luck figuring out the best path for yourself. I understand it's not easy.

  41. We only had sex once, after she turned 18. I did not take any advantage of her, i have known her for a few years before dating her, I didn't do any advances or anything alike. I figured out I liked her after breaking up with my at the time girlfriend, and she was 16 and half at that time. She is pretty mature for her age, that is what matters to me.

  42. Some therapy, she probably needs it. Go together, define, help her heal. Go by yourself to figure out how to plan a break up or how to stay together. If y'all can't work it out you know you tried everything.

  43. this was where my mind went to as well. at any rate, I wouldn't want to marry a spineless fool who can't stand up for what's right. doesn't bode well for the future.

  44. Exactly: which is why you broke up.

    You’re too busy for a relationship. He told you this. The effort you put in was minimal/not sustainable. So you broke up. You were planning vacations without him and giving him the “left over” time you had. I saw your Disney vacay comments and that you go 3-4 times a damn year.

    You do not get to question why he’s happy now he’s single. You do not get to be upset that he’s enjoying his life. You do not get anything from him. And involving your parents in stalking his social media gives another reason as to why he was right to block your crazy ass. LEAVE HIM ALONE. You are not in his life anymore. You are owed nothing.

  45. He never gave it a chance. I mean yeah, we saw each other maybe once or twice a week, but we would go out for dinner, go to hockey game, something like that. Apparently he didn’t like that either.

  46. apparently so, i'm just not informed enough about herpes and was wondering how it might affect our relationship, me, or future relationships.

  47. You need to sit down together and decide, with certainty, if you want kids or not. None of this percentage stuff- because you are hanging on to the slim chance she will chance her mind- and she it keeping you on the hook by not saying no.

    And then you need to decide if she says no, which she probably will, if you can be happy with that.

    I’m sorry OP. But you both need to get off the fence here with maybes.

  48. HR … employer will generally have sexual harassment policy/procedures. Do the appropriate reporting, and that's typically to HR – might be or also include supervisor(s), but if that ain't workin' so well, take it to HR, and let HR know what you've already taken to supervisor(s) and which supervisor(s). With some employers, it might even go to or start with legal department, or some other specialized department/area – but I'm guessing your employer isn't that huge? In any case, do the appropriate reporting … and keep records too – e.g. send emails to HR, keep copies for yourself – including copies not at work. After meetings/discussions, type up summaries and email that – and ask 'em if they have any additions/corrections/feedback to note … and likewise, copies for yourself not kept at work – “just in case”. Most any employer with half a clue or more will realize this is a serious issue, and will appropriate deal with it … most notably so they don't end up dealing with it much more expensively getting their *sses sued off and losing at that.

  49. Your responsibility to do what? you havent asked for advice at already did something, you banged a person with a BF. Now you know everything you need to know about the girl and what would happen when you date her..Want to guess what that. would be?it seems pretty obvious but maybe you cant see it.

  50. She also used a comment made to someone else to start a fight in her relationship. Your dad shouldn’t have told you about any of that. It’s not your business to be dragged into. And her feelings aren’t your responsibility. Making demands like that isn’t okay.

    If this woman really wants a happy healthy blended family relationship in the future then she’s gonna have to put in the time and effort required, that doesn’t just get handed to you.

  51. LDR are very very hot…some people do better than others. The biggest problem is you only know what they want you to know. A lot of women make the mistake of becoming what they think the man they are dating wants. Unfortunately as time goes on their true colors show and the man realizes hes been duped and doesnt really know her.

    It's so easy to put on a facade when you online so far away. She may seem perfect but you know shes really not…nobody is.

    Definitely back away…let her reach out. It might take a few weeks or even months if she met someone else closer. But its up to her to fix this…you can't do it for her. I honestly think she'll call you in a month or two with regret of how she handled this or that she misses you.

  52. Yeah.. that’s what I have been thinking lately, especially since we are in a long distance relationship and I am not always with him. I worry about what else he is doing when I am not there.

  53. You're filling in gaps you weren't around for. There was no risk of any break up at the time and the comments weren't sought out. These were long, deep, thoughtful conversations that again have taken place over years and condensed for the sake of a Reddit post. You're assuming the intent behind it and that it wasn't meant. How can you presume to know more about who he is than I do? I may be seeking outside perspective and advice but I'm not looking for a stranger to cherry pick from what I've said to twist my whole life in knots. I've given the background to the best of my ability to try to work out what to do for him from here.

    He is depressed and he is overwhelmed, but he's not an idiot and hasn't spent the last six years wilfully digging his own grave. He deserves so much more credit than that.

    If you only know two dimensional characters then maybe get out a bit more before you trash other people that way, again especially when they are particularly vulnerable.

    You're also not coming at this the same way as everyone else so don't make out like it's me against everyone. You're being needlessly cruel and creating a totally warped image out of what I have offered – that's not and everyone thing, that's a you thing.

  54. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Trigger warning: this post could be hot to read if you’re LGBT.

    I’ve been married to my husband for almost eight years. We have two kids together, a six month old son and a five year old daughter. I’ve always been close with his family, and they treated me very well from the start. I’ve been exceptionally close with his little sister (21F). I always wanted a sister growing up, and I feel like I achieved that when I met my SIL. She has always been there when we needed her, and she’s an amazing aunt to our kids.

    My SIL was never in a serious relationship in high school or college. Our family joked that she was going end up being a crazy cat lady. When my SIL told everyone that she had been seeing someone for about six months and she wanted all of us to meet them we were all very excited for her. My MIL and FIL made a very nice dinner for her and her s/o and invited my husband and I over to meet them. When my SIL arrived with another woman the room went quiet. She introduced this woman as her girlfriend, and I gave them both a hug and told her girlfriend how happy I was to meet her. I was confused to why no one else was getting up to greet them until my MIL opened her mouth.

    My MIL asked my SIL what this means. My SIL responded and told them that she’s a lesbian. She explained that she was scared to come out because she didn’t know how they would react, but she’s in a very happy relationship and she didn’t want to hide it anymore. I told her that I was proud of her, and that I was happy that she’s happy. My MIL responded to me before my SIL got a chance. She asked me what there was to be proud of. She then started going on a homophobic religious rant, and my FIL agreed with her. I looked to my husband expecting him to say something, but he sat there in silence. My MIL and FIL started shouting at my SIL tearing her apart in front of her girlfriend. My SIL starting having an anxiety attack, and she kept repeating that she couldn’t handle this. Still her parents didn’t stop. Her girlfriend immediately reacted by taking her outside.

    I told my husband to get the kids in the car. He put up a fight, but eventually did what I asked. While he was putting the kids in the car I took this as an opportunity to talk to my SIL and her girlfriend away from the other family. We had a heartfelt conversation, and I wanted to make sure they knew that they could talk to me if they needed someone.

    On the drive home I asked my husband why he didn’t say anything to his parents when they were acting this way to his sister. His response? His response was that his sister shouldn’t have showed up with a girl without telling his parents first. He says that no one knew she was gay, and this was an appropriate reaction to have when you feel blindsided. I felt sick.

    I have a gay brother. My husband and his family have met my brother on many occasions. None of them have ever made a comment about his sexuality, nor have they ever made a homophobic comment around me. I bring this up to my husband, and he says that it’s different when it’s your own blood. I asked him if he would be okay with one of our kids being gay and he just shrugged his shoulders. I tried talking to him more, but he told me that he was done talking about this with me.

    We haven’t spoken much since this happened. I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut. I cant stop thinking about everything, and I need some advice. I would ask my brother, but I don’t want him to feel unsafe around my husband’s family. I feel completely lost, and in my husband’s words..blindsided.

  55. He is someone who barely showed affection to me

    Yeah you were a FWB not his girlfriend i think that is the reason.

  56. Lost contact with my 8 year old sister and was Kate’s idea, Kate Matt and Emily teamed up and got me fired my reporting me to customer service and will family are super religious like the most religious people in my state and they are open about the death penalty for being gay so it was a dumb idea because of that and that is way I’m on here

  57. All this from a relationship that only lasted eight months??

    You are the one that’s been heavily pursuing a relationship with her ever since the breakup. You detail in this post many times you made overtures to her, sometimes after weeks of asking to see her, and two occasions she reached out to you first after long silences. You don’t seem to be honest with yourself about when you finally gave up pursuing her romantically and accepted that you were just friends — you say in this post that it’s been one year and two years, so which is it?

    I don’t think you have a great sense of boundaries. You’ve been aggressively pursuing a ‘friendship’ even though you’ve openly admitted to her that you still have feelings for her and she’s told you multiple times she doesn’t reciprocate. That’s not how friendship works. It’s not really that surprising that she hasn’t been 100% open about her life with you, since you have demonstrated that you aren’t a very good friend and you are not very capable of taking no for an answer.

    Stop trying to force this friendship. Take some time for yourself and don’t contact her. See if she re-engages contact with you after a while and take it from there if she does. If she doesn’t, it’s time to finally let this weird convoluted relationship go.

  58. “Hello Amanda, we need to talk.

    So for the past few [insert the time frame] where we've been talking, I've pretty much played and toyed with your emotion. I noticed you kinda liked me, and I acted on it pretending that I liked you back. Why I did this, well quite simply I though it was all fun and games, untill resently I've realise that what I have done simply is not right and pretty fucked up to do to another person, and basically I feel pretty ashamed by my own behavior. This reason I'm telling you all this so bluntly, is because I didn't know what to do or how to stop it, so I asked reddit how to slither out of it like a spoiled child. But this dude recommend me I simply told you the god honest truth, so you could realise the kind of scumbag I am. So yeah that's about it, I truly hope you hate me as much as the hate I've received by making the reddit post, because damn, a girl like you deserves so much better people in their life than what I have to offer.”

  59. Keep the no contact. Block him and be done with this dude.

    This kind of distancing is a pattern for him, though this was his most dramatic execution of it, and I know its not what I want.

    So he has done this before, and yet you are the one wondering if you are the one stopping you from being together. No. It's been him.

    Was he trying to get with someone else?


  60. You are making problems out of nothing. Makes me wonder what other parts of life you like to create problems out of.

  61. I’d say I’m pretty good at communicating and getting my feelings across but he isn’t, he blocks it out, he doesn’t want to know what bothers me

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