Amanda Cruz online webcams for YOU!


Doggystyle pussy fingering [Multi Goal]

Date: October 28, 2022

36 thoughts on “Amanda Cruz online webcams for YOU!

  1. oh great question! my fiance actually said that if Darcy was around his age, he definitely wouldnt allow that kind of behaviour as it would be so inappropriate. In honesty, none of his female friends around his age are that clingy, he always keeps a certain distance with them. But now they have like what, 9 years difference and I just know that he loves her as a sibling. Its just the possibilty of her seeing my man in a different way that makes me uncomfortable, even though I know he would never allow any advances if she acts on it.

  2. Thank you for your reply. I agree with you that the situation became pretty pointless so far. But I see it as giving her a chance by taking action. Since I did mention how i feel about it many times. And I do accept it if she wants to stay in contact with her ex. The only thing that I want her to be, is clear and honest about it. She should communicate that she wants to be in contact with me. But she is telling me and him 2 different stories. Something that I find very hot or even impossible to deal with.

  3. I know people are mentioning Endometriosis, which is definitely something that you guys should look into, but you mentioning that she had previous trauma made me instantly think of Vaginismus.

    Try to talk to her about when she is experiencing pain. Is it upon penetration? Is it only occuring during certain positions/when you hit certain areas in her vagina? Is she having pain after sex as well? Does she get cramps before, during, or after sex? If pain occurring during any sexual arousal/foreplay, even before penetration? How are her periods?

    These are questions you will need to ask not only for when she visits a doctor, but also for when you approach sex again. For now though, I wouldn't try to have sex for a while, and I would let her initiate sex from now on.

    I also think that it's important for you to let her know that you care about her and her health/needs more than sex and that you wish she would let you know if she is having issues. It's really good that she opened up to you about the pain, but the fact that she stayed quiet about it for so long is worrying.

    I can't give any sexual suggestions without knowing what specifically is going on, but for now, stop having sex and have her speak to a gyno if she can. You guys also need to talk about the pain in detail before continuing with sex.

  4. Confused what issue you think I even alluded to? One person commented a story about their GF, the other commented they had the “EXACT same thing” happen with their BF. So I was commenting how it would be humorous if they were actually already dating and didn’t know because it’s reddit. Also both these comments seem to have positive experiences not issues? Confused all around by your comment

  5. Your boyfriend doesn’t treat you well at all, this friend aside. Make him your ex, you don’t deserve to be screamed at or called names.

  6. He isn't putting pressure on himself, SHE is putting pressure on him. He wants to be able to ignore her texts if she is busy, but he feels like if he does not reply, then she will have NOTHING to occupy her day. Her only hobby is making her husband the center of her world, and credits him for healing her depression. Do you understand how much responsibility that can be to put on another person? To be responsible for all of their happiness, contentment, interest? Nah, she needs to work on becoming a more developed person who has interests outside of her husband, or he will eventually leave.

  7. No they did tell you something….you are the one trying to turn it into a guessing game when they already gave you the answer.

  8. Your past is just that, your PAST. Explain that to him and make him see u cannot change it…. that u are w him bc u want to be there…

  9. She doesn't know if she should blame herself for acting inappropriately or if it was just a warning to watch out for other people.

    The guy seems like someone who'd just warn you, so don't think too much about it. He probably heard something in the bathroom or somewhere where they could see you dancing. Your dress maybe lifted a bit too much while dancing (which happens), but if I were you I won't be worried about anything. ?

  10. I am so sorry for your loss and i am sorry for the pain youve went through. I am happy that you found the strength to reconcile with him and found the peace. Thats shows immense strength and maturity.

    We never reconciled per se.. We never built a relationship. It was more once a year meet up for him to see if i still study at school and him bragging about traveling abroad and complaining about his health.

    Most of my life i never saw him and i am unsure on what to do. I am about to leave to travel to him.

    Thank you for sharing your story with me ❤️ I appreciate that and gave me another thing to think about what to do.

  11. I would send anything you can get about the specific charges and send them to the family members with kids, then get yourself sorted legally to get divorced for the instance where your wife helps him. Then you can give her the paperwork that was prepared ahead of time.

    sorry mate.

  12. The vagina is very elastic – if you can to a kiegal you’re tight. He’s got a very skewed false world view and if you can’t teach him dump him

  13. She had a moment of weakness that she immediately regretted. And then wad open and honest with you.

    Ask yourself if your life is better with her or without her. If you love her, accept her apology and never bring it up again.

  14. Does he vibrate? No? Then it's not replacing him. He sounds really insecure. Does he realize that an external vibe can be used on him too? They're very versatile toys. Maybe the realization that it's different for him too will help ease him into realizing that it's not a replacement. It's literally a toy that either of you can play with.

    It may also be a good time to remind him that you're dating him for him. Not for his dick. So even if it WAS a replacement for that, it wouldn't matter.

  15. I think it’s weird you explicitly said, you had sex with her. She’s you’re girlfriend. It’s assumed you have sex with her. To additionally add she’s not only your girlfriend but you’re having sex with her is very r/ihavesex and awkward for everyone involved.

  16. How does he react when guys talk like that to you in a game?

    Also, the fact that he gets annoyed when you ask him (repeatedly) to stop, but doesn’t isn’t ok. If it truly bothers you that much, you can either stop gaming with him or end it since he isn’t showing any respect toward your feelings. Clearly talking to him about it any changing anything.

  17. Yeah I think that’s the worst thing. It makes me feel incredibly lonely

    When I first moved into my flat, my neighbours were dicks enough to have their bed and headboard against the wall joining my bedroom, and it was thin walls. The noise on its own sucked, but the whole “hey we're having great sex, and you're not having great sex” that came with it, was a massive headfuck.

    Even after I got regular sex, it's still sounds I didn't want to hear. It's like “hey, let's all go to the theme park and go on all the rides, and you can see(hear) us go on all the rides, but you can't go on all the rides. You're a passenger to our pleasure.”

    It's just not nice and your feelings aren't out with most people's I reckon.

  18. Marriage is not forever. The baby is forever so he’s stuck with her in his life regardless. Certainly would agree and not suggest marriage but it’s not forever.

  19. yeah, and for every one of those men, there's a hundred thousand more Brock Turners.

    i don't blame you for not understanding, but statistically, that situation was an outlier. compared to actual rape convictions, and the millions of victims who never get justice, it's not statistically significant.

  20. Sis, of all the red flags this guy is showing, this is the one you need to take the most notice of. If your partner treats you poorly in front of others and well when alone (or vice versa), he is priming you for abuse. You are being tested. He is ensuring that you will tolerate worse and worse behaviour by keeping you confused about his feelings. Dump this loser. He knows he treats you poorly, he just doesn’t care.

  21. Sorry, but she clearly can't handle your anxiety because you're allowing it to rule you, and it's affecting her. I wouldn't want to feel trapped this way, either.

  22. However we did meet right after I moved into a new state and didn’t know anybody. He’s given me a timeline too on when he wants to buy a home but “forgets” how serious I take getting engaged or married prior to buying property. It does make me considered that I’m being led into a trap.

  23. It’s been a month – you’ve got three years – if it’s meant to be, you’ll work out what’s best.. focus on getting to know each other, and finishing school!! Stop putting added pressure on the unknown

  24. Interesting isn’t that now that you are strapped down with his spawn you have to accept and give into his demands. He wants to sleep around, until he finds the one he wants to suddenly to be monogamous with, just get the divorce

  25. Other commenters have already covered that no, it's not common. But I want to come at it from a different angle – it doesn't matter if literally every single other couple is doing it, the only thing that matters is whether or not you're comfortable with it. If you're not into it, say no.

  26. Ding, ding, ding, ding! You're not a person to him, you're a conquest. Just like his wife isn't a person to him. And he supposedly loves her- but is off flirting with other women. Wonder how she'd feel to know about his behavior? He may care about her, but not enough to give up his ego stroke from another woman's interest. And he doesn't care about you enough to let you know what relationship he's already committed to (so don't believe his bs when he says she's on board with an open relationship – if she were on board with that, you'd already know about her.)


    There are two sides to every story, there are two people in every relationship.

    Op has given us one story, one in which the BF is lazy and borderline abusive.

    They moved into this house ONE WEEK ago and OP is already upset and distraught over the BF giving her a very hot time over fixing up a house he does not own. OP gives the indication that SHE bought the house, not him, not them, SHE owns it.

    Perhaps people.. PERHAPS, this issue isn't as cut and dry as it seems.

    The TLDR does not match the context of the post.

    TLTR; my boyfriend is angry and passive when asked to do things around the house.

    OP's do things around the house sure doesn't sound like (in context) doing the dishes…

    OP said:

    There’s still so much to get done in the house … which so far has been DIY

    ( This certainly sounds like to me that OP has dumped all the DIY chores onto the BF and is upset he's not getting to them as quickly as she would like. It sounds like she invited a handyman into her home and is mad that he's not doing the job while she gives him free roam and board.

    IF you stop for a second, remove the all men as shit stick up your collective ass and realize there are actually TWP people here, and read what OP has said, it sounds

    MORE like:

    He doesn't wan't to jump up when asked to the banisters, replace the toilet, fix the plumbing, patch the hole in the wall and paint.


    He won't do the dishes.

    I also must ask why the OP thinks her BF is Mr. DIY and able to do all of these things, men are handy sure, but we're not born with a hammer in our hands.

    That said, I agree with all of you here, he's a bum, he's an abuser, he's controlling, he's an asshole and she should kick him out immediately and find another handyman to help her fix up her new house. At least then she can hire a real handyman and he can get someone who cares more about hi than the non-working bathroom sink.

  28. My brother in Christ, this marriage is over.

    Allow me to rehash this issue, in more neutral terms for you, so you can see it objectively:

    Your jobless wife blames you for working too much, accuses you of being unable to emotionally satisfy and support her because you are gone all day putting a roof over head and food on her plate, and has moved another man into the emotional role of partner. When you expressed discomfort with this objectively-fucking-shady behavior and arrangement with said other man, instead of doing anything at all to accommodate your feelings on this subject, she gaslights you about not trusting her while lying to you about still hanging out with the other man.

    She is for the streets, fam. One way bus-pass back to her mama’s house.

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