Alyce and Axell the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Alyce and Axell, 27 y.o.


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Live Live Sex Chat rooms Alyce and Axell

Alyce and Axell live sex chat

Date: December 16, 2022

35 thoughts on “Alyce and Axell the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. As long as the citizenship issue is unresolved his parents are going to suspect you of gold digging. Though you feel you've done nothing wrong, you are here illegally. That's actually wrong and you know it. Clear up all those issues and then see how things shake out. You are doing the right thing by removing yourself from being dependant on someone.

  2. You are learning an important life lesson. All women are irrational.

    You have to decide for yourself if it is worth traveling to see her. Is getting laid worth putting up with crazy?

  3. You're doing the right thing. She needs to deal with her current situation first or you'll always wonder if she was using you as a way out.

  4. Could be to get you jealous, could also be that she for some reason feels like she owes it to you. Either way don't really have to worry about her.

  5. There was one of these sad cases in Michigan not long ago too. šŸ™

    So heartbreaking and infuriating at the same time.

  6. Seriously dudette, WTF, the conclusion jumping isā€¦. Idk if itā€™s hilarious or alarming.

    This was totally a case of some flirty 18 YO girl going up to dudes at parties and going ā€œcan I borrow your hoodie teeheehee!?!ā€ And 18 YO dudes seeing it as a chance to flirt going ā€œhuh huh huh sure!!ā€ And they never see the hoodie againā€¦

    Maybe some of them were acquired after sexcapadesā€¦. Again, so what. If you wanna be with an attractive sexy gal, you gotta accept that she existed in that form before you came along.

  7. Clearly the emergency part! I retract my statement, but I donā€™t think she owes him anything to make up for it. I donā€™t think she gets to be mad either, mind you. She said no, I wonā€™t help or even try to see if my bosses can give me leeway to take care of you. Nor did she call before the surgery to check in. What if he had died?? I think itā€™s best they break up honestly, sheā€™s not as committed.

  8. If you do need or feel like you need to buy something to keep the peace then just go to a good will and pick up some baby clothes. Toys are junk but clothes (or diapers) are gold.

  9. Thatā€™s what I do, my parents has money and buy what ever they want, so I buy that stupid but useful item that people would appreciate but wouldnā€™t waste money on, last year I bought my dad a beard bib? You wear it like a bib and attach the other end to the mirror so you can shave your beard and all of the hair catches on it. Itā€™s something stupid but he uses often

  10. It's best if you – as a child – stay out of the games these adults are playing.

    Take your dad for a ride. By himself.

    Sit down at a restaurant. Look in his eyes. Tell him what you feel good about him. Tell him you want him as a father in your life and that's why you are even talking with him. Tell him you want a one-on-one relationship where he can confidently tell you something without worrying if it will make to anyone else in th world. Tell him that that's how you want him to be also but also similar to him you will not breach other's confidence either.

    In short, everyone has their personal boundaries and at least your boundaries will not be trampled upon. And you won't trample others. This has to be very clear befor the next point.

    Tell him that you feel Lilly and Lillianna are too close. Specially when shortened. So ask him to share about why it's ao important for he and his new wife to name their daughter so close.

    How do you feel about his wife? She reached out to you on FB. Do you feel that you two can have a decent relationship as step mom and step daughter?

    If you are not sure then may be you need to work on some aspects of your relationship with both of them.

    I don't know but it's highly likely your mom and grandma are also not following personal boundaries.

    One tale tell sign is when one person hints or speaks badly about other person behind them. Whenever that happens then just stop. Say something like “I know you may be mad or angry or miffed at the absent person. But it's not fair for us to talk bad about them behind their back. We should not assume why they said or did xyz. We should flatly ask them, without making them angry. So they can be comfortable in telling their motives truthfully”.

    People don't change their behavior because someone else says so. They change when they realize it is necessary or better for them. So, be patient. But persist.

    Eventually you will lead these adults to a better place. As good as it can get.

    Good luck.

  11. There are always people thirstier than us, even as we pass into a coma and our organs shut down we do not drink water because someone else is closer to death. We finally reach the point of no return and it's okay to drink but we are unable to wake. That is why we all died. Because someone else having it worse is a valid excuse to not do anything. We all died.

  12. of course it does. but then who do you call when you need help in a situation like this? obviously she was trusting of her friend thats why she used him for help.

    if you online in a world of constant fear where you think everyone is going to take advantage of you then you'll never have any friends and on-line a lonely life

  13. Why? You arenā€™t in a relationship.

    It sounds more insane to constantly have sex with a guy but not have a relationship.

    Sounds like you meet his needs enough for sex.

  14. Okay then say that, then talk about that. Damn. Second time you've done that. If the yelling is the abusive part then say that don't decide to start manufacturing this throwing them is abuse bs

  15. Hello /u/KidCudi_aka_MrRager,

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  16. Move on. You're setting yourself on fire to keep her warm. By making everything about her for the past 2 years you've sacrificied 'you' for her. She no longer sees you as the person she caught feelings for, if she ever did.

    And if you KNOW you're the kind of person to set yourself on fire like this, you are hereby banned from dating untill you sort that shit out. Get your ass in therapy.

    The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. Stop being insane.

  17. oh no i wasnā€™t thinking about moving in with him, more of just getting my own place/room by myself. and i would love to be assertive, i always have been with her, but sheā€™s quite stubborn and set in her ways, it takes so much to get her to listen to me

  18. Not saying he did anything wrong. Iā€™m saying if he now gets with the colleague, she had reason to feel insecure and jealous.

  19. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I know I am too old to still be at home. I have no money saved up Iā€™m dumb blah blah you donā€™t have to mention that because I know. I am in community college and learned later on that I have learning disabilities. Learning disabilities that werenā€™t disclosed to me when I was younger, because my parents believe that if I work hard enough I could get over them. ( just mentioning- my dad was born in colorado USA and my mom was born in Mexico- both grew up poor. Maybe this is why they think this??) anyways, I found out that they knew since I was around 4 and just never did anything about it because they donā€™t believe in it basically. I have also found out my 2nd grade teacher told them I most likely have autism and should get tested. Never got me tested yet I showed all the signs. I didnā€™t talk to anyone and chose to be basically mute for gods sake all the way up to 12 years fucking old. I was put in ESL all throughout elementary because I didnā€™t talk. Even though my first language is English and Iā€™ve always been fluent. I assume this happened because I was in a mostly white school and they just assumed that I didnā€™t speak English since I refused to talk. My parents did NOTHING about this. I donā€™t know what the fuck to do! I literally need help. My parents are so mean to me and when I try to talk to them about these things like an adult they get extremely offended. Tonight I came home at 10. I hear meditation music blasting and moaning. I had just came back from the gym and was starving so I decide to still eat downstairs but I turn the tv all the way up. We have a 2 story home. I online in a middle class family it is a pretty big house. I then put my headphones in as well because hearing that is pretty disturbing to me. From moaning it goes to SCREAMING. I can hear this screaming while I have headphones in and tv all the way up. The screaming (from sex) on and off for 10 fucking minutes that I know of because I hear it in between the music Iā€™m blasting in my room once I got to it. Literal screaming. My friend calls me I answer by that time it stopped. Iā€™m just talking to my friend about how I might come over because I want to avoid this shit . I kid you not. I hear my dad at my door. He tells me stop shut up and stop making noise THAT IM KEEPING HIM AND MY MOM UP???I say what are you talking about? I heard screaming!!!!! So I couldnā€™t sleep! He then says no I didnā€™t. I didnā€™t hear screaming? Iā€™m still talking to my friend at this moment -normal tone- and my dad says stop talking and go to sleep.. Iā€™ve never hallucinated in my life or had issues like that. I bring up the past in the first part of this post because everything I have brought up to my parents that possibly can hurt their ego or something???? They deny??? Why is it they keep denying my reality are they trying to say Iā€™m crazy or what???please if anyone has felt with something like this give me advice, or outside perspective please help. I have depended on them all my life. Any advice on how to escape this would be helpful. All Iā€™ve known is depending on them for money. Iā€™ve never felt loved. Just like a burden. I donā€™t want to be dependent on people who have treated me like this.. I appreciate the house over my head and being raised by them Iā€™m thankful but wtf!!! Please help. TDLR: Parents actively try to manipulate me and put me down about reality. Going insane. My mom is toxic and my dad is narcissistic and I donā€™t use these words lightly. Advice needed.

  20. No. Theirs two areas he can change to guest rooms and I already told him my grandfather would Help him for free (grandfather already promised)

    Heā€™d do it now if my partner gave the okay. Heā€™s dragging his feet.

  21. I've dealt with your situation. I will not mistreat my children's mother to make someone else more comfortable. That said, that relationship needs more and stricter boundaries when you have a partner. Open phone policy and you have to let your ex know that if it's not about parenting, she should not do it. Ignoring it works sometimes but she should not be sending it.

    GF needs to chill and accept that you have to coparent. It's not always going to be perfect where she can police your thoughts and speech, but she should have input on boundaries. That you initiated the divorce is an Ace for sure.

    Finally, you need to come to peace with the idea that you may not be successful dating until your boy leaves home, but even then this kinda stuff is still going to come up.

  22. Yeah, but like… that was a year ago. And you don't graduate for another year. I would hazard that it is very, very unlikely that she's planning on sitting on her hands for 2 years to show up at the graduation of a dude whose name she doesn't even know and who she chatted to for 24 hours.

  23. Totally understandable. I was just curious. NFT space absolutely full of bad faith grifters. Best of luck, but itā€™s gonna take a lot of honesty and healing to mend your relationship.

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