Amy-evaans on-line sex cams for YOU!



Date: October 8, 2022

16 thoughts on “Amy-evaans on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. “The only memory after that I have is of laying on my floor while something happened and crying for it to stop” that is assault.

    You were blackout drunk, sure you may have initiated some things, but the moment you said no that consent ended. I'm sorry that people here are trying to tell you it's all your fault.

    Yes you made some bad decisions, yes initiated cheating, but also yes you were assaulted.

  2. You'll be ok, its perfectly normal to feel that way. Besides, if you cried while dancing and are still together, sounds like you've got a keeper.

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  4. u/West-Ad3254, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  5. This is so immature. You were depressed so he gets to cheat as repayment? Disgusting. Let him go. Really. He is not ready for the commitment that marriage requires. I hate to tell you that your marriage is most likely done for anyway.

    Option A, he gets his “break” and decides being single is more fun and wants a divorce.

    Option B, he gets his “break” and when he comes back there is resentment from you and anytime live gets naked, he asks for another break to repay him. And life will get hot at times. Marriage is very hot (married 26 years) and life gets hard sometimes. If both people aren't in it for the long haul, it won't last.

    Option C, you talk him out of this “break” and he resents you even more. It's like you got your depression now I get to be unfaithful.

    You could try counseling, but if infidelity is his go to solution to even the playing field of depression? Not holding out a lot of hope that will fix anything.

  6. When you presented him with a gift did he say anything? Not even a little oh I’m really sorry, I didn’t think we were doing gifts. That would ring alarm bells to me if he didn’t even acknowledge the situation.

  7. Take the sexual part out of it then. Spitting on someone is assault. So surely a nonconsensual kiss would be as well. An assault charge might get a restraining order.

  8. Breaking up with people is really, really naked. He probably just wasn't ready for a committed relationship and is honestly kind of relieved to have the painful breakup part over. It doesn't mean he doesn't care about you, it really might just be that he isn't ready for that type of commitment in his life yet.

  9. Also personal items can always be replaced, it’s just stuff.

    Secondly, if your family doesn’t get along now, imagine what the next 20 years will be like.

    Lastly, who threatens to kill someone they love? Unstable individuals.

    Don’t feel guilted into something. It’s a life decision.

  10. Kids there for that scene: mom you were a porn star?! It wasn’t with my football team was it?

  11. Did you read the post? She said she didn't like smokers but said just to not smoke while she's around. He didn't break any promise. Now you say he's not mature enough for a relationship? Dude get real. You didn't even properly read his post. But yeah sure the one who ends it all over a cigarette that wasn't even smoked in front of her yeah she's alright, totally mature enough to have a relationship. You guys got me f'd up.

  12. Annulments need to meet requirements, this may not meet them. I tried to get one after I caught my ex-husband cheating within 6 months and had to file for divorce. Divorce process lasted longer than the active marriage

  13. I have not had a good experience trying mono with someone who wants to be poly. I would say you either need to be explicit and here that she is excited about committing to monogamy for the length of your relationship, or pass on this relationship altogether.

  14. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I (31F) am currently 25 weeks pregnant. I have had hyperpigmentation under my arms for a while, which became particularly exacerbated with a certain deodorant I was using. I used glycolic acid which helped some, but then it stopped working as well. I asked my husband (32M – we have been married for 2.5 years) for recommendations and he saw something about baking soda and lemon and i remembered one of my friends using that and getting good results. So he went out and got that for me. I told my friend about it and she said “oh no that didn’t work, i got horrible burns!” So told my husband that i remembered incorrectly and that I no longer wanted to try it. I have not been doing anything and it hasn’t gotten any worse and has gotten marginally better on its own, so I am just letting it be for now.

    Fast forward to today, the weather is nice so we had plans to go out for the afternoon. I got ready and came downstairs wearing a sleeveless dress (that I had worn earlier in the week when we went out) and he has this look on his face, asks me to lift up my arms and asks if I would put something on that covers my armpits i said no that i feel ok wearing this outfit and he then proceeds to tell me he won’t be leaving and going anywhere with me while my armpits are dark like that. I tell him that is unreasonable, controlling, and unacceptable. And that this is how my body is rn because of pregnancy. He said that i initially told him it was because of the deodorant, not pregnancy to which I said the deodorant made it worse but the pregnancy is the reason it is there to begin with. He then said that i took my friend’s advice over his and that because i was not doing anything about it right now that is the reason why he won’t go out with me. He said that if i had tried the lemon and it didn’t work, then he would be fine with what I’m wearing. I continued to explain to him that it was extremely not ok for him to be saying and acting like this and that ANYONE who is healthy/rational/sane would see it as highly problematic. So here I am taking to Reddit because I cannot even begin to bring myself to talk about this with anyone we actually know. But I would appreciate any input.

    I care about my body and my appearance and it hurts because I feel like my husband is ashamed/embarrassed by something I cannot control and that pregnancy is causing. I was really distraught by it especially when it was looking worse than it does now, but at this point I cannot let myself be ashamed.

    please be kind and respectful in your replies

  15. With her as it’s in the UK and woman automatically get that right unless she’s known to be abusive or dangerous I guess, I only have a one bedroom flat also so having all three at once wouldn’t be ideal either making the situation worse, no that isn’t an excuse but assuming I managed to blow up three single air beds there would little to no room to move.

    I often consider ending it all, not that there is much physical affection nowadays, I only seem to be useful for when she needs something, or at least that is how it seems.

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