Amyoz live sex cams for YOU!


Get me horny, Finger pussy deeper [Multi Goal]

Date: October 8, 2022

31 thoughts on “Amyoz live sex cams for YOU!

  1. She texted you to go out as friends and you're married? Dude, no body is stupid here. No grown man needs to be finding friends and then you don't even talk to your wife? Smh. Some of you men are the absolute worse! You're supposed to go to school, then work, study, hang with your wife then study, rinse and repeat. Dates and going out are with wife and other married friends. Smh.

  2. I honestly won’t! I really like his family and I feel like I’ve got them things they’ll appreciate and enjoy

  3. i probably explained myself wrong. sex isn't everything to me even if it feels this special. while we were together we didn't have sex all day every day, we did so many things outside of that. we went out for walks, we went to nice restaurants, sometimes we just stayed at home and do something as simple as watching a movie but i was still happy with that. i don't want to have sex all the time just because i like how it makes me feel. as for his parents, i have never met him in person but we have talked over the phone. they know that i'm atheist but they seem to accept me anyway. they never tried to push their religion on me or anything. i read some comments calling jw a cult, i'm not saying that it's all fake but my boyfriend and his parents don't seem to be that way at all

  4. How can your baby have his ex’s eyes? Wtf? He says he favours his ex in looks? Comparing his relationship with her and your relationship is really uncalled for and toxic. Sounds like he’s either just plain tactless and rude or he is trying to make you jealous or both. Have you told him how it makes you feel? Because if you have and he still continues to do it that means it’s on purpose.

  5. Ohhhh… he's used you. Like so many others have said, that's why he wants to live! in the same place but still be together on paper rather than divorce.

    I would end this relationship immediately and advise the government that you are no longer together and seeking divorce.

  6. It didn't feel like rape just uncomfortable because I didn't want to right then. He just went very quiet and red faced then got a bit angry and swore but then gave me a hug amd a kiss. Then I left after a few minutes and went home

  7. Oh boy. This was me a year and a half ago. Cat would wake us up every night at between 3-4am. Bf did not want to train her to stop or keep her out of the room. Bf snored like he was sawing logs and would not go to the doctor to get it addressed. Found out alcohol before bed was a major trigger for his snoring. I didn't get a full night's sleep in over two years. He would not stop drinking before bed. Broke up with him and made my new bedroom the coziest place imaginable. Wish I'd done it sooner. The cats and the bed hogging are not the problem in your relationship. Your partner refusing to put in any work to address a biological need of yours is. Good luck.

  8. I am not from the US. Where I am from we have enough wellfare for housing, food, clothes. We also have places in my country where the smallest one room appartment is almost 1000 $ and then there are places where you can rent a bigger one for 350$. And you can travel by train for 24 hours for just under 50$.

    So yeah, I have no idea how that works in your place. Well in the end you need to think about if its your problem or his and if you want to make it yours.

  9. No, when I go to a doctor about symptoms they test my thyroid, which always turns up normal, so they tell me to take pain medication until it goes away.

  10. He is totally taking advantage of you. I get that it's his name on the property, but he needs your money to pay the mortgage. As it stands, you're not benefiting from this setup at all. It's not right that he gets full control of the two other bedrooms, and you get nothing. You should each get one bedroom as a dedicated space.

    He is an RMT and wants to treat people from one of them (he’s now said he wants to eventually be working full time out of the house)

    Unless he is somehow able to split the house up, and have a separate entrance for that room, he is going to have a very nude time finding patients. No one is going to want to go into a random house in the middle of some neighborhood, and walk through some random dude's home to get a massage. I'm sure he will have some friends and family that are willing, but for most people that is going to sound way too sketchy. Especially when there are tons of franchise massage therapy places, and lots of RMT's operating out of physical therapy and chiropractic offices.

    Unless he is willing to make the other bedroom your dedicated space, then you should not move in with him. You are better off renting your own place or renting with your sister.

  11. “And this ladies is how you break a Man you have known for years and love under 10 minutes.”

    Seriously what did you expect ? Imagine he told you that his ex was a better lay than you ? No she did not have anything spécial she just had this attitude that made me horny and moves that could get me over in 10s and then want more.

    You broke him and to be franck i don't see any easy way to get back from that.

  12. My girlfriend is a fantastic singer and I love listening to her sing while doing mundane things like the dishes. You're doing a sweet and caring thing for your boyfriend and it seems like some people are jealous that they don't have someone who does as nice things for them. They probably call it weird to feel better about themselves.

  13. It’s not just guys. Plenty of people have different sex drives. Yours sounds on the very low end of the spectrum. It’s entirely reasonable for him to want someone who he will be more compatable with.

  14. So basically it's a he said/she said between bf and the girl? Ask the girl for screenshots of their texts. I don't think bf should be getting another girl (who happens to be posting explicit photos live!) phone number. It's def cheating adjacent.

  15. Here is the advice you should take: when someone tells you they want to go on a break you go “thank you, I have been thinking the same thing myself. Text me if you come around, I fully support giving you the space you need and you doing the same to me”..then you go off and start dating other people to get some perspective on your current relationship.

  16. Take time to think about your options. Do you want to have another kid? Can you afford it? Are you open to having an abortion? Is it accessible? Take a moment to try to find your own grasp on this. Then have an informed conversation with your partner and also gather their thoughts. Then move forward in the way that works best for you all

  17. I wouldnt request it if i tried already multiple times, i would move on, and if you want a romantic partner and he is the opposite of it, then you probably are not a match.

  18. Threesomes can be fun, but I don't suggest doing it with her best friend. This is something that needs to be talked about beforehand, not “happy birthday, we're having a threesome!”

  19. I don't think it was disrespectful. If you don't want other guys showing her attention, go to the bar with her!

    Don't tell her “go without me, have fun and be safe” and then get upset that she danced.

  20. I don't think it was disrespectful. If you don't want other guys showing her attention, go to the bar with her!

    Don't tell her “go without me, have fun and be safe” and then get upset that she danced.

  21. Why are you with someone like this? It’s not going to improve unless you “play your role” You know, be a housewife – gross.

    I know this works for some relationships but it’s because there is the same values and wants and good communication happening. It’s the relationships that start out similar to this that are the shitty ones because if you don’t do what he wants you to do then you’ll find yourself getting emotionally abused until you do.

    You sound like a smart woman. You can do better.

  22. Idk dude sounds like she’s having second thoughts about you just give her space she wants to continue the relationship than good but if not your just not compatible

  23. This! You need a support system outside of your partner – if your partner is your only outside liaison to the world, that's placing a huge emotional burden on them. And it's frigging boring for them if all you can talk about is how you stared at the wallpaper while they were gone. Live! a little and connect with a few more people. And move on from her, that ship has sailed.

  24. This! You need a support system outside of your partner – if your partner is your only outside liaison to the world, that's placing a huge emotional burden on them. And it's frigging boring for them if all you can talk about is how you stared at the wallpaper while they were gone. Live! a little and connect with a few more people. And move on from her, that ship has sailed.

  25. Some people also tend to forget that cheaters WILL cheat, no matter how controlling the other partner is going to be. What do you wanna do, chain your spouse to the kitchen table? More so, it might even drive them away from the relationship altogether because who the hell likes being controlled in a relationship?

  26. “Hey you know what? Let’s keep things casual. When you want to hang out, let’s hang out. When you don’t, let’s not. But I’m going to start dating other people in the meantime because life is too short waiting for you to have time with me once or twice a month.”

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