AnnaOhInsky online sex cams for YOU!


AnnaOhInsky Public Chat Channel

Date: October 8, 2022

2 thoughts on “AnnaOhInsky online sex cams for YOU!

  1. He (36M) and I (24F) thought we were soulmates

    He was grossed out by my body while pregnant

    so I get that we have an age gap but I wasn't groomed

    None of this is a surprise in the slightest, unfortunately. Sure, maybe you weren't groomed, but you were falsely convinced into believing this man was a lot better than he is, and you age likely was the reason you got led on

    Older people don't date people close to half their age for nothing, y'know. Your husband is emotionally inept and very superficial, and guess what? When you stopped being superficially attractive to his fucked up beauty standards, and started being emotionally challenging by asking to be treated like a person, he left you.

    There is no relationship advice to be had here. You are done with the situation and can only be given remarks in hindsight. Yes, it's over, and honestly it was over by the time you had the kid. Make sure he pays child support.

  2. Talk to your uncle for one. Minimize contact as much as possible. If he recontracts tell him to leave you alone and if he keeps it up contact the police and ask what can be done where you live.

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