Andrew & Jota Stivens the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Andrew & Jota Stivens, 19 y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Andrew & Jota Stivens

Andrew & Jota Stivens online sex chat

Date: October 9, 2022

19 thoughts on “Andrew & Jota Stivens the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Well I was originally going to say stay out of it, but given that in your other post you said it in relation to child porn, yea I would tell. She may not have kids, but she could have younger siblings, or other relatives that could be around this guy

  2. Rough spots in relationships happen when you’ve known the person for a LONG time. This person sounds selfish and demanding of your time to the point where it is unhealthy and weird. You do not need this person as a friend of all they are doing is stressing you out and depressing you. That’s not a rough patch, that’s an emotionally abusive “friend”.

  3. Hi OP. Those men of your past might have used you because you are a people pleaser. Your BF is doing the same.

    He says very mean things that no partner would say to their SO. He says them because he knows he can say them and thinks you can't stand up to yourself.

    He says that you don't have self-respect and blames that on you, while on the other hand, he is depending on that same lack of self-respect to not stand up to him.

    You are not going to teach him.. so leave.

  4. We had sexual relations in the past and she cut me off after being exclusive for a bout 3 weeks. It’s not like we just “talked”

  5. What do you do? Do whatever is best for you and your body. I can't believe this post exists as this shouldn't be a question!

  6. Ditch that person and his mother.

    Either he chose you because he believes you can be groomed into doing exactly as he and his parents want you to do, or you are just a filler until he decides to marry a 'good' Muslim woman.

    If people will not accept you for who you are, get them out of your life. Either they'll destroy her self esteem and self worth, or you'll be forced to change yourself and cater to every demand else you'll hear about you 'being a bad person'

    That is not love. Don't waste your life and your love on someone that doesn't love you as you are.

  7. Double standards.

    I would outright ask him “hey bf why do you still need nudes of your ex when my actual body is here for you to have sex with? Is her body more exciting to you? If so, why are you with me?”

  8. It HAS to be this. They don't even know each other that well.

    He's shopping around for someone willing to pay him $700 /to not prematurely ejaculate.

    Kind of like how scammers put deliberate typos in their emails to weed out the smart people early in the process.

  9. Go with her to a Drs appt and bring up the weight gain. 100ls overweight really adds to pregnancy issues.

  10. I'm not angry, I'm confused. This is my first relationship before my divorce and this guy tells me and shows me that he is with me, but he has some behavior that shows that he doesn't let it go his previous relationship (he is also divorced 3 years ago) I'm not angry, I don't understand but at the same time I know that that behavior makes me feel uncomfortable, insecure questionable… Thank you for the advice. I will talk about this honestly. I really appreciate your point of view. Thank you!!

  11. You know what I'm impressed with how accurately you summarized our entire argument based on the limited information provided. That is pretty much exactly what we argued about that night.

    She said she already feels insecure about herself because I haven't been able to get it up sometimes (it's happened a handful of times but it goes back up eventually), how she feels like she's always initiating intimacy, and now when she was “literally talking about having sex” with me I “snapped out of nowhere.”

    I don't think either of us are communicating well either in general. I told her sometimes it feels like I'm talking to a wall or sometimes I'm afraid to bring things up because usually the response is “well compared to what you do to me what I did isn't that big.” I'm sure she feels the same.

    We've had big arguments like this one a few times before, which has caused my girlfriend to tell me she feels emotionally unstable. I asked her what I can do to fix that and her answer is that these types of arguments should never happen to begin with. I don't know what to do because I can control what I say or do but not how she feels. She also says that I've changed because I don't seem as happy with her anymore, which isn't true either.

  12. People here are insufferable. The guy is saying he does plenty of chores but yet this must be scrutinized down to the wire apparently, as if we find a 10% discrepancy in chores and he fixed it, that will magically make his wife want to fuck him instead of her coworker.

    It’s literally just assuming that household chore division is the issue in the first place. It’s probably not, yet redditors will hyper focus on it like it is somehow the solution. It’s delusional, and boils down to this sub being largely full of people projecting their own issues onto other people.

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