Ameli live webcams for YOU!


3 thoughts on “Ameli live webcams for YOU!

  1. I don't think 'stress' is necessarily code for anything but stress in our situation. We do not online together, we live an hour away and I drive to her constantly. She is evidently very stressed and depressed from her loss. Her new family dynamic and exactly how much responsibility it requires of her has been talking a toll on her. I hate that my frustration and resent has come up at such a difficult time for her, but I have been trying to address this problem between us for so long with no real progress. We've talked about it at nauseam and see constantly sees it from a viewpoint of disgust. She says I am only here for sex! She tells me how “psychotic” it is that I want sex at a time like this. I have tried and tried to explain that this isn't about sex as much as it is about being physically and intimately connected. She is set in her ways and does not see my perspective.

    I want to help her through her loss. I also feel grief for the loss of her father. I go out of my way to help her and her family with anything and everything. It is hurtful when she says “all you want is sex” because it discounts everything I do for her on a daily basis. Regardless of what the latest challenge is in the relationship, we all have needs that need to be met for the relationship to function properly. She does not feel supported, considered, nor heard. I want to help and I am a good man, I treat her right, but lately my resentment for this intimacy issue has gotten the best of me.

    I do not want to leave her, especially while she is enduring such pain and stress in the aftermath of her loss, I am just not sure what to do. It has been so long since I first brought this to her attention.

  2. Honestly, my list isn't in chronological order. I do remember the order, though. That being said, it's the other behavior indicated that raises red flags. In no way would I ever disrespect my partner by spending one on one time in a date like scenario with anyone, let alone a co worker. The doubts placed in their mind would be enough alone, let alone any resulting emotional affair potential… Eek! In the off chance she's been with others, get tested. Test again in a few months. Take some space and really listen to your gut on this. You already know, you just have to be quiet and still enough to find the answer

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